webmaster220.blogspot.com, I'm going to be honest with you.  

I really hope you're not like most people when it comes to learning biblical Greek.  

Because what most people do is this: 

They look at the task of learning biblical Greek and think to themselves, "Well that's just too much work".  

They wrongly assume that the benefits of learning biblical Greek are only available to those who are language experts, webmaster220.blogspot.com! ('ll explain why they're wrong in a minute) 

And so what most people do is they make do with modern tools, such as an English translation of the Bible or an expositional commentary.  

But these people miss out on something so rich, profound and beautiful, when they choose not to learn Greek.  

What they miss is an incredible journey of constant discovery in the scripture, seeing ideas in light of the first century culture and background, understanding biblical passages differently, and having "ah-ha!" moments when they experience connecting to thoughts and ideas in the original language.  

All because it looks like too much work.  

Now don't get me wrong, I totally understand why it seems you need to be an "expert," because in truth, there is a lot to learning this language.  

And yes, when you look at learning Greek as one big task, your head starts flooding with all these thoughts...  

"I don't have time... I'm not good at languages... I don't know where to start... I don't know which tools to use or how to choose between them... It's too hard... and the one I alluded to at the start of this email...  

I'm not going to get any benefits out of this until I have complete mastery of the language" 

webmaster220.blogspot.com, nothing could be further from the truth! 

The reality is, when you're learning Greek, every tiny bit of progress you make will be filled with discovery.  

You see, learning Greek is a journey.  

One that you take small steps on, every single day.  

And each of these steps takes you into a richer understanding of the word of God. As you're going along this journey, you'll be constantly seeing new things, and old things in new ways as you read the New Testament as if for the first time! 

And here's the thing: Even when you're only learning 10-20 words a week, you'll be getting benefits from the process and growing as you go.  

To give you an example, Gordon, who is a Mastery Member, said this just a few weeks into his membership:  

"I was sitting here thinking that just a few weeks ago I knew NO greek. And now I'm reading all this stuff, and I can translate stuff!" 

This was within a few weeks of joining! 

So if you've been caught up in thinking that learning Greek is too much work, that you'll never "arrive," or that you'll be studying for years and years before you get any benefits, I hope you can see the journey in a new light now.  

You see, I'd hate for you to miss out on discovering the richness of scripture for yourself.  

That's why I hope you're not like most people.

You're subscribed to this email list, which tells me one thing: You're interested in learning to read biblical Greek confidently.  

Maybe you want to preach effectively. Maybe you want to know the Lord better. Maybe you just want to be a better sword sharpener for your spouse, friends, or brothers and sisters in Christ.  

Whatever it is driving you, there's a reason you signed up to hear what I have to say. And I sincerely hope to be delivering as much value to you as I can in these emails and on my YouTube channel for free.  

But webmaster220.blogspot.com, there's no better way for you to get started with (or get back into) your Greek reading than by joining in the Mastery Membership this month.  

If you jump on this opportunity when I open the doors in a couple of days, you'll be just in time for the next Beginner's Cohort.

I'll be explaining what that is tomorrow...  



P.S. - Why do you want to learn to read biblical Greek? Hit reply and let me know.