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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Excerpt from The Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes (Luke 6:20–26)

The Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes (Luke 6:20–26)

5 And seeingapta thenn multitudes,nn he [went upaina] intopre a mountain:art,nn and when heppro was set,apta hisppro disciplesart,nn cameaina unto him:ppro

2 And he openedapta hisppro mouth,art,nn and taughtipf them,ppro saying,pap

3 Blessedpr/an,aj are theart poorajn in spirit:art,nn for theirsepn ispin theart kingdomnn of,nn

4 Blessedpr/an,aj are [they that mourn:art,pap] for theyepn shall be comforted.fp

5 Blessedpr/an,aj are the meek:art,ajn for theyepn shall inheritft theart earth.nn

6 Blessedpr/an,aj are [they which do hungerart,pap] and thirstpap after righteousness:art,nn for theyepn shall be filled.fp

7 Blessedpr/an,aj are theart merciful:ajn for theyepn shall [obtain mercy.fp]

8 Blessedpr/an,aj are theart pureajn in heart:art,nn for theyepn shall seefm,nn

9 Blessedpr/an,aj are theart peacemakers:ajn for theyepn shall be calledfp the childrenan,nn of,nn

10 Blessedpr/an,aj are [they which are persecutedart,pfpp] [for righteousness’ sake:G1752 ad*/G1343 an,nn] for theirspr/epn ispin theart kingdomnn of,nn

11 Blessedpr/an,aj arepin ye, whenad men shall revileasba you,ppro and persecuteasba you, and shall sayasba [all manner of evilG3956 an,aj/G4190 an,aj/G4487 an,nn] againstpre youppro falsely,ppmp [for my sake.G1752 ad*/G1700 epn]

12 Rejoice,pim and [be exceeding glad:pim] for greatpr/an,aj is yourppro rewardart,nn inpre heaven:art,nn for soad persecutedaina they theart prophetsnn whichart were beforepre you.ppro

Salt and Light (Mark 9:50Luke 14:3435)

13 Yeepn arepin theart saltpr/nn of theart earth:nn but if theart saltnn have [lost his savor,asbp] wherewithG1722 pre/G5101 inpro shall it be salted?fp it is thenceforthad goodpin forpre nothing,an,ajn but to be castaifp out,ad and to be [trodden under footpifp] ofpre,nn

14 Yeepn arepin theart lightpr/nn of theart world.nn A cityan,nn that is setppmp onad* a hillan,nn cannotG1410 pinm/G3756 be hid.aifp

15 Neither do men lightpin a candle,an,nn and putpin itppro underpre a bushel,art,nn but onpre a candlestick;art,nn and it [giveth lightpin] unto allan,ajn thatart are inpre theart house.nn

16 Let yourppro lightart,nn soad shineaima beforead* men,art,nn that they may seeasba yourppro goodart,aj works,an,nn and glorifyasba yourppro Fatherart,nn whichart is inpre,nn

Teaching About the Law

17 Thinkaosi not that I am comeaina to destroyainf theart law,nn or theart prophets:nn I am not comeaina to destroy,ainf but to fulfill.ainf

18 For verily I saypin unto you,ppro Tillad heavenart,nn and earthart,nn pass,asba onenu jotan,nn or onenu tittlean,nn shall [in no wiseefn] passasba frompre theart law,nn tillad allan,ajn be fulfilled.asbm

19 WhosoeverG3739 repro/G302 therefore shall breakasba onenu of thesedepro leastart,aj commandments,art,nn and shall teachasba menart,nn so,ad he shall be calledfp the leastan,aj inpre theart kingdomnn of heaven:art,nn but whosoeverG3739 repro/G302 shall doasba and teachasba them, [the samedepro] shall be calledfp greatan,aj inpre theart kingdomnn of,nn

20 For I saypin unto you,ppro That except yourppro righteousnessart,nn shall exceedG4052 asba/G4119 ad the righteousness of theart scribesnn and Pharisees,an,nn ye shall [in no caseefn] enterasba intopre theart kingdomnn of,nn

Teaching About Anger

21 Ye have heardaina that it was saidainp by [them of old time,art,ajn] Thou shalt not kill;ft and whosoeverG3739 repro/G302 shall killasba shall befm [in dangerpr/an,aj] of theart judgment:nn

22 But Iepn saypin unto you,ppro That whosoeveran,aj is angryart,ppmp with hisppro brotherart,nn [without a causead] shall befm [in dangerpr/an,aj] of theart judgment:nn and whosoeverG3739 repro/G302 shall sayasba to hisppro brother,art,nn Raca, shall befm [in dangerpr/an,aj] of theart council:nn but whosoeverG3739 repro/G302 shall say,asba Thou fool,an,ajn shall befm [in dangerpr/an,aj] ofpre hellart,nn,nn

23 Therefore if thou bringpsa thyppro giftart,nn topre theart altar,nn [and theread] rememberestasbp that thyppro brotherart,nn hathpin aughtidpro againstpre thee;ppro

24 Leaveaima theread thyppro giftart,nn beforead* theart altar,nn and [go thy way;aima] firstnuajn, be reconciledaipp to thyppro brother,art,nn and thenad comeapta and offeraima thyppro,nn

25 AgreeG2468 pim/G2132 pap with thineppro adversaryart,nn quickly,an,ajn whilead thou(repro) artpin inpre theart waynn withpre him;ppro [lest at any time] theart adversarynn deliverasba theeppro to theart judge,nn and theart judgenn deliverasba theeppro to theart officer,nn and thou be castfp intopre,nn

26 Verily I saypin unto thee,ppro Thou shalt [by no meansefn] [come outasba] thence,ad tillG2193 ad/G302 thou hast paidasba theart uttermostaj,nn

Sin Begins in the Heart

27 Ye have heardaina that it was saidainp by [them of old time,art,ajn] Thou shalt not [commit adultery:ft]

28 But Iepn saypin unto you,ppro That whosoeveran,aj lookethart,pap on a womanan,nn to lustaipr after herppro hath [committed adulteryaina] with herppro alreadyad inpre hisppro,nn

29 And if thyppro rightart,aj eyeart,nn offendpin thee,ppro [pluck it out,G1807 aima/G846 ppro] and castaima it frompre thee:ppro for it [is profitablepin] for theeppro that onenu of thyppro membersart,nn should perish,asbm and not that thyppro wholean,aj bodyart,nn should be castasbp intopre,nn

30 And if thyppro rightart,aj handan,nn offendpin thee,ppro [cut it off,G1581 aima/G846 ppro] and castaima it frompre thee:ppro for it [is profitablepin] for theeppro that onenu of thyppro membersart,nn should perish,asbm and not that thyppro wholean,aj bodyart,nn should be castasbp intopre,nn

Divorce (Matt. 19:9Mark 10:1112Luke 16:18Rom. 7:1–31 Cor. 7:10–15)

31 It hath been said,ainp WhosoeverG3739 repro/G302 shall [put awayasba] hisppro wife,art,nn let him giveaima herppro a [writing of divorcement:an,nn]

32 But Iepn saypin unto you,ppro That whosoeverG3739 repro/G1437 shall [put awayasba] hisppro wife,art,nn [saving forad*] the causean,nn of fornication,an,nn causethpin herppro to [commit adultery:pifp] and whosoeverG3739 repro/G1437 shall marryasba [her that is divorcedpfpp] [committeth adultery.pinm]


33 Again,ad ye have heardaina that it hath been saidainp by [them of old time,art,ajn] Thou shalt not forswearft thyself, but shalt performft unto theart Lordnn thineppro oaths:art,nn

34 But Iepn saypin unto you,ppro Swearainf not [at all;ad] neither bypre heaven;art,nn for it ispin God’sart,nn throne:pr/an,nn

35 Nor bypre theart earth;nn for it ispin hisppro footstool:pr/G5286 an,nn/G4228 art,nn neither bypre Jerusalem;an,nn for it ispin the citypr/an,nn of theart greatan,aj King.nn

36 Neither shalt thou swearaosi bypre thyppro head,art,nn because thou canstpinm not makeainf onenu hairan,nn whitean,aj or,aj

37 But let yourppro communicationart,nn be,pim Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for [whatsoever is moreart,aj] than thesedepro comethpin ofpre,ajn

Retaliation (Luke 6:2930)

38 Ye have heardaina that it hath been said,ainp An eyean,nn forpre an eye,an,nn and a toothan,nn forpre a tooth:an,nn

39 But Iepn saypin unto you,ppro That ye resistainf not evil:art,ajn but whosoeverrepro shall smiteft theeppro onpre thyppro rightart,aj cheek,an,nn turnaima to himppro theart otherajn also.

40 And if [any man willart,pap] [sue thee at the law,G2919 aifp/G4671 ppro] and [take awayainf] thyppro coat,art,nn let himppro haveaima thy cloakart,nn also.

41 And whosoeverrepro shall [compel thee to goG29 ft/G4571 ppro] anu mile,an,nn goaima withpre himppro twain.nuajn,

42 Givepim to [him that askethart,pap] thee,ppro and from [him that wouldart,pap] borrowaifm ofpre theeppro [turn not thou away.G654 aosi/G3361 ]

Enemies (Luke 6:272832–36)

43 Ye have heardaina that it hath been said,ainp Thou shalt loveft thyppro neighbor,art,ad and hateft thineppro,ajn

44 But Iepn saypin unto you,ppro Lovepim yourppro enemies,an,ajn blesspim [them that curseart,ppmp] you,ppro dopim goodad to [them that hateart,pap] you,ppro and praypim forpre [them which despitefully useart,pap] you,ppro and persecutepap you;ppro

45 That ye may beasbm the childrenpr/an,nn of yourppro Fatherart,nn whichart is inpre heaven:an,nn for he maketh hisppro sunart,nn to risepin onpre the evilan,ajn and on the good,an,ajn and [sendeth rainpin] onpre the justan,ajn and on the,ajn

46 For if ye loveasba [them which loveart,pap] you,ppro whatinpro rewardan,nn havepin ye? dopin not even theart publicansnn theart same?ppro

47 And if ye saluteasbm yourppro brethrenart,nn only,an,ajn whatinpro dopin ye morean,ajn than others? dopin not even theart publicansnn so?ad

48 Befm yeepn therefore perfect,pr/an,aj [even asad] yourppro Fatherart,nn whichart is inpre heavenart,nn ispin,aj

The Proper Manner of Almsgiving

6 [Take heedpim] that ye dopinf not yourppro almsart,nn beforead* men,art,nn to be seenaipr of them:ppro otherwise ye havepin no rewardan,nn ofpre yourppro Fatherart,nn whichart is inpre,nn

2 Therefore whenad thou doestpsa thine alms,an,nn do not [sound a trumpetaosi] beforead* thee,ppro asad theart hypocritesnn dopin inpre theart synagoguesnn and inpre theart streets,nn that they may [have gloryasbp] ofpre,nn Verily I saypin unto you,ppro They havepin theirppro,nn

3 But when thouppro doestpap alms,an,nn let not thyppro [left handart,ajn] knowaima whatinpro thyppro [right handart,ajn] doeth:pin

4 That thineppro almsart,nn may bepsa inpre secret:art,ajn and thyppro Fatherart,nn [which seethart,pap] inpre secretart,ajn himselfepn shall rewardft theeppro openly.G1722 pre/G5318 art,ajn.............................................................................................

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If you are wondering where the pages that contained the words "excerpt", "Introducing" or other words indicating I was quoting a book have all gone, I migrated all of them over to Posts and Posted them all on August 18 and August 19 2024. I did that so you could use the search widget that is built in to the blog on the upper right hand corner. You will be happy to know that there are more of them than just the batch that were migrated, there were also lots of posts that contained the same words that did not have to be migrated over, they were there all along. I am really enjoying doing introductions and excerpts because it really makes for powerful and fascinating reading when I do them. You get the feeling you are in a bookstore holding a book in your hand looking at the table of contents and deciding whether or not to buy the book.

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Released on: 2014-01-01
Producer: Christopher Stevens
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Composer Lyricist: Ryan Smith

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The Washington Times stories: Security

Judson Cornwall YouTube Video

YouTube Bible Gateway Basics Tutorial

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The Rss Feed of Pastor Rick Warren

The Rss Feed of Pastor Rick Warren

Pastor Rick's Daily Hope

In Touch TV Broadcast featuring Dr. Charles Stanley - In Touch Ministries

Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening

Answers with Ken Ham

Children Missing From CA

Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

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