webmaster220.blogspot.com, I want to introduce you to Meg.  

Meg is a busy mum of 4 with health troubles. Life is difficult for her at times, but through all the trials, she's managed to stick to her journey with learning and reading Greek.  

Watch her video here, or read on to discover how she did it.

Meg's story starts with getting saved 10 years ago. She says...  

"As soon as I was saved, the Lord gave me a very deep hunger for his word. I started studying, I didn't know how to study but I was reading as much as I could... I couldn't get enough." 

She went to her pastor for help, saying to him...  

"I don't know how to go deeper." 

He showed Meg how to go through expository studies and hermeneutics, and she remembers... 

"I kept asking for more because it just never seemed enough, it was never deep enough." 

At that time Meg's pastor was learning Greek at The Master's Seminary, and he asked if anyone at the church would like to learn Greek if he taught them. There was an initial enthusiastic response and 15 students, but Meg says... 

"It died down after a month. Me and my friend [decided to] meet at a coffee shop to finish it, and it was definitely a case of the blind leading the blind...  and we didn't really know what we were doing – we had questions and we would ask our pastor, but he had a lot going on... 

We finished it... but then we didn't know what to do, how to apply it, or how to continue. Time went by, I had more children, and I continued to lose all of my hard work for that year.

Meg hit a low point on her journey but didn't give up – she took a hermeneutics class and remembers saying to her husband... 

"I've always craved for that depth [of studying the word]. It's like my heart is being ripped open when I'm reading and studying and understanding to that level and seeing such a high view of scripture being lifted up, it really is sufficient for life and godliness." 

Then Meg began praying because she wanted to go deeper but didn't know how...  

"I was praying that God would help me with that burden, I have young kids, I have these health issues, I want this depth but I don't know where to go. And it was at that time that I saw Michele from the community post on Facebook, about this group. I might have seen this before but everything in that group seemed so above my head that it didn't seem like it was for me. Then I contacted you, and I [attended a call you were hosting], and that day I joined [the Mastery Membership].  

I loved the lecture you [Darryl] gave, "it's not an intellectual pursuit, it's to transform you." It's a tool to help you love Christ more and to love his word, and I was just, that was it!" 

From then on, Meg joined the Mastery Membership and worked her way through Beginning Greek (the very same one we'll be working our way through together in August).  

And here's what she says about going through it...  

"Going through Beginning Greek, I [knew less than I thought I did] before going through it. Some of those concepts I was learning for the first time 'cause I really had better tools, I had people that I could ask questions, like in the community, and you." 

I asked Meg what she would say to anyone who was considering learning Greek, and her response blew me away. She said... 

"If your relationship with the Lord Jesus is the most important relationship you have, and if the Lord communicates to us only through His word, and if the Lord ordained that his scriptures be written down in Greek and Hebrew, then isn't learning that language in which God communicated to us, to have a relationship with us, worthy of our time?" 

You see, Meg was saying that when we learn Greek, we can better understand how the Lord revealed himself to us.  

If your desire is to really know the Lord and grow in Christlikeness, and begin to really plumb the depths of the word of God, then there's no better way to do that than to learn the original languages. 

And if you're starting from scratch, or you want to knock the rust off, or even if you're studying Greek in Seminary or on your own, but you don't feel that you're getting a good enough grasp of reading the language...  

The invitation is there for you. 

Join us inside the Mastery Membership, get access to all my content designed to get you confidently reading the Greek New Testament and be there in time for the Beginner's Cohort – our 24 week program of LIVE classes starting in August.  

It would be a joy to see you grow with us, webmaster220.blogspot.com.  

Doors are open for 4 more days.  

See you there? 



P.S - Watch Meg's story here!