Easter: All That Matters vs. All I Live For By: Shawn McEvoy He has risen, just as He said. - Matthew 28:6, NIV What would I ever do if someone I knew came back from the dead? Especially if he had said he would, and if he had spent a couple nights in a grave already? Seriously, what would I do? What would you do? Wouldn't I blab to everyone I know - and most people I don't - about this miraculous event? Heck, I tell everyone when I'm feeling under the weather or when I saw a good movie. Then factor in that the same guy was now telling us that because of what he had done, none of the rest of us would ever have to suffer death. What's more, simply by believing what we had seen, no matter our background, history, race, or education, we could restore our long-lost connection with the Almighty, and live forever. Man... unfortunately, I'm having a hard time conceiving what I would do. Or, even if I can conceive it, I can't quite believe it, because honestly, I have seen this, I do believe this, and yet my daily reaction to it doesn't exactly line up with The Acts of the Apostles. Has the news of a resurrected savior really become passe? Why don't I want to read Acts? What am I afraid of? That I'll be rejected? (He who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit (1 Thess. 4:8)). That I won't be powerful enough? |
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