Thursday, November 5, 2020

Night Light for Parents- November 01, 2020

Night Light for Parents
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An Apple a Day

"Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you." Luke 6:27

Carole, as class monitor, was forced to report that one of her seventh-grade classmates had been acting up during their teacher's absence. Joyce, an explosive brunet, threatened to clobber Carole at afternoon recess. Scared and miserable, Carole fled home for lunch and poured out her tale of woe to her mother. "Carole, take her an apple," said her mother calmly. "Take her an apple!" wailed Carole. "What good will that do? She's ready to pull out my hair!" "I know," said her mother. "But the Bible says to do good to those who are spiteful to you. It also says that a soft answer turns away wrath. Try it!"

After lunch, Carole reluctantly placed a shiny red apple on Joyce's desk and mumbled, "I'm sorry you are so angry." Joyce was speechless. Finally she stammered, "Well…well…I guess I deserved it." The situation was defused, and Carole and Joyce eventually became friends.

It can be difficult for children (as well as their parents!) to wholeheartedly embrace Jesus' instruction to "do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you" (Luke 6:27–28). They feel that their adversaries deserve a different response. But Christ is unequivocal in His direction. We are to follow the Lord's example, who offers us love that we don't deserve: "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful" (Luke 6:36).

Before you say good night…

Do you pray for your "enemies" in the presence of your children?

What would happen if your family tried a "soft answer" in the face of wrath?

Almighty God, Your ways are the best ways for the living of our days. Help us to teach our children about Your mercy and to model it ourselves. May we respond to others with love and compassion, just as You do toward us. Amen.

  • From Night Light For Parents, by Dr. James & Shirley Dobson
    Copyright © 2000 by James Dobson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Illustration adapted from "Do What?" by Carole Mayhall. © 1997.

Bible Gateway Recommendations
Night Light for Parents: A Devotional

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These devotionals are drawn from Night Light for Parents by Dr. James and Shirley Dobson. For more information or to buy a print copy, see Night Light for Parents.

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“Bat-Wing Dinosaur”—A Clumsy Flier?

Ken Ham Daily

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Ken Ham

G'day Webmaster220 Bible,

Back in 2019 I blogged about a new "dinosaur" discovery—a "non-avian theropod" with bat-like, membranous wings. In my blog then, I quoted paleontologist Dr. Gabriela Haynes, who studied the research paper and supplemental materials. Based on the actual documented evidence (and freed from underlying assumptions about evolution and millions of years), Dr. Haynes argued that this so-called "dinosaur" may have been a bird that may, or may not, have had "bat-like" wings. Well, this bird is in the news again.

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Don’t forget to listen to Thursday’s radio program: Five years ago, New Horizons spacecraft flew past Pluto and took detailed photographs. Since then, scientists have been studying Pluto's surface for clues about how it formed. And the results …

Listen to today's radio broadcast

Ken Ham

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The Daily Nosh -  Psalms 139:13

From Messianic Jewish Alliance of America
General Secretary – Joel Chernoff

November 5, 2020

For you have created my conscience. You knit me together in my mother's womb. (TLV) - Psalms 139:13
Nosh: The human being is both physical and spiritual. The conscience is our non-physical sense of right and wrong. God is here described as knitting or carefully combining together our physical and spiritual elements. Knitting is a slow, thoughtful and meticulous process. I find it very comforting and healing to meditate on how intimately God knows me and how He has been involved in knitting together and shaping my life from the second I was formed in the womb.
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Night Light for Couples- November 05, 2020

Night Light for Couples
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Ragamuffin Brother

by Ron Mehl

Roy Angel was a dirt‐poor preacher with a millionaire brother. Back in the oil boom days of the late 1940s, Roy's older brother happened to own the right piece of Texas prairie at the right time. When he sold, he became a multimillionaire overnight. Parlaying that good fortune, the elder Angel made some strategic investments in the stock market and then cashed in on several mushrooming business enterprises. He moved into the penthouse of a large apartment building in New York City and managed his investments from a posh Wall Street office.

A week before Christmas one year, the wealthy businessman visited his preacher‐brother in Chicago and presented him with a new car—a gleaming, top‐of‐the‐line Packard. Roy always kept his new car down the street in a parking garage, under the careful eye of an attendant. That's why when he came to get his Packard one morning, he was surprised to see a ragamuffin ghetto boy with his face pressed up against one of the car windows. The little boy wasn't doing anything suspicious; he was obviously just peering into the new car's interior with wide, admiring eyes.

"Hello, son," Roy said. The boy spun around and looked at him. "Is this your car, mister?" "Yes," Roy replied, "it is." "How much did it cost?" "Well, I really don't know." The boy's face registered surprise. "You mean, you own this car, and you don't know how much it cost?" "No, I don't—because my brother gave it to me. As a present." At this the boy's eyes grew even wider. He thought for a moment, and then said wistfully, "I wish… I wish…." Roy thought he knew how the boy would finish the sentence. He

thought he was going to say, "I wish I had a brother like that."

But he didn't. The boy looked up at Roy and said, "I wish… I wish I could be a brother like that."

That intrigued the minister, and because those were more innocent times, he said, "Well, son, would you like to take a ride?"

The boy immediately replied, "You bet!"

So they got in the car together, exited the parking garage, and drove slowly down the street. The little boy ran his hand across the soft fabric of the front seat, inhaled the new‐car smell, touched the shiny metal of the dashboard. Then he looked at his new friend and said, "Mister, would you—could you—take me by my house? It's just a few blocks from here."

Again, Roy assumed he knew what the lad had in mind. He thought the boy wanted to show off the car he was riding in to some of the neighborhood kids. He thought, Well, why not? So at his young passenger's direction, Roy pulled up in front of an old, run‐down tenement building.

"Mister," the boy said as they stopped at the curb, "would you stay here just a minute? I'll be right back!"

Roy let the car idle as the boy rushed upstairs and disappeared.

After about ten minutes, the preacher began to wonder where the boy had taken himself. He got out of the car and looked up the unlighted stairwell. As he was looking up the dark stairs, he heard someone slowly coming down. The first thing he saw emerging from the gloom was two limp little legs. A moment later, Roy realized it was the little boy carrying an even smaller boy, evidently his younger brother.

The boy gently sat his brother down on the curb. "See?" he said with satisfaction. "It's just like I told you. It's a brand new car. His brother gave it to him, and someday I'm going to buy you a car just like that!"

Looking ahead…

In this story of two benevolent brothers, the millionaire certainly gave a nice present—but it's the little boy who is the better example of a generous spirit. How many children dream of giving a new car to their brother or sister? Somehow I get the feeling that this little fellow wouldn't squander a fortune if it came his way later in life.

During the coming week, we'll be talking about the incredible power of generosity for good—both inside our marriage and in our relationships with others. Tonight I leave you with a question: Do you have a generous spirit?

- James C Dobson

  • From Night Light For Couples, by Dr. James & Shirley Dobson
    Copyright © 2000 by James Dobson, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • "Ragamuffin Brother" by Ron Mehl. Taken from God Works the Night Shift by Ron Mehl. © 1994. Used by permission of Multnomah Publishers, Inc.
Bible Gateway Recommendations
Night Light: A Devotional for Couples

Did you find this devotional helpful and inspiring? Read the book for more!

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These devotionals are drawn from Night Light for Couples by Dr. James and Shirley Dobson. For more information or to buy a print copy, see Night Light for Couples.

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Night Light for Parents- November 05, 2020

Night Light for Parents
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I Wasn't Prepared For a Prodigal

by Gigi Graham Tchividjian

A flood of gratitude engulfed me as I sat in church behind my handsome young son. His arm draped around the shoulders of Kim, his beautiful fiancée, as they listened to the words of the song "The Keeper." He, too, was having a difficult time holding back the tears.

Just five years before I had wondered if I would see this beloved son again. Tullian was our prodigal. His father, Stephan, and I had given him all we could. We loved him dearly, but he chose to disregard his teaching and training and turned his back on all that we offered. We had no choice but to let him go—at sixteen.

I'll never forget the day he left home. I stood in the doorway, watching my son walk slowly down the driveway and out into the street. Then, with a heart that felt heavy as lead, I reluctantly turned away.

I forced myself to go through the motions of fixing dinner and doing the evening chores. When I finally crawled into bed, I lay awake, crying and wondering. Where was he? Had he eaten supper? Did he have a place to sleep? Could we have done things differently? Would he ever come home again?

I thought back on the months before that day. The ups and downs, the emotions, the harsh words, the frustrations, the disobedience, the dishonesty, the questions, the long nights…sitting and waiting, wondering, worrying, asking, "Why?" Why was our son choosing to rebel? He could have a warm, loving home, physical comfort, an education, a godly heri-tage. We had wanted him, prayed for him, and had been overjoyed at his arrival. Tullian had been such a fun-loving, happy child. We called him our "sunshine."

Unable to control the tears, I thought about all the chances we had given our son. We had taken him back again and again only to have him abuse our trust and disrupt our family life.

I wasn't prepared for a prodigal. I never imagined I would one night lie in bed, wondering where my son was. But once you love, you are never free again, and the Lord caused this heartbreaking situation to teach me many things. I had to cope with overwhelming sadness that at times almost engulfed me. But as painful as it was, Stephan and I also realized we could not allow the behavior of this one child to consume us. At times we had to purposefully put our prodigal out of our minds. It simply wasn't fair to focus all our attention and emotional energy on him at the expense of the other members of the family.

I also had to deal with guilt. I wondered: Could I have brought him up differently? Had I been too strict—or not strict enough? Had I shown enough love? Had I truly gone the extra mile?

I even found it difficult at times to trust the Lord. Eventually, when I accepted the fact that God loved my son even more than I did, I was able to surrender Tullian to Him. But as the years came and went, I still found myself discouraged. My hopes would build, only to come crashing down in bitter disappointment. I was tempted again and again to try to do God's job for Him. Then I would cry the words of the old hymn, "Oh for grace to trust Him more!" And in response I would hear a still, small voice deep within my heart saying, "Love and patience…love and patience."

I didn't have a problem with the love part. After all, I'm a mother. But I had a lot of trouble with the patience. My mother reminded me that in dealing with an all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful God, I had to pray not only with persistence, but with patience.

More years passed. Then, totally unexpectedly, Tullian took his girlfriend by the hand one Sunday, and from high in the balcony of our church, they went forward to give their lives to Jesus Christ.

I was overwhelmed with joy—but also a bit skeptical. I didn't want to have my hopes dashed again. I waited and watched. As the weeks turned into months, we saw this young man grow and mature into a sincere, dedicated child of God.

Recently he wrote these words to an older Christian friend:

Things went real raw after I last saw you. My whole life went down the tubes. I really fell far from the Lord. Drugs, alcohol, sex, the whole nine yards. I dropped out of school, got kicked out of my house; things couldn't have gotten much worse.

But I don't want to go on about the bad stuff. I want to tell you about what the Lord has done for me. After leading a very empty, up-and-down lifestyle, I gave the Lord total control of my life. What a change. Things I used to live for don't even matter anymore. Things I used to run away from, I'm hungry for.

Isn't God good? He has been so patient with me. He never gave up on me. For the first time in my life I feel peace and contentment. I don't worry about anything. I am a totally different person.

Yes, our prodigal had returned.

I smiled in the church that day as I reflected on all these things. My mind drifted back to the present. The song was coming to a close. With thanksgiving in my heart I glanced again at Tullian and Kim sitting in front of me. I, too, was feeling peace and contentment when snatches of a favorite psalm floated into my mind: Truly, the Lord is thy keeper…He does not slumber…He shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in.

Looking ahead…

Parenthood is one of the greatest blessings in life—yet it can also bring on the greatest anguish. Can anything compare to the pain of watching beloved daughters or sons walk away, turning their backs on the love, values, and faith you have so carefully nurtured over many years? Is there a higher torment than seeing your precious children suffer or needlessly abuse themselves? Far too many mothers and fathers wake up to this agonizing reality, and you have my utmost sympathy if you are facing this situation tonight.

Nearly as distressing for many moms and dads is the fear that they will lose their children as we have just described. These parents are tortured daily by doubt and guilt. They ask themselves: Do I know what I'm doing? Am I turning my children into monsters? Have I doomed them to eternal damnation by the mistakes I've already made?

Fortunately, there is hope in all of these circumstances. As Gigi Tchividjian has shown us, God does sometimes answer our fervent prayers in this life for our wayward offspring, though it may be years later. And even if we don't live to see our prodigals return on earth, we still have the great hope of a "homecoming after we are gone."

We'll offer further encouragement this week to parents who are plagued by doubt and guilt. Like the psalmist, you too can cry out, "May your unfailing love be my comfort" (Psalm 119:76). Your heavenly Father will hear and respond—you can depend on it.

James C Dobson

  • From Night Light For Parents, by Dr. James & Shirley Dobson
    Copyright © 2000 by James Dobson, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bible Gateway Recommendations
Night Light for Parents: A Devotional

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These devotionals are drawn from Night Light for Parents by Dr. James and Shirley Dobson. For more information or to buy a print copy, see Night Light for Parents.

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