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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Excerpt from Spurgeon's Gold (This is the first part of the whole item. You have to choose the linked number to keep reading)


Adversity, 3180120

Afflictions, 104258113137141170191

Age, 5

Agnostic, 77

Alms, 145149

Ancestors, 172

Anger, 9110124186

Angels, 83100187

Anticipation, 48

Anxiety, 114146185

Appetite, 1

Atonement, 141189

Attainment, 56

Avarice, 104

Babes, 140

Backsliders, 243463107189

Backsliding, 84176

Baptism, 593126148

Beggary, 171

Belief, 4

Believers, 132843

Bees, 89

Bible, 37111314152425284041537780105153

Blessings, 108118143

Bliss, 41

Blood, 147

Boasters, 79101

Boasting, 1446526293103105146


Boys, 169

Brain, 125

Brethren, 114

Brotherhood, 113

Brothers, 142

Business, 64116128167

Care, 196

Censure, 71

Centuries, 168

Character, 42142175

Charity, 230116135

Chastening, 11185

Cheerfulness, 58

Childhood, 104

Children, 7172633343556586786114128132135138143148151152153186

Christ, 4596129189

Christian, 313182327294548546198108113118130193198

Christ’s Second Coming, 251922476597100107125131133135142154169

Church, 353637425764848991100115173197

Church Members, 6779

Comfort, 7190

Comforters, 158160

Common Sense, 845120

Competition, 129

Complaining, 183

Confession, 81172

Confidence, 135144

Congregation, 170

Commandments, 7387136

Consequence, 55

Conscience, 338690108134174188

Consolation, 124

Contentment, 14376298114185191

Conversion, 40447595118

Covenant, 165

Covetousness, 34155

Co-workers, 116

Critics, 38

Cross, 2350141155162170

Crucifixion, 80

Death, 2729465155627781119122144145146162170173177196

Debts, 101314266268111128

Deceit, 4170103

Deceivers, 137

Departed Friends, 71

Depravity, 57

Devil, 4

Devils, 180

Devotion, 42179

Difficulties, 23115

Dignity, 110

Diligence, 64

Disappointments, 43

Disciple, 112

Disciples, 171

Disobedience, 76

Discouragements, 2051

Dishonesty, 60

Dispute, 77

Distrust, 76

Debts, 102687128155156173

Doctors, 24

Doctrine, 195

Doubts, 102687128155156173

Dreams, 117167

Dress, 140

Drones, 4

Drunkards, 16

Duplicity, 189

Duty, 33

Dying, 381729385777107195

Earnestness, 62

Eating, 132

Economy, 15104110

Encouragement, 88128150

Endurance, 119183157

Enemies, 176

Entertainments, 71

Enthusiasm, 1179

Eternal Life, 152

Eternity, 392

Evolution, 115

Exaggeration, 71

Example, 2867

Expectations, 95

Experience, 193980117179

Eyes, 39

Faces, 83

Faith, 131415232829365662666972758185117127130136151155164165188190197

Faithfulness, 163

Family, 140

Family Worship, 173


Fate, 54

Faults, 51317436878110199

Feelings, 147

Fear, 677784

Fellowship, 166

Fighting, 161

Filthy Lucre, 134

Flattery, 124

Flowers, 9

Friendless, 166

Folly, 67

Fools, 20252773109113120131138142147161

Forgiveness, 79

Foundations, 63

Free Grace, 150

Friends, 11294051103

Friendship, 99105

Fretting, 187

Funerals, 126

Future, 75

Gain, 978145

Generosity, 31

Gifts, 20

Giving, 11112

Gladness, 131145

God, 291318192426293551525681

Godliness, 71644

Gold, 34508995199

Good Deeds, 188

Good Works, 113114

Gospel, 23425963667891105106112119123135143146165170171

Grace, 1532167195

Graves, 135

Griefs, 174

Growth, 40

Gruffness, 4

Grumbling, 2950

Happiness, 314659666893107116130138140141144149171191200

Harlot, 37

Hatred, 43

Health, 41123

Heart, 13266162163167

Heaven, 6141920222438416769758293104109148161167174180181

Hell, 12543145197198

Help, 162153

History, 2122

Holy Spirit, 224548126182188

Honor, 141

Holiness, 100

Home, 457696188

Hope, 4781025497092105174

Humility, 119182198

Human Body, 9

Husbands, 1426105

Hypocrisy, 5582

Hypocrites, 15172637104123157178

Idlers, 3334

Idolatry, 161171

Idols, 51, 5472112

Ignorance, 1315160

Infidels, 117

Influence, 137678158

Intemperance, 2589192152

Imagination, 61143

Immanuel, 6

Immortality, 116

Imperfection, 122042

Jealousy, 60

Jesus, 4511192130100113119

John, III, 1679

Jokes, 123

Joys, 587584168

Judging, 137147155

Kiss, 193

Knowledge, 174

Labor, 87

Language, 64

Lawyers, 122

Laziness, 39118

Liars, 4781

Liberality, 113

Life, 152142

Living, 6668

Loafers, 30

London, 132149

Lord’s Supper, 5126

Love, 7814161821222330565963647895115

Luxury, 155

Lying, 170

Malice, 42

Man, 18

Manhood, 144145

Manna, 168

Marriage, 67121129195

Martyrs, 67

Meditation, 4162176

Men, 2759147191

Men-pleasers, 160

Mercy, 5678197

Microscope, 118

Ministers, 49

Miracles, 61168197

Miser, 85

Missions, 43

Missionaries, 12135149

Mistakes, 3

Mocking, 128

Money, 21224284112119187

Mothers, 123127139194

Motives, 149

Murder, 68

Murmuring, 184

Nations, 158

Nature, 199

New Converts, 113

New Birth, 93156

Newspapers, 61

Night, 56

Non-workers, 61

Obedience, 1321445760138194

Occupation, 85

Oddness, 138

Old Age, 1369190

Old Men, 104122

Ordinances, 76

Pain, 2125

Paradise, 178

Passions, 195

Patience, 182066133146

Perfection, 111277149152156

Persecution, 45199

Perseverance, 518303366129

Philosophy, 157158

Piety, 84171

Pilgrimage, 182

Poverty, 19213949

Praise, 1839507071189195

Prayer Meeting, 17

Preachers, 3468

Preaching, 9286799110115

Prayer, 3457911121417293033384145474849505557626674768695106111112124126131133134139141149156157158160163168181184186189190196197

Pride, 2241454857163183

Profanity, 64116127

Promises, 24252627315361131140162183184186189

Prosperity, 21112198

Providence, 48112138162, 165173200

Psalms, 142191

Prudence, 145164

Punishment, 8166

Purity, 16

Quarrels, 155

Redemption, 9

Regret, 55

Rejoicing, 39435474

Religion, 10263036457578838688117, 120121140160172191196198

Repentance, 8190

Resignation, 116

Results, 113

Revised Version, 106

Resurrection, 162554658292123

Rewards, 51123404694110112118156190

Sabbath, 143

Sacrifice, 172

Saints, 105107109119131167169183188190

Salvation, 3471018214469

Sanctification, 146195

Satan, 22323447545672104107160167188

Saviour, 931

Scripture, 146191

Sceptics, 101

Scepticim, 145165

Second Advent, 137146164

Secrets, 44129

Self-denial, 30144

Selfishness, 48

Self-righteousness, 103

Sermons, 24263969109200

Sickness, 77132144194196

Silence, 323540

Sin, 235710121415161718212426272829313637384142444647495456575960636572747778818493109110114124129134136144179184199

Singing, 80104114121168194

Sinners, 210113347495056617080106151

Slander, 169

Sleep, 179

Sorrow, 95165127

Soul, 182565

Soul-winning, 3233

Students, 52

Success, 5499136162

Suffering, 3254

Swindling, 2

Sympathy, 318122164169196

Tale-bearing, 188

Talents, 58196

Teachers, 148196

Tears, 19

Temper, 3184149151175

Temptation, 2124365122130143161163164167168170

Teetotalers, 127

Thankfulness, 166

Thief, 90125

Thinking, 1422112

Thoughts, 46121622284546495066717779858892105137138146

Transgression, 96197

Tongues, 222583

Trials, 2059111117144155

Trinity, 175195

Trouble, 183200

Trust, 505270

Truth, 22262732109116161

Unbelief, 3436173186

Ungodly, 46

Upstarts, 194

Usefulness, 156365

Vexations, 87

Villiany, 142

Waiting, 1198

Wasting, 128

Watching, 68

Weakness, 168

Wealth, 354271125187

Whims, 155

Whosoever, 73

Wills, 123

Wisdom, 118162

Wit, 129

Wives, 26477481879092139

Woman, 187

Words, 5558107

Work, 2527415373132181

Workmen, 163165

World, 117130151165166182

Worldlings, 160

Worldliness, 115134

Worship, 151621162169180

Young Converts, 117130136141154179

Young Men, 55140153

Zeal, 212441139

About the Author Charles Spurgeon

C. H. Spurgeon (1834–1892) is one of the church’s most famous preachers and Christianity’s most prolific writers. He converted to Christianity in 1850 at a small Methodist chapel and began his own ministry immediately, preaching more than 500 sermons by the age of 20. Logos has collected his sermons in The Complete Spurgeon Sermon Collection (63 vols.).

Spurgeon was the pastor of New Park Street Chapel (later the Metropolitan Tabernacle). Many of his sermons were published each week and regularly sold more than 25,000 copies in 20 languages. Spurgeon is still known as the “Prince of Preachers” by Reformed Christians and Baptists.

About the Editor Edmond Swem

The Reverend Edmond Hez Swem’s pastorate was from 1884 to 1910 – the longest pastorate in the history of the Second Baptist Church in Washington D.C. According to an article, “History of sacred music in the District of Columbia” which appeared in the Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Swem was not only one of the best known of the Baptist clergymen of the city, but also a musician. A native of Indiana, Dr. Swem received his education at DePauw University and the Southern Baptist Theological School at Louisville, Kentucky. Ordained in 1881, he held two pastorates before coming to Washington in August, 1884, where he has served the same church for many years. He was also moderator of the Columbia Association of Baptist Churches for a number of terms.

Charles H. Spurgeon, Spurgeon’s Gold: Selections from the Works of C. H. Spurgeon, ed. Edmond Hez Swem (WORDsearch, 1988)


Webmaster220 said...

This is an example of how the blog post above works
First you choose "fate:" from the blog main post. Then when you click on the page 54 hyperlink
it takes you to this huge document: 54
You are on your own trying to find it but I found this on page 54

We do not believe in fate—a blind, hard thing.

I hope you are successful in locating your own Spurgeon's Gold. Worst case you simply read the whole book and when you need to find things you have already read that match the topics index in this blog post, you might remember which item on the page you have the link to as you re-read that whole page.
I wish that the author of the book and the publisher of the index with links to book page numbers had added footnotes or liner notes or pop up boxes. If you have a Spurgeon's Gold that you like, leave a comment below with the information.

Webmaster220 said...

Step 1 select a blog post Spurgeons Gold word
Redemption Page 9
Step 2 read page 9 until you have found this:
The heart of the Gospel is redemption.
Step 3
You are done, but if you feel the need to catalog it, do us all a favor and leave a comment here on the blog

Webmaster220 said...

Anticipation 48
It is of no use reckoning that every egg in our basket will become a chicken, for it will not so happen, and our over-Anticipation 48 will be the cause of needless sorrow to us.

Webmaster220 said...

This reference to the Holy Spirit can be found on the blog post link
I used, as a youth, sometimes to think that I was as good as other lads, and perhaps I was, for I had not fallen into the grosser vices. I fancied that if anybody was saved by a moral life, I might be. But oh, when God lifted the veil of my nature, and I saw what my heart really was, I sang to another tune. I had been down into the cellar of my heart a great many times in the dark, and it seemed pretty fair; but when the Holy Spirit opened the shutters and let in the light, what loathsome abomination I saw there. My life, too, no longer appeared to be the goodly thing I had imagined it. Ah! no, my comeliness was turned into corruption.

Webmaster220 said...

The word I searched at page location 54 for was "fate" and this is what the search of the paragraph found immediately:
We do not believe in fate—a blind, hard thing.

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If you are wondering where the pages that contained the words "excerpt", "Introducing" or other words indicating I was quoting a book have all gone, I migrated all of them over to Posts and Posted them all on August 18 and August 19 2024. I did that so you could use the search widget that is built in to the blog on the upper right hand corner. You will be happy to know that there are more of them than just the batch that were migrated, there were also lots of posts that contained the same words that did not have to be migrated over, they were there all along. I am really enjoying doing introductions and excerpts because it really makes for powerful and fascinating reading when I do them. You get the feeling you are in a bookstore holding a book in your hand looking at the table of contents and deciding whether or not to buy the book.

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I would like to add like minded authors to my site. If you would like to be added email me a sample of what your writing is like to the "contact us" form here on this site. I will invite you as long as your example is suitable. Take a look at what type of a blog it is here

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Matthew West You Tube Video "Unplanned"

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Web Page just for Bibles

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Verse of the day Bible Gateway Widget

Contributions Welcome

The following request applies to any of the christian ministries that are currently getting visitors from my blog:

I am currently blogging:
I would like to place a banner on the right side of my home page that promotes your ministry
If I do that and it helps your ministry grow and expand do you have a suggestion as to what type of commission or contribution could be paid to my ministry. The reason I am saying that is there are a lot of ministries out there that are buying advertising space online and yours could be one of them for all I know. I have been an affiliate marketer for years on my blog but no commissions have ever been earned even though I am doing everything required to be done to earn the commissions. My blog readers are just not interested in spending any money on any of the goods or services discussed in my banner ads and text links. To reply, use the contact form below this paragraph Thanks, Rick Livermore - Webmaster220

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Search Widget: Bible Lookup for websites widget

Book Abbreviations for Bible Widget This is the list of three letter abbreviation for each book of the Bible to use for Passage References at

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popular video

This video is one of many produced by Kevin Livermore. Check out his Web page on this blog featuring 15 videos stacked in order of popularity.

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