Welcome to Bible Study of the Week, where every Sunday we give you the free first sessions of new video Bible studies from leading authors, pastors, and Bible teachers. Jennie Lusko is a new voice in women's Bible studies. She serves alongside her husband Pastor Levi Lusko of Fresh Life Church in Montana, Utah, Oregon and Wyoming, and she is the mom to four beautiful girls, with one in heaven. Overview of The Fight to Flourish :: When we get to Heaven, we will be fully made in the image of Christ, perfect and without blemish or shame . But until then, we live imperfect lives in an imperfect world . But no matter how hard the fight or dark the night, we can still flourish in the struggle because we are in Jesus Christ and He is the light that has overcome the world . Session Start-up :: LEADER: Read aloud to group. A seed is destined to grow. But it’s not as simple as tossing a few apple seeds into dirt and expecting an apple tree to sprout within days. Seeds must germinate. Then they must be planted. And then, with the right soil, water, air, light, and temperature, they grow. They do what they were born to do. And they do more than just bloom, they grow. It’s easy to dismiss the growth process when we’re focused on the flourishing part. Let’s be real. Flourishing is more fun. It’s gorgeous. It’s our “after” picture. It’s where we show off results, showcase our victory, and personify success. We get our degree. We run the marathon. Our dreams actualize. We get it right and stop feeling like we’re always failing at something. The thing is, flourishing is not reserved only for our desired outcome.
Flourishing is interwoven with growth, with struggle, with fighting.
And doesn’t life seem like that sometimes? A fight? A fight to be kind, a fight to do what’s right, a fight to focus on what matters most, a fight to live with purpose, peace, and passion. In 1 Timothy 6:12, Paul the apostle who wrote most of the New Testament, encouraged us to,
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. — NIV
While we receive the gift of salvation and are born again, it doesn’t mean we live in this trouble-free dimension flush with sunshine, rainbows, and fairytales. Paul gives us the directive to fight. In other words, it’s not going to be easy. We’re going to get sweaty and tired. We might even sport a black eye or a cut lip.
We are born to flourish, yes, but we need the fight in order to flourish.
This truth is not meant to dampen your parade of living your best life. Jesus is with us in the fight and in the darkness. We are not alone. We are not left battling it out in our human strength. We don’t need epic ninja skills or superhero punches. We hope in the darkness because we have the light of Jesus in us. Light that shines in and cannot be overcome by the darkness. Light that cannot be dimmed or snuffed out. Light that gives and keeps giving light to each of us. And no matter what situation we find ourselves in, whether we’re wallowing in disappointment, crushed by heartache, or seeing stars from one of life’s sucker punches, we can allow the Light of the world to shine through us. Talk About It :: What value does darkness have in everyday life? Watch Session One::
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