
It is a joy to officially invite you to join the Mastery Membership today!   
Join Now! 

With the Mastery Membership, you'll automatically have access to my entire collection of Greek lessons that will take you from knowing zero Greek to being able to read not only the New Testament, but also the Septuagint, the Apostolic Fathers and other writings from the first century.   

If you join the Membership now, you can join the next Beginner's Cohort – which is the 24 week long LIVE walkthrough of Beginning Greek.   

Whether or not you Join the Beginner's Cohort, there will also be other weekly calls that you can join including...  

  • One for bringing your questions and struggles (the Office Hours call)  

  • One of reading along with me in Greek (the Text Reading calls) 

Don't forget that even if you can't make the live calls, we record them and post them afterwards, so you can make progress with others in the cohort. This gives you maximum flexibility as well as motivation! 

We also have a monthly call for the Reading Academy, to keep you growing through reading (The book we've been reading through July has been Reading Scripture With The Church Fathers, by Christopher Hall). 

PLUS you'll be a member of the MNTG Community which means you get be be part of  a private online forum for discussion about your Greek learning. This is a fantastic resource for accountability, support, and getting to know other learners of Greek from all round the world.   

webmaster220.blogspot.com, if you're ready for...   

  • Growth in your love for the word of God  

  • Expanding your devotional life with the Greek New Testament   

  • Discovering new truths in God's word every day  

And the flow-on effects of growing closer to God through his Word...   

  • Having a growing love for others  

  • Transformation into the likeness of Christ 

  • Feeling God's grace become sweeter by the day...   

And if you just want to follow a proven path that will guide you in your acquisition of the language day by day, week by week...

The Mastery Membership will give you everything you need.   

This is not going to be a data-dump though webmaster220.blogspot.com, where I give you a whole bunch of work and leave you to figure it out on your own.   

Oh no. 

The Master New Testament Greek Membership and Community is something I have poured my heart and soul into, and I'm here for you every week.   

You see, I get so much joy out of serving my members and seeing them succeed.   

It warms my heart when I hear people say things like...   

"I [joined the Mastery Membership] and I have found it to be an extremely helpful system. I feel encouraged by actually knowing my progress. In just a 3 weeks, I mastered the vocabulary in John's epistles. Finding a method that actually works has been hard, but the method presented in MNTG has paid off and I am looking forward to continuing with this system until I have completed the entire NT."

- David C. 

Anyway, the doors to the Mastery Membership only open a couple of times a year. I do this so that I can welcome new members and offer them a great experience, then I close the doors so that I can focus on how best I can serve them.   

Will you be one of those new members, webmaster220.blogspot.com?  

It would be a pleasure to have you on board. 

See you inside?  
