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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Outline of the Book of Ruth from the Thompson Chain Reference Bible Book Outlines Package

4230—The Book of Ruth 

A beautiful pastoral story, considered a literary gem by critics. 

One of two books in the Bible in which a woman is the principal character, Ruth and Esther. 
1] RUTH, a Moabite, married a Hebrew husband. 
2] ESTHER, a Jewess, married a Gentile king. 

AUTHOR: Unknown; possibly Samuel. 

DATE WRITTEN: 1046–1035 B.C.(?) 

PURPOSE: To show how a Gentile Woman became one of the ancestors of Christ. 

TO WHOM WRITTEN: The nation of Israel, and possibly surrounding Gentile peoples. 

MAIN THEME: The Kinsman-Redeemer, a type of Christ, truly liberates, when he fulfills his divinely ordained function. 

KEY WORD: Redemption. 

KEY VERSES: Ruth 1:16; 4:4. 
 I. BY SUBJECT, How a young Moabite woman’s life was enriched. 
(1) By a beautiful constancy and wise choice, Ruth 1:16. 
(2) By humble industriousness, Ruth 2:2–3. 
(3) By accepting counsel from an older friend, Ruth 3:1–5. 
(4) By a providential marriage, Ruth 4:10–11. 
 (5) By exaltation to a royal line, Ruth 4:13–17. 
 II. BY HISTORICAL ANALYSIS, the time of the Judges. 
 (1) The time in Moab, Ruth 1:1–5. 
 (2) The sad return to Bethlehem, Ruth 1:6–22. 
 (3) Ruth gleans in the fields of Boaz, Ruth 2. 
 (4) Her marriage to Boaz, Ruth 4:13. 
 (5) The birth of her son, the grandfather of David, Ruth 4:13–16. 
 (6) The genealogy of David, Ruth 4:18–22. 

PROMINENT PEOPLE: Elimelech, Ruth, Naomi, Boaz, Obed, Jesse, David. 

 Frank Charles Thompson and John Stephen Jauchen, eds., Thompson Chain Bible Book Outlines, Updated and Expanded., The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible (Indianapolis, IN: B.B. Kirkbride Bible Co., Inc., 1997), 2059–2060.

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Calling Out the Reserves 
“Reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war.”—Job 38:23. “Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.”—Joel 3:9, 10. On the evening of April 1st, the Lord Chancellor read a message from the Queen, stating that “Her Majesty has thought it right to communicate to the House of Lords that her Majesty is about to cause her Reserve Force and her Militia Reserve Force, or such part thereof as her Majesty shall think necessary, to be forthwith called out for permanent service.” Might not some such message from the King, who is in the midst of Zion, be just now very seasonable, if the Holy Spirit should convey it to all the churches? There should be no reserves in the hosts of the Lord; but alas, through the lukewarm condition of many, these reserves form a numerous part of our membership, and need a great many calls from their officers before they will obey. Perhaps if they felt that the King himself ordered that they should be “forthwith called out for permanent service,” the love of Christ would constrain them, and we should see them marching forth to war. “I pray thee have me excused” has been upon their lips for a long time, or else they have said,” I go, sir. but they have not gone. The word of Moses to the children of Gad and Reuben is exceedingly needed by many at this time:” Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit still?” The reserved forces are so terribly numerous as compared with the active army of our great King that our holy war is sadly hindered and the Canaanites are not subdued. Among these inactive professors there are many who are commonly known as “very reserved people.” These must no longer sit at ease, but must summon up courage enough to come up to the help of the Lord against the mighty, lest the curse of Meroz fall upon them. Others are idle, and allow their armour and their weapons to rust. Many are busy here and there about inferior things, but forget their allegiance to their Lord. Very much time, talent, and opportunity is held in reserve for various reasons, and ought at once to be brought forth and consecrated actively to the Lord. What meanest thou, O sleeper? What aileth thee, O sluggard? There is much to be done; why doest thou not thy part? Every man has a place appointed him in the battle; what excuse can be accepted for those who are at ease in Zion, and stir not a hand for their Master and his cause? Nor is it in men alone that a sinful reserve is made, but great treasures of gold and silver belonging to Christians are laid by to canker, while the Lord hath need of them. Men talk of loving Jesus so as to give him all, and in their hymns they say that if they might make some reserve, and duty did not call, their zeal would lead them to a total sacrifice, and yet the financial reserve of the church of God is probably a hundred times as great as that which is expended in the Lord’s service. Your own judgments will confirm this statement. The funds actually in the hands of professed believers are immense, for many Christians are enormously rich, and yet we hear daily appeals for money, till one might conclude that all professors of the Christian faith were as poor as Lazarus, and that nowadays no holy women were able to minister to the Lord of their substance, and such persons as Joseph of Arimathæa were no longer disciples of Jesus. There is a great deal of reserve time, and reserve talent, and reserve energy and fire, and we would in the name of Jesus call it out. Why, some men when engaged in the service of God seem to be only the tenth part of men compared with their zeal in their business pursuits. It would take nine of some church members to make one veal praying man, and twice that number of some preachers to make a downright earnest minister of the gospel. Is this judgment too severe? Are not some men mere apologies for workers, even when they do pretend to be up and at it? Verily it is so. Oh, if they would but be aroused; if all their manhood, all their heart, and soul, and mind, and strength, were truly engaged, how differently they would act; and if they sought strength from on high, what grand results would follow! I long to see the Holy Spirit filling us all with ardour, and causing every man and woman among us to yield himself or herself fully unto the Lord. When the reserves are called out, matters look very serious, and we expect to see war. Every lover of peace shuddered as he read the Queen’s message, for he felt that at last war was really threatened. God grant it may not be so. But with regard to the church of Christ, when the reserves are called out, the world believes that it really means war for Christ. At present the world despises many a church for its inactivity; but when all Christians come forth it will know that we are in earnest. While the regular workers are marching to and fro like a standing army, going through its regular drill, very little is done beyond mere defence, but when the reserves are called out, it means defiance, and the gauntlet is thrown to the foe. Our Lord would have us fight the good fight of faith, and go forth in his name conquering and to conquer; but the elect host is hampered and hindered by the sutlers and camp-followers who hang about us and work us serious ill. If all this mixed multitude could be drilled into warriors, what a band would the Son of David lead to the war! Once get the reserved members of the church praying, working, teaching, giving, and the enemy would soon know that there is a God in Israel. There is too much playing at religion nowadays, and too little of intense, unanimous, enthusiastic hard work. A. part of the church is all alive, but a far larger portion is as a body of death, by which the life of the church is held in bondage. Once find the whole body tingling with life from head to foot, from heart to finger, and then you shall have power over the adversary and prevalence with God. “When all the people shout for joy and long for the battle, the Philistines will be afraid, and cry out, saying,” God has come into the camp.” O that my eyes could once perceive the signal! Zion travailing is the sign by which those who know the times will be able to prophecy concerning Zion triumphant. O for the universal agony, the inward throes of deep compassion and consuming zeal; for when these are felt by the whole body, the joyous hour is come. The Queen’s message reminds me of a great and comforting truth. God himself, blessed be Ms name, has forces in reserve which he will call forth in due time. Remember the Lord’s own language in the book of Job:” Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war?” He represents himself in the language of his servant Joel, as calling out innumerable locusts as a part of his host:” The Lord shall utter his voice before his army; for his camp is very great.” The hiding of his power we cannot estimate, but we know that nothing is impossible to him. Whatever the church may have seen and experienced of divine power, there is yet more in reserve, and when the fit moment shall come all restraint shall be withdrawn, and the eternal forces shall be let loose to rout every foeman, and secure an easy victory. For the moment, our great Captain puts his hand into his bosom and allows the enemy to exult; but he is not defeated, nor is he in the least disquieted. “He shall not fail, nor be discouraged.” His time is not yet, but when the time comes he will be found to have his reward with him and his work before him. Let us never be daunted by the apparent failures of the cause of God and truth, for these are but the trial of patience, the test of valour, and the means to a grander victory. Pharaoh defies Jehovah while he sees only two Hebrews and a rod, but he will be of another mind when the Lord’s reserves shall set themselves in battle array and discharge plague upon plague against him. Even the doubling of the tale of bricks, and the wanton cruelty of the tyrant, all wrought towards the divine end, and were no real hindrances to the grand design; nay, they were reserved forces by which the Lord made his people willing to leave Goshen and the fleshpots. Today, also, the immediate present is dark, and there is room for sad forebodings; but if we look a little further, and by faith behold the brilliant future which will arise out of the gloom, we shall be of good cheer. My eye rests at this moment somewhat sorrowfully upon the battle-field of religious opinion; truly, there is much to rivet my gaze. It is a perilous moment. The prince of darkness is bringing up his reserves. The soldiers of the devil’s old guard, on whom he places his chief reliance, are now rushing like a whirlwind upon our ranks. They threaten to carry everything before them, deceiving the very elect, if it be possible. Never were foes more cunning and daring. They spare nothing, however sacred, but assail the Lord himself: his book they criticise, his gospel they mutilate, his wrath they deny, his truth they abhor. Of confused noise and vapour of smoke there is more than enough; but it will blow over in due time, and when it is all gone we shall see that the Lord reigneth, and his enemies are broken in pieces. Let us watch for the coming of recruits divinely prepared. Let us be eager to see the reserves as they come from the unlikeliest quarters. There may be sitting even now by some cottage fireside, all unknown, the man who shall make the world ring again with the gospel, preaching it with apostolic power. The orthodox advocate, born to cope with subtle minds and unravel all their sophistries, may even now be receiving his training in yonder parish school; yea, and even in the infidel camp, like Moses in the palace of Pharaoh, there may dwell the youth who shall act the iconoclast towards every form of scepticism. Jabin and Sisera may reign, but there shall come a Deborah from mount Ephraim, and a Barak from Kedeshnaphtali. Let the Midianites tremble, for Gideon who threshes wheat in the winepress will yet beat them small. The Ammonites shall be smitten by Jephtha, and the Philistines by Samson: for every enemy there shall be a champion, and the Lord’s people shall do great exploits. I for one believe in Omnipotence. All other power is weakness; in God alone is there strength. Men are vanity, and their thoughts shall perish; but God is everlasting and everliving, and the truth which hangs upon his arm, like a golden shield, shall endure to all eternity. Hither come we, then, and bow before the face of the Eternal, who reserveth wrath for his enemies and mercy for them that seek him; and as we lie at his feet we look up right hopefully, and watch for the moment when all his reserves of grace, and love, and glory shall be revealed to the adoring eyes of his chosen people world without end.

C. H. Spurgeon, The Bible and the Newspaper (WORDsearch, 2007), 18–28.

Teaching Legacy: Life’s Bitter Pool, Part 3 “From Death to Resurrection”

Dear Friend,

     "Everything seemed to be going so well . . . ."

     At one time or another, you and I may have heard ourselves saying those words. Usually, they come when we are facing an unexpected disappointment.

     That must have been how the children of Israel felt when they arrived at the pool of Marah. Its waters—too bitter to drink—must have been a huge, unexpected disappointment to them.

     In this three-part Teaching Legacy series, Derek Prince has taken us on the journey Israel took to the heart of all human suffering—the crushing disappointment of Life's Bitter Pool. In this third and final letter, From Death to Resurrection, Derek addresses the universal question: Why does God allow bitter pools in our lives?

     God's purpose is to bring us to the end of all confidence in ourselves. He takes us beyond the limit of our own knowledge, experience, strength, and ability. In many ways, it is an experience of death to ourselves. But out of that death, God will then supernaturally bring us into a resurrection—a far higher level than where we were living before.

     You may be facing a bitter pool right now. If you are, we hope this three-part series has encouraged you. To strengthen you further, we would like to offer an excellent additional resource by Derek—a reassuring message entitled "The Love of God, Part 2." It is our way of thanking you for standing with us so faithfully.

     Let's be honest. We all face unexpected disappointments. But you don't have to face them alone. All of us here at Derek Prince Ministries want you to know we are standing with you. Together, by the faithfulness of God, we will make it through Life's Bitter Pool.

     Please click here for the full teaching letter and our free offer.

All the best,


Dick Leggatt
President, DPM-USA

P.S. Thanks again! And don't forget to download Derek's message, "The Love of God, Part 2." It is our gift to you—one small way to thank you for your love and support. 

Copyright © 2022 Derek Prince Ministries, Int., All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box  19501
Charlotte, NC 28219-9501

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