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"Opportunity" Word Search Results from Laptop Computer installation of Logos Bible Software


Opportunity See: Proverbs 10:5 Every man carries with him the world in which he must live. Opportunity typically favors those who have paid the price of years of preparation. God’s best gifts are
OPPORTUNITY for a good opportunity to betray Jesus. Mt 26:16 2120 lead to an opportunity for your testimony. Lk 21:13 and began seeking a good opportunity to Lk 22:6 2120 and has an opportunity to
OPPORTUNITY An opportunist can hand out baloney disguised as food for thought. Even when opportunity knocks, a man must get off his seat to open the door. Opportunity knocks only once, but
Events or moments at which actions of importance or significance can be achieved. God provides opportune moments both for his people to serve him and to proclaim the gospel and for those outside the church to respond to the gospel.
ἀφορμή​aphormē · occasion; opportunity
Mark 6:30And the missionaries gathered themselves together to Jesus and brought back news to Him of all things whatever they did and whatever they taught. And He says to them, Come here, as for you, yourselves, into the privacy of an uninhabited place, and rest yourselves a little. For there were those who were coming and those who were going, many of them, and not even was there an opportune time to eat.
Mark 14:10And Judas Iscariot, the one of the Twelve, went off to the chief priests for the purpose of betraying Him to them. And they, having heard, rejoiced inwardly and promised to give him money. And he went to seeking how he might betray Him when the opportunity presented itself.
26 Life presents us with many opportunities; how we respond to them depends on what we love and what we look for in life. The Jewish leaders looked for opportunity to destroy Jesus, while at the
OPPORTUNE how to betray Him at an opportune time. Mk 14:11 2122 left Him until an opportune time. Lk 4:13 2540 here, but your time is always opportune. Jn 7:6 2092
OPPORTUNITIES speak up for God when they come, Gn 40:8 stay ready for, Gn 40:23 they may come when you least expect them, Gn 41:14 don’t let fear keep you from, Ex 2:7–8 look for opportunities to
SAMUEL 20 Events create opportunities, and people use opportunities in different ways. Sheba saw the tribal conflict as an opportunity for promoting himself. Because he was a Benjamite, he hoped
kairós (2540), opportune time. Well–timed, opportune (Mark 6:21; Heb. 4:16). Deriv.: eukairéō (2119), to have convenient time or opportunityeukairía (2120), opportunityeukaírōs
Opportunity 8210 A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. Francis Bacon (1561–1626) 8211 An ostrich with its head in the sand is just as blind to opportunity as to disaster. 8212 Do
7—The Opening of Opportunity (Esther 1:1–2:4) No life has ever been so attuned to the presence of opportunity as that of our Lord Jesus Christ. Wherever Jesus went, He never missed a thing
your varied life, opportunities to serve God will open before you. These opportunities will constantly come and go. Be ever ready to make the most of them. The opportunity to speak in the
ἀκαιρέομαι: to not have a favorable opportunity to do something—‘to lack an opportunity, to have no chance to.’ ἠκαιρεῖσθε δέ ‘but you had no opportunity’ Php 4:10.
of Opportunity (Esther 1:1–2:4) Lesson 8: Opportunity: Cooperating with God’s Plan (Esther 2:5–23) Lesson 9: Opportunity: Announcing Allegiance (Esther 3:1–4:3) Lesson 10: Opportunity
Opportunity A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. —Francis BaconEssays The right man is the one who seizes the moment. —Johann Wolfgang von GoetheFaust Opportunities flit by
has given us the opportunity to attend meetings to worship God, study His word, and edify one another several times a week. Is this “good” to do? Are you using the opportunityEphesians 5
43 results
idiom, literally ‘to buy out the time’) to take full advantage of any opportunity—‘to make good use of every opportunity, to take advantage of every chance.’ ἐν σοφίᾳ περιπατεῖτε πρὸς
It is related to eukairía (2120), opportunity, favorable occasion. To take advantage of the element of time as providing an opportunity, to have opportunity (Mark 6:31; 1 Cor. 16:12); to have
a (1), without, and kairós (2540), opportune time, season. To lack opportunity (only in Phil. 4:10). Ant.: eukairéō (2119), to have time or opportunity.
OPPORTUNITY (lack) A. Nouns. 1. kairos (καιρός, 2540), primarily, “a due measure,” is used of “a fixed and definite period, a time, season,” and is translated “opportunity” in Gal. 6:10 and Heb. 11
Jeroboam: wasted opportunity God offered Jeroboam a priceless opportunity to build the kingdom of Israel for the glory of God, but he wasted it. Instead of looking back to David and imitating his
or endeavor—‘favorable circumstances, opportunity, occasion.’ ἀφορμὴν δὲ λαβοῦσα ἡ ἁμαρτία διὰ τῆς ἐντολῆς ‘sin grasping an opportunity through the commandment’ Ro 7:8; μόνον μὴ
Exhortation* Do you enjoy teaching in order to participate in research (teaching) or as an opportunity to counsel others (exhortation)? On finding solutions to human problems, do you usually
If we care about others in the local church, we will make opportunities to help them anytime we can. Sometimes the best opportunities occur away from church meetings. Consider some specific
Opportunities at Our Church Scripture teaches that God has gifted each member of this church body with a spiritual gift "for the common good" (1 Cor. 12:7). This, of course, implies that
individually. I believe you’ll make a wise decision. We all make mistakes, but this is an opportunity for you to glorify God. For several months, I did not know what they decided until the day
assemblies are one of the major opportunities to do this. Those who want to be strong and growing will want to be there whenever the church provides the opportunity.
we cannot hold back from the imperative to ‘do justice’, in this full sense, at every opportunity in our world. In the power of the Spirit, we must name and shame the injustices that are
2 results
Galatians 6:10 [widescreen]
Galatians 5:13 [widescreen]
to those for the word “opportunity.” Literally translated it reads “Crisis is an opportunity riding the dangerous wind.” —Dennis Waitley in Seeds of OpportunityChristianity Today, Vol. 35
came to despoil that flock, it came as a wondrous opportunity to David. If he had failed or faltered he would have missed God’s opportunity for him and probably would never have come to be
Opportunity after opportunity came to those in charge to gain advantage for the work. At one time they had a chance to buy lumber at so low a rate that thousands of dollars were saved. How was it
Opportunities of Youth—Those who do not improve the golden opportunities of youth, those who do not when young lay the foundation for a well-balanced, symmetrical character, allow opportunities
to have) eukaireo (εὐκαιρέω, 2119), “to have leisure or opportunity” (eu, “well,” kairos, “a time or season”), is translated “they had … leisure” in Mark 6:31; in Acts 17:21, “spent their
Every blessing received makes a new opportunity to pass a blessing on. Increased ability calls for larger service. As riches increase, the opportunity to help spread the gospel increases. As
ōnis, f ob+1 CAD-an opportunity, fit time, occasion, convenient season, favorable momenttanta, T.: tua, L.: aliis occasio defuit: pugnandi, S.: inrumpendi in urbem, Cu.: sibi ad
at’-tahee) = Opportuneopportunity; seasonable. My due seasons.
Speech: n f Vine’s Words: Opportunity Usage Notes: English Words used in KJV: opportunity 2 [Total Count: 2] from <G2121> (eukairos); a favorable occasion:- opportunity.
opportunity. The Greek present tense denotes keep on buying. There is a price to be paid or we will forgo the bargain. The price is self-denial and strenuous work. There is also opportunity, i
Logos Sermons
64,508 results
A Time for Consideration
A Time for Consideration
First Baptist Church of Belmont · Sermon · January 7 · 51:36
Introduction (Background) During this time, the COI were under the rule of the Persian king Ahasuerus. King Ahasuerus was married to queen Vashti, but she was a rebellious, stubborn woman, so the king put her away and sought another. The queen that he selected would be a Jewish orphan named Esther. Before…
Live the Wise Life
Live the Wise Life
Christ Lutheran Church & School · Sermon · August 18, 2021 · 31:38
Grace to you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The central concept for today’s message is time — kairos. As one examines time in today text as well as in other portions of Scripture, one quickly realizes that time is a gift. As with all other gifts, God calls…
m: a favorable opportunity or occasion in view of propitious circumstances—‘opportunity, good occasion.’ καιρὸν δὲ μεταλαβὼν μετακαλέσομαί σε ‘when I have an opportunity, I will call you
Opportunities Wherever and whenever a need for action arises you have an opportunity for leadership. Whenever and wherever you want enthusiasm, energy, optimism, and passion, recruit young people to
of the usual word for “preach the gospel”? Hebrews 9:27 makes it clear that death ends the opportunity for salvation. This is why the church needs to get concerned about evangelism and missions
opportunity—‘possibility, chance, opportunity.’ τόπον τε ἀπολογίας λάβοι περὶ τοῦ ἐγκλήματος ‘to receive the possibility of defending oneself concerning the accusation’ or ‘to have the opportunity
for Planning The process is called SWOTs. Assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your church. Use four tear sheets to record the results of this brainstorming
often uses circumstances in our lives to open doors of opportunity for His people. Joseph’s circumstances in prison gave him an opportunity to interpret a cupbearer’s dream (Gen. 40:9–19). Later
170ἀκαιρέομαι akaireomai; from ἄκαιρος akairos (unseasonable); to have no opportunity:—lacked opportunity(1).
2119εὐκαιρέω eukaireō; from 2121; to have opportunity:—have time(1), opportunity(1), spend … time(1).
availed himself of,the opportunity; syn. اِغْتَنَمَهَا: (S, A, K:) or he arose and hastened to be before another, or others, in taking, or seizing, the opportunity; or simply he hastened to
OPPORTUNITIES—missed Deuteronomy 18:15, 18–19; John 8:24 Missed Opportunities
Great Invitation Volunteering truly is an opportunity. It’s not just a hole your church or ministry needs to fill—it’s a chance for the members of your church to grow in exciting new ways. It’s
opportunity; or he arose and hastened to be before another, or others, in taking, or seizing, the opportunity; syn. اِنْتَهَزَهَا; (O, K;) or اِغْتَنَمَهَا: (TA:) or he got, or took, the opportunity
winning—Against odds (Acts 16:16–19). Turn hindrances to opportunities. Opposition brought them opportunities to witness for Christ.
those who have had opportunity to become trustworthy men, but who have not improved their opportunity, I will say, Unless your hearts are changed, and you sense your great responsibility before
Introductory A View of the Work Providential Opportunities A Review of Our Experience Sound Forth the Message An Opportunity to Help
does God want us to view new opportunitiesbible reading: Numbers 14:1–45 key bible verse: Not one of these people will ever enter that land. They have seen my glorious presence and the
public position (as a political office) that provides an opportunity for expounding one’s views; also : such an opportunity
induced to thieve either through Opportunity or through the Lust of Revenge Some excuse themselves by saying, that they stole, because a favourable opportunity presented itself; for it is a
Opportunities—Always at hand (Mark 3:10). We will not be in want of opportunities for service if possessed of power to satisfy the deepest human needs.
אָנָה anah (58c); a prim. root; to be opportune, to meet, encounter opportunely:—befall(1), befalls(1), let him fall(1), seeking a quarrel(1).
Opportunity—Failure to grasp (Exod. 4:14–18). Excessive timidity becomes unbelief and brings God’s displeasure and withdrawal of opportunities. Others get the reward we might have had.
OPPORTUNITY (M. Opportunity (3)) 3. For Great Service, Mt 9:37; Mt 25:15; Lu 19:13; Jn 4:35; Ac 16:9.
Cross Reference: TDNT - 3:462 Part of Speech: v Vine’s Words: Opportunity Usage Notes: English Words used in KJV: lack of opportunity 1 [Total Count: 1] from a compound of <G1> (a) (as a negative
opportunity to speak, and He improved the opportunity by presenting before them their true position, adding another warning to the many already given. It was His custom to let circumstances furnish 
3:455,389 Part of Speech: n m Vine’s Words: Opportunity, Season, Time Usage Notes: English Words used in KJV: time 64 season 13 opportunity 2 due time 2 always + <G1722> + <G3956> 2 not tr
Opportunity In her classes on the history of missions, Yvonne Wood of the U. S. Center for World Missions, describes what she calls “the biggest lost opportunity in missionary history.”
OPPORTUNITY (M. Opportunity (2)) 2. Requires Responsibility, Pr 1:24; Eze 3:19; Mt 10:14; Mt 11:20; Lu 12:47. See Accountability, 3452; Responsibility, 3453.
Opportunities are opening on every side; press into every providential opening. Eyes need to be anointed with the heavenly eye-salve to see and sense these opportunities. God calls now for wide
akaireomai), have no opportunity. Cognate words: ἀκαίρωςεὐκαιρέωεὐκαιρίαεὔκαιροςεὐκαίρωςκαιρόςπρόσκαιρος 67.7 (2) to have no opportunity Php 4:10; Herm, S IX, x, 5 Forms of
Sabbath provides valuable opportunities to translate into action these theological values of nature which the seventh day expresses. These practical opportunities will now be considered under
opportunity of working for the Master. Watch for opportunities to do good, and improve the talents God has given you, seeking grace daily that you may succeed in doing good. The lost opportunities
the king. One man of God was equal in power to the whole army of Israel (v. 14)! Hands of opportunity. Lacking spiritual discernment, the king did not understand the will of God as he followed
epikairosadj.opportune; convenient. 4× English Gloss strategic (2): 2 Mac 8:6; 14:22 opportune (1): 2 Mac 8:31 strategically important (1): 2 Mac 10:15 Inflections
when I had ill desires I had no opportunities; and, on the other hand, that when I had opportunities I had no desires; for when desires and opportunities come together, like the flint and
obtaining your education, you may have opportunity to tell the poor and ignorant of the wonderful truths of God’s Word. Improve every such opportunity. The grace of God will bless every minute
AV translates as “conveniently” once, and “in season” once. 1 seasonably, opportunely2 when the opportunity occurs.
אָנָה] vb. be opportune, meet, encounter opportunity. Pi. cause (or allowto meet. Pu. be allowed to meetbe sent. Hithp. cause oneself to meetseek occasion (= seek a quarrel with) sq. ל.
favorable opportunity. Cognate words: ἀκαιρέομαιἀκαίρωςεὐκαιρέωεὔκαιροςεὐκαίρωςκαιρόςπρόσκαιρος. Heb. equiv. fr. LXX: הוּא (1×) 67.5 (2) favorable opportunity Mt 26:16; Lk 22:6
to realize how vast is the field and how precious the treasure, he will seize upon every opportunity for acquainting himself with God’s Word. His study will be restricted to no special time or
for some event—‘opportunity, good occasion, favorable time.’ ἀπὸ τότε ἐζήτει εὐκαιρίαν ἵνα αὐτὸν παραδῷ ‘from then on he sought a favorable opportunity to betray him’ Mt 26:16.
his labours, my husband, whenever he had opportunity, invited the workers in the temperance cause to his meetings and gave them an opportunity to speak. And when invitations were given us to
opportun.e ADJ 1 1 VOC S M POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO] suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready; liable/exposed 
The Kingdom Is Present As an Opportunity Requiring Resolute Action. Here the parables of the pearl and of the treasure in the field (Mt 13:44–46) are especially noteworthy. In the second, as is
2122. εὐκαίρως eukaíroēs; adv. from eúkairos (2121), opportune, convenient. Opportunely, conveniently, in season (Mark 14:11; 2 Tim. 4:2). Ant.: akaírōs (171), inopportunely, out of season
or OpportunitiesWe shouldn’t use God to solve our problems. We should see our problems as an opportunity to find God. —Larry Crabb, Marriage Partnership, Vol. 12, no. 1. See: Deuteronomy
Opportunities of Mediation Mediation provides Christians unique opportunities to demonstrate what remains the hallmark of our faith—our love for one another. —Chip Zimmer, Leadership, Vol. 11
Opportunities Opportunities abound wherever people exist. The need increases when people are busy running to and fro, when they don’t listen well, and whenever you have individuals looking for
the Philippians maintained a concern for him all along, but they lacked the opportunity to send help. That opportunity had been provided by Epaphroditus.
opportunity for doing something—‘unfavorable, when the time is not right.’ κήρυξον τὸν λόγον, ἐπίστηθι εὐκαίρως ἀκαίρως ‘proclaim the message; keep doing so whether the opportunity is
eukaireō), have opportunity; have time. Cognate words: ἀκαιρέομαιἀκαίρωςεὐκαιρίαεὔκαιροςεὐκαίρωςκαιρόςπρόσκαιρος 67.4 (2) to have opportunity Mk 6:31; 1 Co 16:12 67.80 (1) to
to learn or opportunity for instruction, they would have been comparatively free from guilt in their determined opposition to Christ. But they had the most favorable opportunity to obtain an
opportun.e ADJ 1 1 VOC S M POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO] suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready; liable/exposed 
Father, you give us many opportunities to proclaim your salvation message, yet we often shirk back from those opportunities in fearful silence. Forgive us, Father. Fill us with courage to
for opportunity: great as to its extent; effectual as to the result. The figure of an effectual door, as it stands, is of course clumsy, but the idea as a whole is clear: a great opportunity for
of time: 67.78 c era: 67.145 opportunity: 22.45 καιρός: units προ͂ς καιρο͂ν (ὥραςfor a while 67.109 ἐξαγοράζομαι το͂ν καιρόν a make good use of opportunity: 65.42 b work urgently: 68.73
He was glad for the opportunity the disciples would soon have to see an amazing miracle. The disciples had already believed (2:11), but each new trial offered an opportunity for their faith to
have an opportunity of hearing the truth. The truth has been misrepresented. False charges have been made against it. The kings and rulers of this world are to be given an opportunity of knowing
light he had never had. But if he had opportunity to hear the message, and to become acquainted with the truth, and yet refused to improve his opportunity, he will be among the number of whom
he takes an opportunity of looking at him by stealth:] and in like manner one uses the phrases النَّظَرِ ↓ اِسْتَراقُ and ↓ تَسَرُّقُهُ [as meaning (tropical:) the taking an opportunity of looking
Is Opportunity Age is opportunity no less Than youth itself, though in another dress And as the evening twilight fades away, The sky is filled with stars invisible by day. —Henry Wadsworth
21. Give Your Youth Opportunities to Lead
Give your youth opportunities to lead A Bit More Encourage, invite, start small, give feedback, take risks, repeat and increase.
CAN I FIND OPPORTUNITIESMaybe you’ve never organized a service evangelism project before and you’re wondering where to start. Don’t worry; opportunities are all around you—some of them no
gifts and abilities entrusted to us results in greater opportunities, while their neglect results not only in the loss of more opportunities, but of that which was entrusted to us.
Jesus offered His disciples an opportunity to do something that would be “food” for them. He was speaking about the Samaritans. In them, He saw an opportunity for a spiritual harvest for which
Provide Opportunities for Adults to Be Role Models for Children Be sure to provide opportunities for children of single parents to receive mentoring from godly adults. In the vast majority of
and eúthetos (2111), fit, opportune. Unfit, inconvenient, not appropriate (Acts 27:12). Syn.: átopos (824), improper. Ant.: eúthetos (2111), opportuneepitḗdeios (2006), requisite.
2540 (meaning unseasonable); TDNT 3:462; GK 177; AV translates as “lack of opportunity” once. 1 to lack opportunity.
heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. (Col. 3:12) Plenty of Opportunities In this rough-and-tumble world of ours, kindness can be in short supply. People are so busy
convenient opportunity (Matt. 26:16; Luke 22:6). The root is kairós (2540), a suitable or convenient time. Syn.: apokaradokía (603), earnest expectation; aphormḗ (874), opportunity, occasion.
opportunity noun a state of affairs or combination of circumstances favorable to some end <all he asked was an opportunity to show what he could do> synonyms break, chance, look-in, occasion
had been given many opportunities for knowing and doing the will of God. He had seen his grandfather Nebuchadnezzar banished from the society of men. He had seen the intellect in which
had been given many opportunities for knowing and doing the will of God. He had seen his grandfather Nebuchadnezzar banished from the society of men. He had seen the intellect in which
to improve more faithfully the opportunities that so often come to us to bring light and hope into the lives of others. How can we improve these opportunities if our thoughts are centered upon
had Lost his Opportunities Perhaps it will not be inexcusable if we imagine for a moment what might have happened had the thief been granted a last-minute stay of execution. He might have become
Opportunity Looks Like Work Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. —Thomas A. Edison. Leadership, Vol. 16, no. 2. See: Proverbs 10:4; Proverbs 13
the people had the opportunity of demonstrating their repentance, and thus saving their lives. “Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the Lord’s side? let him come unto me
and help and go away disappointed. Opportunity (18–35). God’s kingdom is at work in this world, but many people fail to take advantage of their opportunities. Instead of entering the kingdom
Timothy challenges us to provide young people with opportunities for truly significant ministry. When youth are denied opportunities to put their faith into practice, they will not catch a vision
identical to those for the word opportunity. Literally translated it reads, “Crisis is an opportunity riding the dangerous wind.” View crises as opportunities, and stumbling blocks as stepping
OPPORTUNITY primary examples of ♦ for Israel to enter the promised land: De 1:21 ♦ for receiving godly wisdom: Pr 1:20–23 ♦ For Christian testimony: Lu 21:13 ♦ for one’s legal self-defense: Ac 25
privileges and opportunities. But as a people the Jews failed of fulfilling His purpose; and to others were entrusted the privileges they had abused, the opportunities they had slighted.
Divine Opportunity To Be Useful In Service “I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day” (v. 4). A sense of urgency characterized our Lord in everything He said and did. Indeed, He
2121; TDNT 3:462; TDNTA 389; GK 2321; Two occurrences; AV translates as “opportunity” twice. 1 seasonable time, opportunity.
that canvassers find favorable opportunity for leading the people to a better understanding of the Bible, and that because of the way they meet these opportunities, prejudice is aroused and the
Opportune Place for Backsliding The sanitarium is a place which affords ample opportunity to backslide from God, to let self have the supremacy, and thus separate the soul from Christ and the
to provide us an opportunity to pause and look at what we have done and to decide whether it was worth doing and, if so, whether it was done well. It also gives us an opportunity to prayerfully
God, and Jesus desires to live his life in us, perfecting our characters. The present is an opportunity which God’s people can not afford to lose. God calls us to action, that our educational
some wonderful thing. Satan watches his opportunity to give them something to do in his line. God has given to every man his work. There are opportunities and privileges in the church to help
A person can be tempted to view freedom in Christ as a selfish opportunity for the flesh, in other words, an opportunity to do whatever one wants to do. But Paul points out that true
Lord. One secret of effective witnessing is to recognize opportunities to relate God to the other person’s experience. When the opportunity arises, we must have the courage to speak, as Joseph
work. All who want an opportunity for true ministry, and who will give themselves unreservedly to the Lord, will find in the canvassing work opportunities to speak upon many things that
work. All who want an opportunity for true ministry, and who will give themselves unreservedly to the Lord, will find in the canvassing work opportunities to speak upon many things that
answered by Jesus in John 9: Disasters give us the opportunity to see God at work. They also, Yates notes, give Christians opportunities to share God’s compassionate love. The second
stirred, there is an opportunity for our people everywhere to sow the seeds of truth. Should we neglect to take advantage of this time, we should miss a great opportunity for letting light from
News Provides Opportunities All news is not beautiful. Or had you noticed? But bad news is good news for Christians, in a sense, because we see in it opportunities to turn things around. Or, as
winning Opportunities Provide witness training and opportunities to all the congregation. Personally invite those who have been or may be called to the ministry. Also provide opportunities for
eyes were directed to some far-off place, and they failed to avail themselves of the opportunities lying right before them to minister to souls. Their minds were so fully made up that the
2 The tragedy of missed opportunitiesOpportunity for rededication (1–6). It was at Gilgal that Israel first camped after crossing the Jordan (Josh. 4:19), and there they “rolled away” the
the Opportunity Long ago, in one of the old Greek cities, stood a remarkable statue. Every trace of it has vanished now. However, we still have an epigram which gives us an excellent
Opportunity As Made Clear in Acts 14 A fourfold opportunity came to Paul when he was persecuted at Lystra—Acts 14. 1. Opportunity to Speak—v. 3. They spoke “boldly” (confidently) “in the Lord
in southern California must watch for opportunities to purchase such properties, and it seemed plain to me and to those who were with me that the opportunity of securing this place was a
that were distributed equally represent the equal opportunity of life itself. The servants who did not use their abilities and opportunities were condemned for their irresponsible conduct.
the Value of a Building Dedication A building dedication gives the church an opportunity to celebrate a significant accomplishment.—Whether the facility is large or small, extravagant or
your layoff be an opportunity in disguise? The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. WINSTON CHURCHILL Point to Ponder
31–35. The quotation from Isaiah 53:7–8 was perplexing to the eunuch. Welcoming the opportunity to have Philip explain the passage, he invited the evangelist into his chariot. The Ethiopian knew
2540καιρός kairos; a prim. word; time, season:—age(1), epochs(2), occasion(1), opportune time(1), opportunity(3), proper time(5), right time(1), season(1), seasons(4), short*(1), time(54), times
43. Give Youth Opportunities to Try out Different Identities
Give youth opportunities to try out different identities A Bit More Since they are experimenting anyway, provide practice through things like drama, new environments, reaching out to new
have the opportunity; while the day lasts. Work, for “the night cometh, when no man can work.” How soon that night may come, it is impossible for you to tell. Now is your opportunity; improve
saw that if this opportunity were lost, he might not get another When the crowd appeared to be annoyed by his desperate shrieks; when they told him to be quiet, their attitude was almost
saw that his greatest opportunity had come Suddenly one day he heard the noise of approaching people and when he asked what all this meant, he was told Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. Probably
at work or in the neighborhood, and I spend time using my listening skills, a window of opportunity opens up in their lives, but they close the door.” He found that in his circle it was rare
God, and Jesus desires to live His life in us, perfecting our characters. The present is an opportunity which God’s people cannot afford to lose. God calls us to action, that our educational
Opportunities in the Church When any are drawing apart from the organized body of God’s commandment keeping people, they begin to weigh the church in their human scales and begin to pronounce
Therefore if there is opportunity to purchase at a moderate price, buildings suitably located and well adapted to the work we wish to do, let us improve the opportunity, and save ourselves the
youth ministry. There are three characteristic of post-modernity which provide an open opportunity for ministering to the youth and young adults in a transformational way. Their desire for 
Opportunity, Spend, Spent Usage Notes: English Words used in KJV: have leisure 1 spend time 1 have convenient time 1 [Total Count: 3] from <G2121> (eukairos); to have good time, i.e. opportunity
13 Opportunities come to people busy serving the Lord. God calls people who take time to worship and minister to the Lord. If you want God’s guidance, get busy where you are, and He will show
occasion; opportunity. Cognate words: κονιορτόςὁρμάωὁρμήὅρμημα. Heb. equiv. fr. LXX: הָמוֹן (1×) 22.46 (7) occasion Rom 7:8, 11; 2 Co 5:12; Gal 5:13; 1 Ti 5:14; opportunity 2Cl 16.1
an Opportunity to Serve At a banquet honoring a highly successful fundraiser for colleges and universities, the person who presented him said, “Here is the greatest beggar in America!” Not
opportunity to sit down to the table with the families they visit, and flesh meat is passed to them, let them refuse it, giving their reason for so doing. This will, perhaps, give them an opportunity
opportunity to sit down to the table with the families they visit, and flesh meat is passed to them, let them refuse it, giving their reason for so doing. This will, perhaps, give them an opportunity
over those who obey God’s commandments. All are given the same opportunity that was granted to the first great rebel, the opportunity to show what spirit is prompting them to action. It is God’s
the Lord brings destitute fields to our notice, and gives us opportunity to help, we are never to neglect the opportunity. To respond to the frequent appeals for money, may necessitate much
your failure to do this, you lost a precious opportunity to place large blessings within the reach of the people, and you also lost an opportunity of raising means for the relief of our
first in their opportunities of hearing and obeying shall become last by virtue of their failure to make the most of their opportunities. Many Gentiles with meager opportunities will win higher
words: “Once a great scholar in China said, ‘A sage seeks opportunities in difficulties, and a fool finds difficulties in opportunities.…’ We are born to overcome difficulties through the power
Christ came to our world to proclaim. Men and women are to have opportunity to gain a knowledge of present truth, an opportunity to know that Christ is their Saviour, that God “so loved the
an important work to do for God, and we should watch for opportunities of presenting Jesus to those who know him not. And opportunities will not be lacking if we are prepared by the grace of
126 GK627, 628] vb. be opportune, meet, encounter opportunely (Arabic أَنَى (ʾanāthe right time is come, or it is come to the right time, or to maturity, or is opportune). Pi. Pf. אִנָּה Ex 21
as Opportunity The modern world is said to have made discipleship harder. But it has also made evangelism easier. Today’s world is said to be multiplying crises all around us. But we must
out and build bridges to people in times of stress, they will never forget you. Other opportunities to build relationship bridges are times of: • a financial reversal, • the loss of a job 
situation provides an incredible opportunity for spiritual maturation. A biblical challenge to put before stepfamilies is this: “You have a tremendous opportunity to show how God can work to make
22 fruit from my labor: If Paul continued to live, he would have the opportunity to preach the gospel to others and see spiritual victory in the lives of the Philippians. what I shall choose: Paul
applied in many ways today to denote that many are given opportunities but few fulfill the requirements or demands of the opportunities.
He seldom thinks that it is God who has done this work through His human agents. Now is the opportune moment for Satan to come in and lead the physician to exalt himself instead of Christ. Jesus
Scripture is that pain and adversity become God’s opportunity to bless our lives—in a way that success and health are not God’s opportunity. C. S. Lewis has said this: “God whispers to us in
opportune, convenient”; it is said of a certain day, Mark 6:21; elsewhere, Heb. 4:16, “in time of need.” See need.¶ Cf. eukairia, “opportunity,” Matt. 26:16; Luke 22:6;¶ eukaireo, “to have opportunity
our work, we are to watch for special opportunities to do effective labor. When the minds of the people are agitated regarding Sunday laws, it is an opportune time to enlighten them concerning the
PRESUMPTION (M. Presumption (3)) 3. Of Time and Opportunity, Pr 27:1; Is 56:12; Am 6:3; Mt 24:48; Lu 4:12; Lu 12:19; Lu 12:45; Ac 24:25; Ja 4:13–14. Boasting of the Future Planning for
engraved simply, ‘From Lance.’” The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist, the opportunity in every difficulty. —L. P. Jacks
David’s actions had given an opportunity for the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme. The Lord could not ignore David’s sins and give unbelievers an opportunity to say, “The God of Israel must
Opportunities for Formal Commitments If commitments to do good are to become the normative results of our sermons, then we ought to supply numerous opportunities to engage in them. From the
laden with precious, golden opportunities for serving the Lord, is fast passing into eternity. Dear reader, are you improving these opportunities as they pass? You can not afford to slight
noun synonyms chance 2, fortune, hazard related words break, occasion, opportunity synonyms accident 1, chance, fortuity, hap 3 success dependent on chance <he had all the luck in the world
for the opportunity to practice the academic side of this commentary on them; and to Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Salisbury, North Carolina, for the opportunity to practice the
take away all my gifts and endowments, and all his opportunities for usefulness. For a time I lent him talents, and gave him opportunity to use them to my glory. He saw others at work, and
opportun.a ADJ 1 1 NOM S F POS opportun.a ADJ 1 1 VOC S F POS opportun.a ADJ 1 1 ABL S F POS opportun.a ADJ 1 1 NOM P N POS opportun.a ADJ 1 1 VOC P N POS opportun.a ADJ 1 1 ACC P N POS
Missing the opportunity to pray for those who suffer Although the Triduum, observed with due attention to the practical issues of performance we have discussed, lifts up the reality of suffering
55. Model and Teach Your Youth to Give Away Their Faith
to give away their faith A Bit More Share your faith. Explain to your young people what you’re doing, how you do it, and why you do it. Then give them opportunities to do the same.
of the work that is being done for the colored people, and will give those present and opportunity to help forward this work. I am sure that those who are working for the colored people need
of the work that is being done for the colored people, and will give those present and opportunity to help forward this work. I am sure that those who are working for the colored people need
Make every effort to keep open the communion between Jesus and your own soul. Seek every opportunity to go where prayer is wont to be made. Those who are really seeking for communion with God
every effort to keep open the communication between Jesus and your own soul. Seek every opportunity to go where prayer is wont to be made. Those who are really seeking for communion with God
29 Sleep on now, and take your rest Mark 14:41 Never did that sacred opportunity to watch with Christ return to His disciples. Lost then, it was lost forever. And now when Jesus is still
who have been favored with great light and many opportunities, but who have not accepted the light nor improved the opportunities, who have not followed correct principles in dealing with
who have been favored with great light and many opportunities, but who have not accepted the light nor improved the opportunities, who have not followed correct principles in dealing with
loosing the battle to tempt Christ into sin, the Devil departs “until an opportune time.” (Luke 4:13) AN “OPPORTUNE TIME”—That is what the Enemy of our soul is soliciting from you as he
the pastor who serves merely as an officiator at events misses many great opportunities for ministry—opportunities to help families negotiate life transitions successfully and to enhance their
9:33–35 The argument over positions in the kingdom presented an opportunity for Jesus to continue teaching the disciples about what would be involved in genuine discipleship. Possibly this episode
Opportunities If you are alive, you probably have opportunities to be a disciple and also a mentor. You only have the time and experiences that come your way or that you create. Within those can be
plerus/uter opportun.a ADJ 1 1 NOM S F POS opportun.a ADJ 1 1 VOC S F POS opportun.a ADJ 1 1 ABL S F POS opportun.a ADJ 1 1 NOM P N POS opportun.a ADJ 1 1 VOC P N POS opportun.a ADJ 1 1 ACC P
these opportunities, if we will bless others that they may bless us again. The Lord himself has made us to differ—some poor, some rich, some afflicted—that all may have an opportunity to
In his labors, my husband, whenever he had opportunity, invited the workers in the temperance cause to his meetings, and gave them an opportunity to speak. And when invitations were given us
One of the monks, when given his opportunity to speak, said, “Bad food!” Five years later, his two words were, “Bed hard.” When given his third opportunity to speak five years later, he said
home in Yountville, Calif. TDG 181 gentleness in PM 307:2 God directs those who look for opportunities for UL 247:4 godliness lacking from, of tract and missionary PM 329:0 higher classes need
the same time you leave the place you’ve been. Perhaps the best kind of doors are doors of opportunity. The apostle Paul prayed for such a door in Colossians 4:3: “Pray also for us that God may
40. Music Is Powerful, so Include and Encourage It Even If You Can’t Lead It
encourage it even if you can’t lead it A Bit More Music can express and/or evoke emotions, even when words can’t or don’t. Provide music opportunities for your young people. Plus, it’s
who by fair means or foul advance their own selfish interests by skillful use of their opportunitiesThe sons of light are the disciples who strive to win God’s favor. The sharp contrast
15, 16. Not go down into the house.— Opportunity to be seized:Opportunity is like a string of stepping-stones across a ford. The traveller, coming up to them, may find the river so swollen
in him. Wise living involves both growth in holiness (5:3–14) and making the most of every opportunity (16). The old av translation of verse 16, which speaks of ‘redeeming the time’, is actually
Prayer: A God-given Purpose Prayer is the opportunity God gives His children to become intimately acquainted with Him. As a conversation with God, prayer enables the believer to build a personal
Opportunities to Purchase Sanitarium Properties I have just read again your letter of April 25, 1905, and will try to write something in reply. I shall not be able to write a long letter, for the
this messenger of God, even Herod Antipas had his last opportunity to hear the truth. The opportunity came for John to speak face to face with the royal commandment-breaker. He spoke to
And they weighed unto him thirty pieces of silver. 16And from that time he sought opportunity to deliver him unto them. 14Then one of the twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot 
opportun.o ADJ 1 1 DAT S M POS opportun.o ADJ 1 1 DAT S N POS opportun.o ADJ 1 1 ABL S M POS opportun.o ADJ 1 1 ABL S N POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus ADJ 1 1 NOM S N POS ADJ 1 1 VOC S N POS ADJ 1 1 ACC S M POS ADJ 1 1 ACC S N POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us
opportun.i ADJ 1 1 GEN S M POS opportun.i ADJ 1 1 GEN S N POS opportun.i ADJ 1 1 NOM P M POS opportun.i ADJ 1 1 VOC P M POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus ADJ 1 1 GEN S F POS ADJ 1 1 DAT S F POS ADJ 1 1 NOM P F POS ADJ 1 1 VOC P F POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us
words and our text; for ‘do good’ looks back to ‘well-doing’ and the word rendered ‘opportunity’ is the same as that rendered ‘season.’ So, then, two thoughts arise—‘well-doing’ includes
Glossariorum Lat. 2, 137) to lack an opportune time for doing someth., have no opportunity, have no time abs. ἠκαιρεῖσθε you had no opportunity to show your love to me Phil 4:10. μικρὸν
College challenged over contraceptives The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (eeoc) ruled July 30 that Belmont Abbey College discriminated against women employees by dropping prescription
Opportunities for All “And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.” The words spoken to the disciples are spoken to us
Opportunities All can labor for the salvation of those who are out of the ark of safety. When church members stand pledged to the service of God, pledged to do missionary work, when they take hold
7. Some commentators suggest that what Ruth did presented an opportunity for immorality. But nothing in the passage supports this. Her mother-in-law had complete confidence in the integrity of the
who are dead are people who heard the gospel preached when alive and thus were given an opportunity to live according to God in the spirit. “In the spirit” here refers to the realm of the
Opportunity (Matthew 16:26) During the first three days of July, 1863, in the midst of America’s great Civil War, the armies of the North and South clashed decisively at Gettysburg. For the
Opportunities, Hopes, and Dreams On the last day of the year a celebration is held throughout the land. Beginning at the stroke of midnight in Times Square in New York City, the multitudes cheer
Christians “drift” through life, like sleepwalkers, who never really make the most of opportunities to live for Christ and serve Him. Paul presented several reasons why we should be accurate
opportunity is now. A time will come when it is too late. He went bodily to heaven where unbelievers cannot come (cf. John 8:21). So people today do not have the unique opportunity people
They paid him thirty pieces of silver. 16 And from that moment he began to look for an opportunity to betray him. 10 Then Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve, went to the chief
in PREFIX not -, un-, -less opportun.o ADJ 1 1 DAT S M POS opportun.o ADJ 1 1 DAT S N POS opportun.o ADJ 1 1 ABL S M POS opportun.o ADJ 1 1 ABL S N POS opportunus, opportuna -um
καιρόςkairós, “suitable time,” “season,” and its compounds: “that which is seasonable” or “opportune” (Mk 6:21; Acts 24:25). AV is replaced, in Prov 30:8 RV, by “needful” (Heb ḥōḳ), “feed me
to find the hidden treasure. Now, just now, is the golden opportunity to understand the truths of the Word, and let this opportunity be improved by all. Let the book of Daniel be read, and its
adv., seasonably, opportunely; when the opportunity occurs: Mk. 14:11; opp. to ἀκαίρως (q. v.), 2 Tim. 4:2. (Xen. Ages. 8, 3; Plat. and sqq.; Sir. 18:22.)*
where we have opportunity to know His will, and He offers us power to fulfil it. If we choose, we may be witnesses for Him. He who ignores his duty, and neglects his opportunities must bear the
is from the priv. a (1), without, and kairós (2540), season or time involving opportunity, i.e., opportune time. Only in 2 Tim. 4:2 meaning inopportunely, unseasonably, in contrast to the
of decree (Dan 3:1–6); • offense observed (implied in Dan 3:12); • accusation (Dan 3:12); • opportunity to reform (Dan 3:13–15); • testimony by the defendants (Dan 3:16–18); • verdict (Dan 3:19
see it as disaster, a terrible defeat, or will you see it as an opportunity-as awful and as painful as it might be, an opportunity for God to do new things? Will you look backward, or will you
changing, wonderful opportunities are presented for the sale of our books. A great loss has been sustained because our people have not more fully embraced this opportunity. Why should not the
OPPORTUNITY [1] Bald, naked, of a human shape, [2] With fleet wings ready to escape, [3] Upon a razor’s edge his toes, [4] And lock that on his forehead grows- [5] Him hold, when seized, for
for fear they will detract from their enjoyment. Angels are waiting to see if we embrace opportunities within our reach of doing good,—waiting to see if we will bless others, that they in turn
if he neglects the opportunity presented him and goes on in his evil course, the wrath of God will, in an unexpected moment, break forth upon him. Those who, being often reproved, harden their
before attached word); completes plerus/uter ADJ 1 1 NOM S N POS ADJ 1 1 VOC S N POS ADJ 1 1 ACC S M POS ADJ 1 1 ACC S N POS opportunus, opportuna
before attached word); completes plerus/uter ADJ 1 1 GEN S F POS ADJ 1 1 DAT S F POS ADJ 1 1 NOM P F POS ADJ 1 1 VOC P F POS opportunus, opportuna
opportunity for someth., a meaning found in Attic Gk. and also quite common in the Koine (Nägeli 15) ἐκκόπτειν τὴν ἀ. τῶν θελόντων ἀcut off the opportunity of those who wish an opportunity
opportunism.i N 2 1 GEN S M opportunism.i N 2 1 LOC S M opportunism.i N 2 1 NOM P M opportunism.i N 2 1 VOC P M opportunismus, opportunismi N (2nd) M [GXXEK] NeoLatin uncommon opportunism
improved his opportunities, who has not practiced the truth that others may share in the blessing of his knowledge, shall be taken away, even that which he has. His opportunity to be all that
of heaven. Not long after this we again attended the class-meeting. We really wanted an opportunity to speak of the precious love of God that animated our souls. I wished particularly to tell
Opportunity In a little bit of verse, Robert Richardson, a nineteenth century writer who paraphrased the Greek poet Horace, wrote that there are three things that will never return no matter how
changing, a wonderful opportunity is presented for the sale of our books. A great loss has been sustained because our people have not more fully embraced this opportunity. Why should not the
Opportunities (1 Cor. 16:5–9) “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:15–16, niv). Paul was as
at all hours, and is never off duty. As he has opportunity, he does good. Everywhere, at all times and in all places, he finds opportunities to work for God. He carries fragrance with him
had opportunities to give away some of my books, and to speak to some of my fellow-passengers regarding the goodness and love of God. Those with whom I talked seemed eager for opportunities to
for fear they will detract from their enjoyment. Angels are waiting to see if we embrace opportunities within our reach of doing good—waiting to see if we will bless others, that they in their
wait till opportunities come to us; we are to seek for them, keeping the heart uplifted in prayer, that God may help us to speak the right word at the right time. When an opportunity presents
those abilities. If you are seeking to discover your gift(s), then do not turn down opportunities to serve, even if you think they do not fall within the range of your abilities. God may be
Music Festival Purpose: To give children the opportunity to use their musical talents in areas of singing, playing instruments, participating in musical mimes, etc. Description: Children
It’s fine to have money as long as money doesn’t have you. Overview Even servitude provides opportunities to minister (6:1–2). A love of money characterizes false teachers (vv. 3–5) and is a trap
should be on the ground, watching their opportunity to present the truth and to hold meetings. Let them be quick to seize opportunities to place present truth before those who know it
should be on the ground, watching their opportunity to present the truth and to hold meetings. Let them be quick to seize opportunities to place present truth before those who know it
or OpportunitySomebody asked Winston Churchill one time, “What most prepared you to lead Great Britain through World War II?” For a period of time, Great Britain stood virtually alone
the truth should watch for souls as they that must give an account. They should seek for opportunities to speak words of warning and encouragement to unbelievers, inviting them to come to the
reception of the truth we are linked to God in Jesus Christ—linked up with God to meet our opportunities with the very life principles which make this union a possibility, the principles of self
and as an innocent person. Paul had met his responsibilities as a Roman, and so he had the opportunity to claim Rome’s protection. Every Roman citizen had the right to appeal to Caesar. This
Time of God’s Judgments a Time of Opportunity for the Unwarned—The time of God’s destructive judgments is the time of mercy for those who have no opportunity to learn what is truth. Tenderly
Opportunity Unfolds Bud Schaeffer, two-time Little All-American basketball player at Wheaton College and now serving in the Far East with Orient Crusades, is scoring with athletic evangelism as
wait till opportunities come to us; we are to seek for them, keeping the heart uplifted in prayer that God may help us to speak the right word at the right time. When an opportunity presents
Opportunity A good rendering of the word opportunity is “opposite a port.” Any sailor knows that when you are opposite the port it is best to sail in at once, for if you drift by the harbor’s
εἰληφέναι καὶ μάλιστʼ <ἂν> … καταστήσασθαι ‘thinking that they had found an excellent opportunity, and that this was the moment at which they were most likely to constitute the government in
OPPORTUNITIES—seized and missed Jeremiah 36:16–17, 23–24; Acts 16:9–10 Do What You Are Given Actor Jamie Farr played the high-heeled, cigar-chomping Corporal Klinger in M.A.S.H. About two hundred
seem to be focusing on stepfamilies, and yet these families represent one of the greatest opportunities today for church ministry. Not only should we minister to those already within our doors
wonder of the first magnitude, as well as to the solicitations of many who have not had an opportunity of hearing his wonderful performances, his owner has concluded to give three more Concerts
used the opportunities they had, they were the first to witness the Resurrection. God blessed their devotion and diligence. As believers, we should take advantage of the opportunities we have
church. Yet we are made for worship, and are encouraged by God to worship him. Worship opportunities, like singing, reading psalms, sharing in giving God thanks, and praising God together in
well as some of the largest churches in the United States have opted for giving people an opportunity to express interest by filling out a card or signing a perforated section of the bulletin
Many friends visited him Virtually alone (only Luke with him) Many opportunities for Christian witness were available Opportunities for witness were restricted Was optimistic for release and
Senate complimenting Gen. Lee. This is his opportunity, if he be ambitious,--and who can see his heart? What man ever neglected such an opportunityThe weather is dark and threatening. Again
and thus have permitted that God-given opportunity to pass unimproved. But no; without indulging a questioning thought, he seized his only opportunity. As he attempted to do what Christ had
opportunity to enrich your treasury. Unfortunately, some church leaders are also opportunists. Their bad example leads some men to conclude that Christianity is a religion of opportunism. But
Missionary Opportunities There are some missionary duties that can never be transferred to any one else. God puts us in little circles so that each of us touches some people with more power
of the inf. n.: and] A thing that is [seized, or carried off, by force; or taken at an opportunity, with deceit, guile, or circumvention; or ] taken hastily and openly; (Mgh;) or snatched at
a Newton may be redeemed from among men today. There are those who have had very meagre opportunities, who have walked in ways of error because they knew no better way, to whom beams of light
opportunities chasing you down? Your profession is not what brings home your paycheck. Your profession is what you were put on earth to do with such passion and such intensity that it becomes
meaning An opportunity; a time at which, or during which, a thing may be done, or had]. (IAar, M, O.) So in the phrase أَصَابَ فُرْسَتَهُ [He got, or obtained, his opportunity]. (M.)
times of crisis as opportunities for reflection on the character of our lives, especially our relationship with the Lord. For unbelievers these are opportunities to recognize our
Out Opportunities A man charged with stealing a turkey appeared in court. He told the judge that his action was an answer to prayer. When the judge asked him to explain, the man said
Many friends visited him Virtually alone (only Luke with him) Many opportunities for Christian witness were available Opportunities for witness were restricted Was optimistic for release and
times of crisis as opportunities for reflection on the character of our lives, especially our relationship with the Lord. For unbelievers these are opportunities to recognize our
Opportunities The late Gypsy Smith used to tell the story of his conversion as a youngster, and of his consequent earnest desire for the salvation of his Uncle Rodney. When Smith was a boy it
Opportunity to Develop Character
OPPORTUNITIES (ChanceFreedomOpening)
of sin and unhappiness. Do not wait for better opportunities; work now, while it is called today. Just where you are, take hold of your opportunities. Those who have a heart to work will find
of sin and unhappiness. Do not wait for better opportunities; work now, while it is called today. Just where you are, take hold of your opportunities. Those who have a heart to work will find
9:4–6 The living do have an advantage over the dead (v. 4). The dead have no further opportunities of securing compensation for their labors (v. 5), and they no longer share in life on this
opportun.orum ADJ 1 1 GEN P M POS opportun.orum ADJ 1 1 GEN P N POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO] suitable; advantageous
opportunity to express real gratitude, they miserably failed. There came a day when Christ urgently needed help; when a cruel cross had crushed Him to the ground. In those moments of supreme 
had washed the feet of Judas first. This disciple was having his last opportunity. When the ceremony was ended, the Master said, “Ye are clean, but not all. For he knew who should betray him
THE OPPORTUNITIES AND WAYS OF EMIGRATING TO THIS COUNTRY. From the month of April until in the fall of every year there are vessels sailing to Pennsylvania, at frequent times, from England
S) (ChancesConsiderationOpportunities)
some people for many years that they don’t go to church on Sunday because it is their only opportunity of recreation in the week. With many, that was plainly not true. It might have been true of
OPPORTUNITIES When Paul became a servant of the gospel, God gave him the ability to share the gospel of Christ effectively. You may not be an apostle or even an evangelist, but God will give you 
of wrath—terrible as these—were the fitting thing for the occasion.—R. T. Ver. 37.—Lost opportunities become judgments. One writer observes that converts to Judaism were said to come “under the
Sabbath Purpose: To provide children with the opportunity to use their gifts and talents by participating in the worship service. Description: This is a special yearly program on the
continues to place in the pathway of his children opportunities that are blessings in disguise; and those who improve these opportunities find great joy. “If thou draw out thy soul to the
شُزْبَة 3t , a. Opportunity, chance.
Rulings On Ad Wordings Under the new ruling laid down by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, employers can be penalized if they advertise under the heading “Help Wanted—Male” in
of your life, and weigh well your responsibilities, your opportunities, your possibilities. God has given you an opportunity to fill a high destiny. Your influence may tell for the truth of
motivations and/or needs. Groups that begin simply to give a teacher an opportunity to teach or a leader an opportunity to lead are shallow ground for laying a foundation. Deep values make a ADJ 1 1 DAT P X POS ADJ 1 1 ABL P X POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO] suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune
of your life, and weigh well your responsibilities, your opportunities, your possibilities. God has given you an opportunity to fill a high destiny. Your influence may tell for the truth of
أَفْرَصَ IV , a. Enabled; favoured ( opportunity ).
εὐκαιρέω have time or opportunity; spend time
ἀφορμή , ῆς f opportunity, occasion
See JudgmentAccording to OpportunityResponsibility.
Coheleth, pp. 414–5). Thus the living have opportunities and capacities for fruitful labor but the dead do not (v. 10). The living have opportunities for reward from that labor, but the dead do
power, career opportunities, access to health care information, and even the ability to raise a child properly. Without the skill of reading, few doors of opportunity can ever be opened
the close of this earth’s history; soon we shall stand before the great white throne. Your opportunities for work will soon be past. Therefore work while it is called today. With the help of God
at or before the port; hence], I. In gen., fit, meet, convenient, suitable, seasonable, opportune (class.; syn.: commodus, utilis): tempus actionis opportunum, Graece εὐκαιρία, Latine
not always. Opportunities to help the poor will always be present and the disciples should take advantage of them. But Jesus would not be in their midst much longer and opportunities to show Him
one can return to the fold without the drawing of the Holy Spirit. Christ supplies all the opportunities and privileges: and unless the sinner responds to his overtures of mercy, laying hold of
Missed Opportunity. 13:1–14:45
find a good opportunity, Plb.12.4.13.
B. Prepare Yourself by Taking Every Opportunity Available
of your many opportunities for self-discipline, how easily you are provoked to anger! Deal gently, then, with your children, remembering that they have not had the opportunities that you have
since, we had occasion to stop over one night in Council Bluffs. Thinking to improve this opportunity to visit a friend residing in the place, we took the street-car for her house, only to find
in the healing process. When one receives a letter of compassion from a friend, he has the opportunity to read it several times. He might not remember what you verbally say, but he can keep
since, we had occasion to stop over one night in Council Bluffs. Thinking to improve this opportunity to visit a friend residing in the place, we took the street-car for her house, only to find
by his own behaviour urged her to a compliance, as his absence afforded her the best opportunity in the world, to indulge the stolen delights of love. She allows it; but, at the same time
Provide Support Groups and Other “Services” Give your stepmoms and stepdads an opportunity and place to come together regularly for mutual support. Identifying with each other’s struggles brings ADJ 1 1 DAT P X POS ADJ 1 1 ABL P X POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO] suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune
to make the best of our present opportunities. There will be no other probation given to us in which to prepare for heaven. This is our only and last opportunity to form characters which will fit
R. A. Torrey: The Day of Golden Opportunity
22, 1915 A Man of Opportunity EGW
10—Opportunities for Ministry In Hospitals and Sanitariums
nehemiah’s opportunity and response (2:1–4a)
εὐκαιρία , ας f opportune moment, good chance
תֹּאֲנָה toanah (58c); from 579; opportunity:—occasion(1).
What opportunity did this miracle provide for Peter?
R. A. Torrey: The Day of Golden Opportunity
had opportunities to give away some of my books, and to speak to some of my fellow-passengers regarding the love and goodness of God. Those with whom I talked seemed eager for opportunities to
indeed they had been mindful of that country from which they went out, they would have had opportunity to return.—Abraham, who sent his servant to find a wife for his son in the country from
a primary word Cross Reference: TDNT - 8:187,1184 Part of Speech: n m Vine’s Words: Opportunity, Part, Place, Room Usage Notes: English Words used in KJV: place 80 room 5 quarter 2
speak (everyone). Throughout the sermon, Palau cites examples of Christians who used the opportunities God gave them to change a life for Christ. The two examples that stick out are former
needs offer opportunities for social, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual growth. A well-organized recreation ministry with a balanced program will offer opportunities for growth in
Opportunities Limitless. Because this model relies on the supernatural, setting boundaries proves to be meaningless and making predictions seems no better than guessing. The golden opportunity comes
11b He Sought an Opportunity to Betray Him
watch one’s opportunityσυντηροῦντα παίειν Plu.Marc.12.
I have a good (favourableopportunity, I have leisure.
opportūnus, adj., very seasonable, most opportunediversorium: victoria, L.
commodus, adj., very suitable, highly opportuneipsis castris, L.
opportunity, responsible men who abuse their TM 286
I am without a suitable opportunity (to effect something).
2120εὐκαιρία eukairia; from 2121; fitting time:—good opportunity(2).
a) a starting, a start; (b) cause, occasion, opportunity.
give them an opportunity to resolve questions in their groups. Joy and weeping, sorrow for sin and joy at God’s provision, sadness for their backslidings, but joy at the opportunity to know
at Every Opportunity If you have 50 bottles to be filled with water, you don’t take a bucket and dump it out hoping to fill them all. No, you grab the first bottle by the neck, and then
to act. “I really want to serve God,” she’d say. And I think she meant it. But even when opportunities came—an invitation to teach a Bible study, a call from a friend who asked her to visit
inspire, or comfort others must never be sold.—R. T. Vers. 13, 14.—The responsibility of opportunity. This direction may be stated in a plain way thus: “Give every man a chance, and let it rest
nation, and God may require hiding one’s identity to gain opportunity to serve (2:1) 5. Humble obedience can lead to opportunities to serve (2:2–18) 2. Faithfulness to one’s people can be
gen. kairoú, masc. noun. Season, opportune time. It is not merely as a succession of minutes, which is chrónos (5550), but a period of opportunity (though not necessity). There is really
of full weightcyathis commodis miscentur pocula, H.—Of things, suitable, fit, convenient, opportune, commodious, easy, appropriate, favorable, friendlycurationi omnia commodiora, L.: seges
now let not the opportunity be lost. Let all work together. Let children act a part. Let every member of the family do something. Educate, educate. This is an opportunity which God’s people
1, 1901 Privileges and Opportunities of the Christian Physician
29, 1902 An Opportunity to Give Spiritual Help EGW
فُرْسَة 3t , ( pl. فُرَس 9 ), a. Opportunityb. Time, turn.
وَفْق 1 , a. Sufficient quantity; sufficiency. b. Proper time; opportunity.
How did Philip handle the opportunity that God gave him?
as an opportunity for intimate fellowship with God Himself. Similarly, the divinely assigned responsibility of race, position, or sex is a mandate of office, to be accepted as an opportunity in
minutes: 1. Mission ideas. Brainstorm and come up with a list of local and foreign mission opportunities for church members. It is helpful to base your list on actual needs you are aware of (for
hiding one’s national identity to gain opportunity to serve one’s people. (2:1–11) E. Humble obedience can lead to positions of influence and opportunities to serve the nation. (2:12–18) II 
6 This is a chapter filled with opportunities, some of which were missed because of unbelief, some of which were enjoyed because of faith. I. Opportunity to Know the Servant (6:1–6) The people
his work for this fallen world. Divine help is provided for men and women. They have the opportunity of co-operating with the heavenly intelligences, of being laborers together with God. There
thought possible he might retire before the force pressing upon his line, unless indeed, an opportunity for an attack was offered. The enemy was reported to be between Woodstock and Harrisonburg
Not Give the Devil an Opportunity The command, “Do not give the devil an opportunity [literally, ‘a place’]” (Eph. 4:27), is related to instruction in the previous verse that warns against
treasured and put to a wise use, hours will not be wasted. If small opportunities are improved, greater opportunities will not be neglected. If limited talents are employed, larger usefulness
fitting season, season, opportunity, occasion, timeπρὸς καιρόνfor a time.
opportunity [lack of] OriginalLanguage Transliteration Strongs Occurrences ἀκαιρέομαι akaireomai <G170> 1
16 Redeeming the time is capitalizing on every appropriate opportunity.
S) look for opportunities to be one, Ezr 8:15
18 The occupying troops harassed the remnant at every opportunity.
operation, operative, operator, opportunity, opus OP observation post, out of print
τῷ καιρῷ ἐπεμβαίνων taking advantage of the opportunity, D.21.203.
What opportunities have you had to proclaim your faith in Jesus?
30, 1904 An Opportunity to Help a Needy Cause EGW
forethought, deeds of, lose no opportunity for performing PK 327
List some of the opportunities and privileges Christ’s death provides you.
of opportunity OriginalLanguage Transliteration Strongs Occurrences ἀκαιρέομαι akaireomai <G170> 1
may have opportunity to speak in other churches. In improving these opportunities, remember the words of the Saviour, “Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Make no
doctrines and practices. The ministry of Jesus and His apostles represented the last opportunity for the Jewish nation to repent prior to its destruction in a.d. 70. Now the announcement is
adjective synonyms timely 1, auspicious, favorable, opportune, propitious, prosperous, seasonable, well-timed
εὐκαιρία ĕukairiayoo-kahee-ree´-ah; from 2121; a favorable occasion:—opportunity.
13 Trouble for the church also means opportunity to bear witness.
نُهْزَة 3t , ( pl. نُهَز 9 ), a. Opportunity, chance, occasion. b. Prey, spoil.
Opportunity (τόπον). Lit., place. An unclassical use of the word.
in noun synonyms opportunity, break, chance, occasion, opening, shot, show, squeak, time
opportune, timely, suitable: in Mk. 6:21 perhaps = empty, holiday, festal.
4:27 give no opportunity to the devil James 4:7
Should Have Opportunity on Sabbath to Bear Testimony—I have had my mind drawn recently to the subject of our Sabbath meetings. The work of the Sabbath School needs to be elevated. The leader
relationships. Unique features: Children are given opportunities to learn new crafts and make new friends. It is another opportunity to know parents in the community. Resources: Encyclopedia
people’s, if they do their duty Ev 564 hour of man’s, is hour of God’s opportunity 4T 530 how man’s, can be God’s opportunity 2T 657 life’s: have no anxious care as to CS 227 multitudes unable to
God gave you, as Abram did when he temporarily moved to Egypt, and wait for new opportunitiesbible reading: Philippians 1:12–30 key bible verse: I want you to know, dear brothers
the number of laborers be limited to a very few, when many should be improving the present opportunity to call the attention of the people to the truth for this time? I pray that those of our
muscle and sinew must be put to the test. God has given us many opportunities to work for Him. Unless we improve these opportunities, we can not be growing Christians. When Christ is formed
synonyms unseasonable 1, ill-seasoned, ill-timed, malapropos, mistimed, untimely antonyms opportune
adt-), adv. ad + temperoopportunely, in the nick of time (once): evenit, T.
μεταλαμβάνω (aor. inf. μεμαλαβεῖν ) receive, share in; have, take (opportunity)
اـِنْتَهَزَ VIII , a. Seized, availed himself of ( opportunity ). b. [ Fī ], Was immoderate in.
convocation, Church convocations, appointed opportunities for early and latter rain TM 508
have I used the opportunities God has given me to share the gospel?
can block our opportunities. This battle illustrates that opportunities are sometimes wrapped and packaged up in some kind of difficulty and in order to experience the opportunity we have to
opportunity to be rid of defaulting Sheriffs ought alone to bring every voter to the polls. Military commanders, when not interrupted by the enemy, are required to give the men an opportunity to
xv A question whether it can be without sin that our knowledge affords to weak brethren an opportunity for lying Germanus: As far as the force of the words which have been reasonably and
opportunity to interact on a regular basis with a nonbeliever of that country who is a highly educated professional. After developing a friendship with the professional, my friend had the opportunity
her from the fair opportunity they had by the absence of her husband; whom he endeavours to depreciate, and make appear contemptible. In a word, importunity and opportunity, the two grand
cities, on a large tract of land, so that the students will have opportunity to do manual work. They should have opportunity to learn lessons from the objects which Christ used in the
activities (special games, opportunities to shop, etc.). Believers too are caught up in these secular uses of the Lord’s Day. Churches also abandon opportunities to use available hours on
betray Mt 24:10 3860 “What are you willing to give me to betray Mt 26:15 3860 for a good opportunity to betray Jesus. Mt 26:16 3860 you that one of you will betray Me.” Mt 26:21 3860 the bowl
opportunity OriginalLanguage Transliteration Strongs Occurrences εὐκαιρία eukairia <G2120> καιρός kairos <G2540> 2
2092ἕτοιμος hetoimos; a prim. word; prepared:—accomplished(1), opportune(1), ready(15).
What keeps us from beginning again, when we have every opportunity through God’s grace?
2122εὐκαίρως eukairōs; adv. from 2121; in season:—opportune time(1), season(1).
An Opportunity to Help a Needy Cause The Southern Work Among the Colored People
4:13 until an opportune time Luke 22:53 John 14:30
ἀπόδεξις, ‘they would be glad to have an opportunity of proving their innocence.’
εὐκαιρία ĕukairiayoo-kahee-ree´-ah; from 2121; a favorable occasion:— opportunity.
11:15 they would have had opportunity to return Genesis 24:6–8
are given opportunity to unite with Him, as “laborers together with God,” to mould their characters after the similitude of the divine character. By improving this opportunity, they heed His
Solo provides rich opportunities to listen … and to talk. Especially about what we are listening to while we read. With a young adult novel in verse, we have an opportunity to not only tap into
Opportunity 1. THE LONG RIDE A fellow comes up to a cab driver in New York and says, “Take me to London.” The cab driver tells him there is no possible way for him to drive the cab across the
and will have intense interest to pass that ordeal with heavenly honors. All will have an opportunity to educate themselves while in this world, that they may be fitted to stand the grand review
When Menahem died, and while Tiglath-pileser III was occupied elsewhere, Pekah took the opportunity to unite the two portions of the northern kingdom of Israel (i.e., Samaria and the
lands were constantly passing to and fro. Thus there was given to Solomon and his people opportunity to reveal to men of all nations the character of the King of kings, and to teach them to
opportūnē, adv. peropportunusvery seasonably, most opportunelyvenire: cum te fortuna attulisset: bellum sumere, L.
Taanath Shiloh] (ta’-a-nath-shi’-lo) = Shilo’s opportunity; Shilo’s fig tree. Entrance to Shiloh.
μαρτύριον , ου n testimony, witness; evidence, proof; opportunity to testify (Lk 21:13)
562 He was blind to two things,—his danger, and the favourable opportunity for flight.
tôʾănâhto-an-aw´; from 579; an opportunity or (subj.) purpose:—occasion.
خُلْسَة 3t , ( pl. خُلَس 9 ), a. Snatch, grab; theft, robbery. b. Opportunityc. Grizzly hair.
13. The devil departed, not permanently, but only until a latter more opportune time.
God’s call Had Matthew remained at his seat of custom, he would have lost the greatest opportunity of his life. Yet, that possibility surely existed. The Lord did not drag him from his place
read that Saul now had opportunity for vengeance against those Israelites who were unenthusiastic about his reign, however, he turned the situation into an opportunity for forgiveness. This is
and discuss with them a service program. Get the youth involved in looking for service opportunities and developing the program. Identify ways to get youth involved in service in your
that Esther and her cousin Mordecai stayed in Persia, when it seems they might have had the opportunity to return to Palestine? How was this part of God’s plan for the Israelites in Persia? 13
the law were looking for “some sly way to arrest Jesus” (v. 1), and Judas “watched for an opportunity to hand him over” (v. 11). Judas is identified specifically as “one of the Twelve” (v. 10
not mean He taught infrequently, but rather as the occasion arose. He was always open to opportunities and the variety of situations that presented themselves. He used the synagogue services
progress of your team. Make a list of available training opportunities.—Include the following. • National training opportunities (Glorieta and Ridgecrest). • Training offered by your state
Church Purpose: To provide children with the opportunity to worship in an age-appropriate setting, learning at their level of understanding, and participating in worship. Description
hostile settlement. καιρὸν. ἑκάστου—‘an opportunity for any particular attempt.’ ἑκάστου is best taken as nent., and not as masc., ‘an opportunity for attacking each of you.’ ἄλλα—internal
תּוֹרתֹּר n.m. plait, turn — plaitscirclets of gold; sg. turnopportunity.
81) They are reserving themselves for an opportunity, and are quite ready to meet them again.
εὐκαίρως ĕukairōsyoo-kah´ee-roce; adv. from 2121; opportunely:—conveniently, in season.
is a mysterious and sacred trust. Precious are its opportunities, and faithfully should they be improved.
10 you lacked opportunity. Paul adds a qualification, lest they think he is rebuking them.
n.f. opportunity, i.e. ground of quarrel; of Samson, sq. מִן.
سَبَّبَ II , a. Caused, occasioned; furnished with an opportunity, gave a chance. b. Abused, inveighed against. ADJ 1 1 ACC S F POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO] suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready ADJ 1 1 NOM S M POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO] suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready
opportun.os ADJ 1 1 ACC P M POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO] suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready
in the work of God, and she should be seeking opportunities to help her husband, to hold up his hands, and to labor wherever there was an opportunity.—Manuscript 3, 1867, 1. (To a prominent worker ADJ 1 1 ACC P F POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO] suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready
editor writes (especially when he gets an opportunity of indulging his partisan bitterness against the South) and may take an early opportunity of expressing our dissent; but the Magazine is
favorable opportunity to control and train their children, when the spirit is teachable, and the mind and heart easily impressed. But sometimes they neglect these golden opportunities, and permit
intrusted will determine the returns expected. The sinner’s guilt will be measured by the opportunities and privileges which he failed to improve. He will not be punished merely for his own
God. Perhaps too there is an implicit opportunity for them to turn in repentance and faith and change their ways. Certainly, there is the opportunity for us as Christian disciples to repent
Missed Opportunity: Jehu While Jehu is remembered as one of the great kings of the northern kingdom, he did not entirely follow God’s ways. His bloody rise to power fulfilled Elijah’s prophecy
SEIZING OPPORTUNITY, Jn 9:4; Ac 3:12; Ac 21:40. See Haste, 1498.
Northern view of Rosecrans's Weak points--the Dangers which Threaten him — Bragg's Opportunities, &c.
a) a door; (b) met. an opportunity, Ac. 14:27, 1 Cor. 16:9, &c.
θύρα , ας f door, gate ( ἐπὶ θ. at the very door); entrance (of a tomb); opportunity
9 Laziness destroys by wiping out what could have been accomplished, losing both time and opportunity.
Think of a time when you had the opportunity to show mercy but didn’t. Why didn’t you?
awake adjective (1818) 1 : fully awake 2 : alertly watchful especially for advantages or opportunities synonymy see watchful
opportunities open elsewhere. My concern is that when we write Christian history, so often it’s a matter of, “Let’s look at this expansion, and let’s look at this growth and new opportunity
Awakened Souls, Opportunity for Preaching to People go to sleep for a long time, but all on a sudden they begin to rub their eyes, and to enquire about this, and about that, and about something
ἐξαγοράζομαι: unit ἐξαγοράζομαι το͂ν καιρόν a make good use of opportunity: 65.42 b work urgently: 68.73
highest point, acme. b. Substance, essence. c. Quantity. d. Manner, fashion. e. Opportune moment.
ath-a-i’-ah) = Whom Jehovah made; made opportunity of the LORD; Jehovah is helper. Jah’s due season.
taken hurriedly, snatched (i.e. by seizing an opportunity), πλόος Hes.Op.684.
difficulties an opportunity for, Gn 12:10; 22:1; 35:10 see also SPIRITUAL GROWTH
4 Although God desires the salvation of all men, He does not violate their opportunity to choose.
759–798 ‘Arruns watches his opportunity to throw a spear at Camilla, and prays to Apollo for success.’
incident, in these chapters on Elijah, would fit the expression, “Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity?”
44 all that he has. The reward of faithful service is the opportunity to perform higher service.
45, 46 The punishment for failure to make proper use of opportunities for service is severe.
Some have said that in their experience in visiting the people, they have found favorable opportunities for presenting the truth for this time, and have even been forced into holding Bible
it all at once. Let every power of your being go to each day’s work, improve each precious opportunity, appreciate the helps that God gives you, and make advancement up the ladder of progress
opportunity that offered. Accordingly, drawing out his men next day, in the same place he had done for some time past, he ranged them in order of battle. Attius Varus did the same; that if an 
as in Ephesians 5:16, of buying up the opportunitykairosa season, a time in which something is seasonable, i.e., making the most of every opportunity, turning each to the best advantage
and Philip, and complained that certain persons were fettering the opportunities of the city—you who always ruin the opportunity of to-day, and guarantee that of to-morrow. And when at last you
of your many opportunities for self-discipline, how easily you are provoked to anger. Deal gently, then, with your children, remembering that they have not had the opportunities you have had to
opportunity for reading which soldiers embrace with an avidity that persons employed in other occupations have little idea of. There probably never was before and never will be again, such an 
and I let her walk away. “So what do you think? This is a great opportunity, Seth. A lucrative opportunity. Don’t you think it’s worth at least exploring?” Right. Rachel. Telling him
less ADJ 1 1 ACC S F POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO] suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready
less opportun.arum ADJ 1 1 GEN P F POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO] suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready
shut out,’ ‘preclude.’ Hermann took “χρόνου καιρὸν” as=“τὸ καίριον τοῦ χρόνου”, ‘the opportune moment of time.’ The meaning would then be that the “λόγος” might hinder them from seizing
and out, fully. So here and Eph. 5:16, buy up. Rev., in margin, buying up the opportunity. The favorable opportunity becomes ours at the price of duty.
has given our publishing houses opportunity to cooperate with Him by assisting the newly-established publishing house at Nashville.
εὐκαίρως ĕukairōsyoo-kah´-ee-roce; adv. from 2121opportunely:— conveniently, in season.
opportune adjective synonyms timely 1, auspicious, favorable, propitious, prosperous, seasonable, timeous, well-timed related words appropriate, felicitous, happy antonyms inopportune
LICENCE (in Acts 21:40 and 25:16, kjv) see leave (b) and opportunity, A, No. 3
opportune adjective synonyms timely 1, auspicious, favorable, propitious, prosperous, seasonable, timeous, well-timed related words appropriate, felicitous, happy antonyms inopportune
21:13 This will be your opportunity to bear witness Philippians 1:13–14 Philippians 1:19
الفُرْصَةُ أَفْرَصَتْهُ الفُرْصَةُ ذ The opportunity gave him power or ability [to do a thing]. (M, A, K.)
εὐκαίρως ĕukairōsyoo-kah´-ee-roce; adv. from 2121opportunely:— conveniently, in season.
opportunity for gospel Isaiah 55:9–11; 1 Corinthians 3:5–9 A Matter of Time Jesuit priest Matteo Ricci went to China in 1578 hoping to establish a Catholic mission. He made a good first
peaceful ride, and a very favorable opportunity of conversing together. This is a rare treat; for both of us are so occupied that we have but little opportunity for social interchange of thought
that he felt he had every ground for refusing. but he will come when he shall have opportunity.—this suggests that one reason for his unwillingness to come at that time was lest the
have a maximal opportunity to help shape our communities toward Christ, we sometimes don’t take advantage of that opportunity. There are many ways that we might miss the opportunity to be
מִשְׁבָּר n.[m.] breach, i.e. mouth of womb; (fig. of helplessness); (fig. of opportunity).
volnere, with a blow aimed at him. Pyrrhus is always meaning to strike, but never has the opportunity.
240 Sub auras Erigitur” 8. 25. ‘Fortuna uti,’ to make use of the opportunity, like “utere sorte tua” 12. 932.
favourable opportunityPOxy.1678.6 (iii a.d.).
action noun (1965) : an active effort to improve the employment or educational opportunities of members of minority groups and women
We have hitherto had Saul seeking an opportunity to destroy David, and, to his shame, he could never find it. In this chapter David had a fair opportunity to destroy Saul, and, to his honour, he
are to make the very best use of our opportunities, and to study to show ourselves approved unto God. God will accept our best efforts; but let no one imagine he will be pleased with ignorance
are to make the very best use of our opportunities, and to study to show ourselves approved unto God. God will accept our best efforts; but let no one imagine he will be pleased with ignorance
Father has blessings disguised in our pathway. Angels are waiting to see if we embrace opportunities within our reach of doing good,—waiting to see if we will bless others, that they in their
on declared, Rom. 1:4. The meaning is, he gives another opportunity of securing the rest, and calls the period in which the opportunity is offered to-dayIn David. The date of the composition
active, tyranny eagerly watching opportunity to spring again into 5T 712 parent given to, terrible mistake of CG 262
OPPORTUNITIES 0731—A Word In Season. 0857—Timely Reflections 1030—The Pilgrim’s Longings 1445—Wake Up! Wake Up 3478—Go Back? Never!
appeared to acknowledge the truth of his condition before God and was faced with the opportunity to repent.
فَرْص 1 ), a. Cut; slit; bored; wounded ( horse ). b. I ( n. ac. فَرْص 1 ), Seized the opportunity.
If the desire to kill and the opportunity to kill came always together, who would escape hanging? —Mark Twain
centered person, countless opportunities lost by, for doing good 1SM 87 do not be CH 35; 2SM 115
the way for a great work to be done. Those who have advanced in faith, now see so many opportunities for establishing the truth firmly in Nashville that they feel like making an effort to
by the labor at Santa Rosa, though little interest was manifested by unbelievers. The opportunity was gratefully improved by those who loved the truth. They listened to the reasons of our
Zech 8:16 Notes For Verse 26 [do not sin]—Ps 4:4 Notes For Verse 27 [opportunity to work]—Lit. an opportunity Notes For Verse 30 [to be sad]—Or grieved Notes For Verse 32 [has forgiven
opportunity? What was Esther’s great opportunity that put her watchful uncle Mordecai into such sleepless anxiety lest she should either miss it, or betray it? Esther’s splendid opportunity
lost in the shuffle. The lasting and eternal are engulfed in triviality. There is no better opportunity to enjoy life’s small, mundane responsibilities than to invest time and energy in lifestyle
state of the, who have no opportunity of knowing how to escape from their corruption and misery, Rom. 5, in fine.
Luke 16:19–31). “Son, remember.” May not “this flame” signify the anguish of memory—opportunities lost and sin committed?
timed adjective synonyms timely 1, auspicious, favorable, opportune, propitious, prosperous, seasonable, timeous contrasted words premature, untimely; behindhand, late, tardy antonyms ill-timed
would that he did not,’ the tense referring as always to past time. copia, ‘occasion,’ ‘opportunity.’ Cf. 330 n.
doctrine noun (1967) : a tenet of licensed broadcasting that ensures a reasonable opportunity for the airing of conflicting viewpoints on controversial issues
9. In what ways are you a “secret disciple”? What opportunities might you have this week for being a “public disciple”?
pass, pinch, strait, turning point, zero hour related words break, chance, occasion, opportunity
of all 4T 340 mental See Mental improvement ministers should make 4T 412–6 of opportunities See Opportunity of talents See Talent physical, all possible to encourage desire for 5T 90
uter ADJ 1 1 NOM S M POS opportunus, opportuna -um, opportunior -or -us, opportunissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO] suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready
for fear they will detract from their enjoyment. Angels are waiting to see if we embrace opportunities within our reach of doing good,—waiting to see if we will bless others, that they in their
worship team members the opportunity to share something they’ve been learning or reflecting on lately—with the team or the congregation. The specific growth opportunities available to your
Golden opportunities occur almost daily where the silent messengers of truth might be introduced into families and to individuals; but no advantage is taken of these opportunities by the
OPPORTUNITY looking for a good o to betray bim. Mt 26:16 and don’t give the devil an o. Eph 4:27
adv. with comp. tempestivusat the right time, in proper season, seasonably, opportunely, fitly, appropriatelydemetere: sepulti, O.: Tempestivius in domum commissabere, H.:
εὐκαιρέω ĕukairĕōyoo-kahee-reh´-o; from 2121; to have good time, i.e. opportunity or leisure:—have leisure (convenient time), spend time.
present is an opportunity we cannot afford to lose. We call upon all our people to help to the utmost of their ability.”
Luke 4:13 Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time.
Who in your circle of acquaintances needs to understand the gospel? Ask God to give you opportunities to be his “interpreter.”
فُرْصَة 3t , ( pl. فُرَص 9 ), a. Opportunity, chance. b. A time, turn. c. Temperament. d. see ) فِرْصَة 2t ) ( a ). e. [ coll. ], Vacation-time.
OPPORTUNITY TO DO GOOD. --We take pleasure in calling attention to the following. It presents a wide and most inviting field of usefulness:
Shine To Our Publishing Houses Be Courteous Be in Earnest Danger of Worldliness Present Opportunities Ordained to Bring Forth Fruit Worth Repeating
receive, according to their investment in heavenly stock 4T 119 neglect of opportunities to secure 3T 250 opportunities improved add to 3T 249–50 rich young ruler could have been coheir with
had returned of their own accord, bitterly repenting their weakness, and desiring further opportunity of reformation. As the most insidious means were adopted to lure them back to vice, the
The Problem of Pain The disciples couldn’t bear to let this opportunity slip away. They were just like you and I would have been. All their lives they had wondered about this age-old problem of
the allies would have let the opportunity pass, in terror at Philip’s audacity. But by beginning the war as he did he forced his countrymen to seize the opportunity, and compelled Attalus not to
may have opportunity to speak to other churches. In improving these opportunities, remember the words of the Saviour, “Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Do not arouse the
given Mordecai in verse 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Like Nehemiah after him, Mordecai grasped opportunity in order to “seek the good of his people” (v. 3; Neh. 2:10). In seeking their good, he was
your servant will go: David weighed the difficulties from a divine perspective. Here was an opportunity for God to display His power.
καιρὸν (Root: καιρος, LN: 22.45; noun, accusative, singular, masculineopportunity Contained in: Segment Clause Syntactic Force: Direct object
ἀφορμή aphormē; from 575 and 3729; a starting point, i.e. fig. an occasion:—occasion(2), opportunity(5).
387 ξύμμετρος, commensurate with, i.e. here, opportune for. O. T. 84 “ξύμμετρος γὰρ ὡς κλύειν”: ib. 1113 “ξυνᾴδει τῷδε τἀνδρὶ σύμμετρος”.
12 12. What opinions do people have about Jesus’ identity today? What opportunities do you have to generate open discussion about who Jesus is?
ατος, τόseasonable, opportune actStoic.3.136 (pl.).
520 ‘And when at length they came where there was opportunity [“εἶκε”] for them to lie in ambush.’ εἶκε = Attic “ἐνεχώρει”, ‘it was possible.’
11, 12 The lifting of the siege by the Babylonians afforded the people in Jerusalem some opportunity for movement outside the city.
رَبَصَ U ( n. ac. رَبْص 1 ), a. Put in expectation. b. [ Bi ], Watched for an opportunity to; waited for. c. Watered ground before sowing.
with the whole heart if the showers of grace are to come to us. We should improve every opportunity of placing ourselves in the channel of blessing. Christ has said, “Where two or three are
Israel. (4) Opportunity given for strong anti-Israel UN resolution. Prepare for a future invasion by world power as if acting on behalf of the rest of nations. (5) Opportunity to fully unleash
war with Alexander, as he claims to have been, or had any thought of it, three of the best opportunities in the world have been offered to him, and, as you see, he has not seized one of them. One
the period of waiting was not intended to be an empty, meaningless ‘delay,’ but a period of opportunity to put to good use the ‘talents’ entrusted to his ‘slaves.’ ”9 Though different in detail
future. She looks over the rainbow, wishing she could fly away to a land of wonder and opportunity. When a tornado sweeps her away to the land of Oz, Dorothy meets three other friends who
in the life of the congregation. Seven in ten worshipers say that they are given the opportunity to participate in decision-making in their local church. About 24% often participate and an
up every jot and tittle of knowledge and experience. God holds them responsible for the opportunities given them. The work before them is waiting for their earnest efforts, that it may be
the Jews and that other nations might have an opportunity to see the character of God as represented in Christ Jesus. He gave them an opportunity to repent and to believe on the only-begotten
The Slinky “The man with a new idea is a crank until his idea succeeds.” —Mark Twain Opportunity often knocks at odd times and in odd ways. When the knock occurs, some people answer the door
8 the poor you have with you always: We will never lack an opportunity to care for the poor (see Deut. 15:11).
ἀφορμὴν (Root: ορμη, LN: 22.46; noun, accusative, singular, feminineoccasion, opportunity Contained in: Participial Clause Syntactic Force: Direct object
53 Those who had the best opportunity to know Jesus rejected Him. Familiarity had bred contempt of Him among those in his own country.
opportunity cost noun (1911) : the cost of making an investment that is the difference between the return on one investment and the return on an alternative
ἀφορμὴν (Root: ορμη, LN: 22.46; noun, accusative, singular, feminineoccasion, opportunity Contained in: Participial Clause Syntactic Force: Direct object
in another column. Persons desirous of enlisting will find this a very favorable opportunity.
ἀφορμὴν (Root: ορμη, LN: 22.46; noun, accusative, singular, feminineoccasion, opportunity Contained in: Segment Clause Syntactic Force: Direct object
26:16 Sought opportunity (ἐζητει εὐκαριαν [ezētei eukarian]). A good chance. Note imperfect tense. Judas went at his business and stuck to it.
13 until an opportune time: This was but the first of several encounters Jesus had with Satan and his forces (11:14–23).
ἀφορμὴν (Root: ορμη, LN: 22.46; noun, accusative, singular, feminineoccasion, opportunity Contained in: Prepositional Phrase Syntactic Force: Prepositional object
ἀφορμήν (Root: ορμη, LN: 89.22; noun, accusative, singular, feminineoccasion, opportunity Contained in: Relative Clause Syntactic Force: Direct object
mount upon togetherσ. τοῖς καιροῖς, ταῖς ἀτυχίαιςpounce upon opportunities, etc., Plb.20.11.7, 30.9.21.
your life can you serve Jesus through serving another human being? (Think of projects or opportunities that are available to you.)
To small tasks (1 Sam. 14). Jonathan’s armor bearer. Faithful to his opportunity as armor bearer; an important cog in the plan of God.
leaders are doing. Be sensitive to signs of burnout. Provide enrichment training, renewal opportunities, and encouragement.
14: Between Stimulus And Response, We Have The Opportunity To Choose Freedom of choice! How we love it! What we don’t like is the responsibility that accompanies our choices … especially
of Babylon; it will be because they have failed to make the most of present light, present opportunities for knowing what is truth and righteousness. Our condemnation in the judgment will not N 2 1 NOM S M opportunismus, opportunismi N (2nd) M [GXXEK] NeoLatin uncommon opportunism
to God’s claims 1T 511 responsible to God for: good they can do 5T 115 His opportunities CSW 36 their opportunities and privileges MYP 41 work they should do 3T 378 service of: Christ claims
students fools, idiots, and asses for shunning a quick-money opportunity. In such a materialistic society, such opportunity rarely is turned away, even if it is illegal.… It is nice to know
TDNTA 389; GK 2789; 87 occurrences; AV translates as “time” 64 times, “season” 13 times, “opportunity” twice, “due time” twice, “always + 1722 + 3956” twice, not translated once, and translated
don’t let yours diminish, Ex 28:3; 35:10–19 developing yours leads to greater opportunities, Eccl 10:10 PROFILE: Aaron (in Ex)
The Art of Hospitality Relationships: The Reason People Stay Follow-up: The Window of Opportunity Sermons: The Extra Mile About Proclaim
to be without an opportunity, opp. εὺκαιρέω, D.S.10.7:—Med., impf. ἠκαιρεῖσθε Ep.Phil.4.10.
8, 9 The opportunities for Paul’s ministry in Ephesus, a major city of Asia Minor, were great, as was the persecution he endured there.
εὔκαιρος ĕukairŏsyoo´-kahee-ros; from 2095 and 2540well-timed, i.e. opportune:— convenient, in time of need.
12 Turn to Me: As in Zephaniah (see Zeph. 2:1–3), an opportunity for repentance, remorse, and renewal was offered to the people.
The Art of Hospitality Relationships: The Reason People Stay Follow-up: The Window of Opportunity Sermons: The Extra Mile About Proclaim
12 Opportunity to boast: Paul explains his motives to the Corinthians to give them an answer for his detractors, who are preoccupied with superficial judgment.
ὀξῠ-λᾰβέω, f. ήσω, (λαμβάνωto seize quickly: to seize an opportunity, Xen.
a handle, haft: canthari, V.: poculi, O.—The catch of a shoe-string, H.—Fig., an occasion, opportunityreprehensionis: sermonis ansae, clews: ad reprehendendum.
καιρὸν (Root: καιρος, LN: 22.45, 67.1; noun, accusative, singular, masculineopportunity Contained in: Participial Clause Syntactic Force: Direct object
8, 9 The opportunities for Paul’s ministry in Ephesus, a major city of Asia Minor, were great, as was the persecution he endured there.
and perplexed. At last he gives orders for instant departure, trusting to find an opportunity of breaking the news to Dido.’
to be without an opportunity, opp. εὺκαιρέω, D.S.10.7:—Med., impf. ἠκαιρεῖσθε Ep.Phil.4.10.
14 peace offerings. The food from these religious offerings provided opportunity for gluttony (Lev. 7:12–18). See 17:1; 21:27.
verb 1 to make equal in amount, degree, or status <equalize educational opportunitiessynonyms equate, even related words balance, level, square synonyms even 2, equal
under some shade trees to wait. Mr. Reid did an unusual thing. He recognized the God-given opportunity, and timidly suggested if he could conduct a brief religious service under the trees. Of
was given opportunities and privileges which, had they been improved, would have constituted him a man having that faith which works by love and purifies the soul. He would have been cleansed
the Opportunity I don’t want to give the impression I announce controversial topics every month. If I did, I’d be guilty of sensationalism. I don’t want my sermons to be the ecclesiastical
and Jacob—knew God but never had the opportunity to know God in the way the average Hebrew slave in Egypt knew God. They had a greater opportunity than Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Why was
Women’s Ministries at the General Conference has promoted a special day when women have the opportunity to strengthen their spiritual bonds as they pray for and with each other. The International
Calendar of Special Days and Events and falls on the second Sabbath each June. It is an opportunity for women to lead out in a worship service and a chance to educate the church regarding the
to present the message for this time, and hold meetings as they have opportunity. Let them be quick to seize opportunities to speak to the people. Accompanied by the power of the Holy Spirit
kingdom (John 10:7–9). The door of faith is the opportunity of belief offered to the Gentiles in Acts 14:27. Elsewhere it means opportunity. Paul refers to a great door opening to him in 2
are epochs, sections of ‘time,’ each with its definite characteristics and its special opportunities, unlike the rest that lie on either side of it. The great broad field of time is portioned
תַּאֲנָה ta˒ănâhtah-an-aw’; or תֹּאֲנָה tô˒ănâhto-an-aw’; from 579; an opportunity or (subj.) purpose:— occasion.
7:11 seizing an opportunity through the commandment Romans 7:8 deceived me and through it killed me Genesis 3:13 Hebrews 3:13
εὐκαιρίαν (Root: καιρος, LN: 67.5; noun, accusative, singular, femininefavorable opportunity, right moment Contained in: Segment Clause Syntactic Force: Direct object
ex-ag-or-ad´-zo; from 1537 and 59; to buy up, i.e. ransom; fig. to rescue from loss (improve opportunity):—redeem.
7:11 taking an opportunity Romans 7:8 through the commandment Romans 3:20 Romans 7:8 deceived me and Genesis 3:13
one or more participants withhold action temporarily in the hope of having a favorable opportunity for more effective action later
David recognized God’s sovereignty in bringing about the circumstances that gave him an opportunity to kill Saul.
opportunity noun (1972) : a situation or event that lends itself to and is often arranged expressly for the taking of pictures that favorably publicize the individuals photographed
7:8 taking opportunity Romans 7:11 through the commandment Romans 3:20 Romans 7:11 apart from the 1 Corinthians 15:56
human sin deserves punishment, God in His forbearance, or longsuffering patience, gives an opportunity for Repentance (Rom. 2:4). Also see Longsuffering.
branch vitally connected with the Vine. As he has opportunity, he does good; and everywhere, at all times and in all places, he finds opportunity to work for God. He is one of the Lord’s evergreen
for a time. God’s forbearance does not mean that God condones sin, but that God gives opportunity for repentance. God is able to maintain God’s reputation as a righteous judge in spite of
Christ to meet and overcome evils which have been introduced into society. They will have opportunities to use all the knowledge and influence that they have acquired, and will need wisdom from
your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” Richard Longenecker in his superb commentary on Galatians says the word “opportunity for the flesh” means “a
10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. NIV The wordplay on “time” (kairos) in 6:9 and 6:10 does not come
for Review and Discussion 1 Take this opportunity to review the treatments offered of Genesis to Numbers and make your own assessment of the “author” and “audience” of the text as a whole
study. Young men and women should be urged to appreciate the heaven-sent blessings of opportunities to become well disciplined and intelligent. They should take advantage of the schools that
Faith in Him. In Response to Our Desire to Labor for Christ, Heavenly Angels Will Place Opportunities before Us by Which We May Make Known the Salvation of God Spiritual indolence brings
adv. with sup. opportunusfilly, seasonably, opportunelyehem opportunewell met, T.: venisse: locus captus ad eam rem: opportune inritandis animis litterae adlatae, L.: nuntiis
outline the obligations all Christians have toward one another; 3:18–4:2 will focus on opportunities for service within specified relationships.
prized this opportunity to speak words of warning and caution, knowing that those whom I addressed must be aroused to guard their souls from the devices of Satan.
students should have abundant opportunity to gain an education in physical labor; for thus they will be better prepared to acquire the knowledge they need for their work.
aphŏrmēaf-or-may´; from a comp. of 575 and 3729; a starting-point, i.e. (fig.) an opportunity:—occasion.
of heavy ordnance destined for a distant point, where they will be used with effect, if opportunity offers.
extremity—God’s opportunity (Exod. 4:6). Of helping and glorifying Himself. God’s covenants are as firm as truth can make them. Trust Him whatever the outward circumstances.
8 An open door: Either of service and evangelistic opportunity (1 Cor. 16:9; 2 Cor. 2:12) or of entrance into the consummated kingdom.
seizes those who have had great light and precious opportunities, but who have not walked in the light nor improved the opportunities God has given them. Darkness comes upon them; they fail
opportunity ever come to those who would say to the Spirit of God, as did Felix, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season I will call for thee? Is the opportunity ever to
those who seem unable to get any solitude at all, or even the opportunity of stealing into a quiet church for a few moments, may we point to the wonderful prayer-life of St. Paul? Did it ever
Offering an exclusive opportunity for pastors and their wives to receive discipleship from Drs. Tony and Lois Evans and the TUA staff, along with networking opportunities, resources and
of Opportunity Satan has laid every measure possible that nothing shall come among us as a people to reprove and rebuke us, and exhort us to put away our errors. But there is a people who will
ita potestatem gerere, ut, etc., so to administer the office.—Power, ability, possibility, opportunityliberius vivendi, T.: quotiens mihi certorum hominum potestas eritwhenever I find men on
εὐκαιρέω ĕukairĕōyoo-kahee-reh´-o; from 2121; to have good time, i.e. opportunity or leisure:— have leisure (convenient time), spend time.
poenitentiae (Lat., place or opportunity of repentance) Interval when it is possible to withdraw from a bargain or a course of action before being fully committed to it.
bears long with the perversity of men, giving them ample opportunity for repentance; but he marks all their devices to resist the authority of his just and holy law.
contrast is between kingship seen as the exercise of justice (Josiah) and kingship as an opportunity for getting wealth (Jehoiakim).
in your life who are “like sheep without a shepherd”? Ask the Holy Spirit to open up an opportunity for you to share with them.
and paroled us. The precaution was unnecessary, as none of us are able to escape, if opportunity offered. Am much better to-day.
46) Thinking it better and safer not to be present at the hour of the enemy’s opportunity, nor when they were under the influence of popular excitement and fury.
changing, disgraceful traffic of, in Christ’s time DA 155, 589 gave opportunity for fraud and extortion DA 155 source of revenue for priests DA 155
12:38 Apparently other disaffected people took the opportunity to leave Egypt. The instructions in verses 43–49 show that they could become part of the worshiping community.
bears long with the perversity of men, giving them ample opportunity for repentance; but He marks all their devices to resist the authority of His just and holy law.
MATINEE. --The juvenile population have an opportunity of seeing Lee Mallory's beautiful ‘ "War Illustrations,"’ at Metropolitan Hall, this morning at eleven o'clock. They are on exhibition at
نَوْبَة [ 1t ] , ( pl. نُوَب 9 ), a. Turn; time. b. Opportunity, occasion. c. Revolution; returning period. d. Troop, company. e. [ coll. ], Music: concert; orchestra; musical-box
commitment to Israel, whom He called lost sheep. Jesus would always give the Jews the first opportunity to accept Him as their Messiah.
A Beginning Greek Grammar With an accompanying Workbook Ephesians 5:16 Buying the Opportunity ἐξαγοραζόμενοι τὸν καιρόν by Fredrick J. Long, Ph.D. Bethel College, IN © 2004
7:8 seizing an opportunity through the commandment Romans 7:11 Galatians 5:13 For apart from the law, sin lies dead 1 Corinthians 15:56
Gk., occasion, right) The opportune moment when the divine or the eternal intervenes in human history, or when prophecies are fulfilled, as at the time of the Incarnation.
324 ὁρῶ γὰρ κ.τ.λ.: @LPARI do not speak), for I see that neither dost thou speak opportunely: (I am silent) therefore, lest I too should speak unseasonably.
hearts a cultivated, active, energetic spirit, not forced to action, but ever watchful for opportunities to help where help is needed.
best of my ability, and dedicated to the emperor in a separate treatise, which on a fitting opportunity I shall append to this present work. I shall add to it also that oration on his Tricennalia
that Dr. —— is being too closely confined to the sanitarium work at ——. He should be given opportunity to let his influence be more widely felt.… We are not to be an obscure church, but we are to
opportunity like this (such as A Wrinkle in Time; The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; Harry Potter, etc.). Challenge students to think about whether they might want to take advantage of that 
the way, the window of opportunity often opens wide enough for even an ill-financed college student to make it big. Michael Dell began preparing for his big opportunity as a teenager selling
God for the salvation of souls for whom Christ died, when they have neglected to use the opportunities placed at their command for obtaining a fitness for the work? “We wrestle not against flesh
literally, to the purpose] (1668) 1 : at an opportune time : seasonably 2 : by the way 2apropos adjective (1686) : being both relevant and opportune synonymy see relevant 3apropos preposition
i.e., on all occasions; or at every opportunity, and not to grow weary. Luke 24:53.—“And were continually in the temple”: i.e., at every opportunity, at the proper and stated times for
companies remained in Richmond yesterday. The weather was delightful, and they had an opportunity of seeing Richmond with its best clothes on.
so that he was able to exercise a prophetic gift. This was not a vocation for Saul but an opportunity.
συν-τηρέω, f. ήσωto preserve together: Pass., N.T. 2. to watch ones opportunity, Plut.
did not accept money from the Corinthians because he did not want to give his critics the opportunity to put themselves on the same level as himself.
Israel. The nation had failed to produce spiritual fruit, but God gives the people one more opportunity in their attitude toward Jesus.
καιρος, LN: 22.45; noun, accusative, singular, masculinethe right time, the proper time, opportunity Contained in: Subordinate Clause Syntactic Force: Direct object
GO HOME. --The Secretary of War has ordered that, when time and opportunity serve, Mrs. Webster and Miss Anna Scott, now in confinement at Castle Godwin, shall be sent home.
is appropriate to give to Me while I am still with you.” Service that will have no other opportunity takes preference over perpetual duties.
busied himself continuously from that time. Conveniently (εὐκαίρως). Might find a good opportunity (καιρός).
תֹּאֲנָה tōʾa 1× occasion, opportunity [8385]
but let a period of rest intervene, that the truth may be fastened in the mind, and that opportunity for meditation and prayer may be given for both minister and people. In this way there will
the station. Every hour there is a last train—the going of opportunities which will never, never come back. Indeed, all our opportunities of usefulness are speeding away. You have less physical
opportunity is sent from God. We may want something so much that we assume any opportunity to obtain it is of divine origin. As we see from Saul’s case, however, this may not be true. An opportunity
Opportunities for Seed Sowing My brethren and sisters, study your plans; grasp every opportunity of speaking to your neighbors and associates, or of reading something to them from books that
be created for safe and confidential connections between women in ministry, for mentoring opportunities, and for information about women pastors in the Division or their Union Conference
them by his prophets. Yet he had deferred his chastisement, and had given them opportunity after opportunity to repent and avert the retribution for their sins. Through his chosen prophet, he
It is surprising that so many hold membership without realizing their privileges and opportunities or accepting their obligations. Surely this is not because of a determination to be
adjective synonyms timely 1, auspicious, favorable, opportune, propitious, prosperous, timeous, well-timed related words apropos, pertinent, relevant; appropriate, apt; convenient
Root: καιρος, LN: 67.4; verb, aorist, active, subjunctive, third person, singularto have opportunity Contained in: Subordinate Clause Syntactic Force: Finite verb
ᾰ], ἡquickness in seizing an opportunity, Eust.123.46; cf. ὀξυλαβία.
2 God will unmask all hypocrisy, while, on the other hand, He will provide opportunity for greater proclamation of the gospel. See notes on Matt. 10:26, 27.
opportunities for missionary labor are offered to those who will take hold of this work, and rich blessings will come to the people who purchase the books and study their teachings.
or spiteful; wont to hide enmity, and violent hatred, in his heart, and to watch for opportunities to indulge it, or exercise it. (Az, TA.)
Opportunities Based on God’s original creation and his on-going creative acts, families might be the most ideal environment for God’s presence among human beings. Where or what is “home” for you?
Door of hope, Hos. 2:15; of opportunity, 1 Cor. 16:9; Rev. 3:8; closed, Matt. 25:10; Luke 13:25; Rev. 3:7.
closing question is that it is easier to make an affirmative decision if we give them the opportunity to choose between two positive responses.
14:4 from the LORD, for he was seeking an opportunity Joshua 11:20 At that time the Philistines ruled over Israel Judges 13:1 Judges 15:11
adjective synonyms timely 1, auspicious, favorable, opportune, propitious, prosperous, timeous, well-timed related words apropos, pertinent, relevant; appropriate, apt; convenient
2 God will unmask all hypocrisy, while, on the other hand, He will provide opportunity for greater proclamation of the gospel. See notes on Matt. 10:26, 27.
WORLDS Kwame Alexander and Mary Rand Hess’s Solo presents a unique opportunity to explore a character who travels from the US to Africa, which directly speaks to CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL910.6
4 The personification of wisdom as a very desirable woman gives her the opportunity to woo attention in competition (and extreme contrast) with the evil woman of ch. 7.
opportunity employer noun (1963) : an employer who agrees not to discriminate against any employee or job applicant because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, physical or mental
ᾰ], ἡquickness in seizing an opportunity, Eust.123.46; cf. ὀξυλαβία.
of ambition and of commercialism. Those whose minds are thus diverted, will lose their opportunity of giving the last message to the world.
Root: καιρος, LN: 67.4; verb, aorist, active, subjunctive, third person, singularto have opportunity Contained in: Subordinate Clause Syntactic Force: Finite verb
opportunitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO] convenience, advantageousness; right time; opportunenessopportunity, chance
opportunitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO] convenience, advantageousness; right time; opportunenessopportunity, chance
We are to cultivate tact and sharp discernment, to be quick to see opportunities to do good and to seize these opportunities and make the most of them. Teachers of the different classes should
oportunitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO] convenience, advantageousness; right time; opportunenessopportunity, chance
youth especially should feel that they must train their minds, and take every opportunity to become intelligent, that they may render acceptable service to Him who has given his precious life
opportunitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO] convenience, advantageousness; right time; opportunenessopportunity, chance
oportunitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO] convenience, advantageousness; right time; opportunenessopportunity, chance
no opportunity should be granted for its manifestation: “An evil man seeketh only rebellion” (Prov 17:11). Here the wise man contemplates an evil heart, looking for an excuse or opportunity to
An intelligent correspondent earnestly seconds the suggestion that the people should have an opportunity of hearing the Southern Commissioners: We, the great excluded ‘"Mobocratic"’ mass, as we
Midst of Opportunity The man of God will not only face opposition and obstacles; but the man of God will face opportunities. In reality we need as much courage to face opportunities as we do in
had attained in both Babylonia and Egypt by 2000 BC is sufficient witness to the opportunities open to the man of birth and wealth in that day for the interchange of lofty thought. And
but let a period of rest intervene, that the truth may be fastened in the mind, and that opportunity for meditation and prayer may be given for both minister and people. In this way there will
That calls to mind the old proverb, “Three things once released will not return again: an opportunity neglected, and arrow released from its bows, and a word spoken in haste.” May we add a
was most terror-stricken of them all; for great had been his opportunities for knowing the God he had blasphemed and derided. He knew the history of his grandfather; how, because of his
Attending these feasts gave the Israelites opportunity to acknowledge the Lord as their Deliverer and Provider. It also gave them opportunity to express their faith in the Lord as they left
He was quite as willing to speak with a single individual, however humble. He seized every opportunity of doing so. Although He was worn-out with fatigue, He talked to the woman at the well; He
12. Peter assessed the situation and used it as an opportunity to preach. His message included: (a) an explanation (vv. 12–16) and (b) an exhortation (vv. 17–26).
noun (1526) 1 : a recognized right of admittance : freedom of access 2 : a policy giving opportunity for commercial relations with a country to all nations on equal terms — open–door adjective
what wonderful blessings and opportunities God has in store for those who wear Christ’s yoke! Trouble comes to us because we manufacture yokes for ourselves, refusing to wear the yoke of Christ.
to his spear. Or the verb may be used impersonally (cf. 18.520), ‘where there was the best opportunity.’
best (Acts 23:11). “Thou must bear witness.” Secular events are often ordered to give us opportunity to witness. Paul’s trials resulted in the spread of the Gospel.
noun synonyms earshot, sound 2 an opportunity to be heard <they finally obtained a hearing on their complaints> synonyms audience, audition related words conference, interview, meeting
have been unnecessarily elaborate. Mary knew that listening to Jesus was an extraordinary opportunity, to be given preference over other concerns (see Mark 19:7).
Boaz announces that there is a relative closer than he. The nearest relative would have the opportunity to carry out that responsibility first.
30 The sad fact that Sarai was barren marred her life and yet led to an opportunity for God to accomplish a miracle on her behalf (see 21:1–5).
S,) or to fight. (K.) ― -b2- Also, sometimes, They blamed one another for neglecting an opportunity. (TA.)
what he knows regarding the treatment of disease. Thus suffering may be relieved, and opportunities will be found to break the bread of life to starving souls.
more. The enemy would be lost in the unfamiliar, rough terrain. Some might take the opportunity to desert and others become easy prey for more experienced soldiers.
making the most of every opportunity conveys the idea of “buying from time” or “redeeming time.” The believers should carefully use their time, making use of opportunities for doing good (see
rebellion passed over by the Lord? Every day that you disregard the claims of God, every opportunity of offered mercy that you slight, is charged to your account, and will swell the list of
relationships with non-believers. Invite them to build those relationships and look for opportunities where God might be able to use their influence. Create youth group activities where your
this into a separate youth group or youth church service, existing leaders offer opportunities and support, feedback and encouragement as youth and young adults find and express their
he at length seized the opportunity to secure the long wished for work of charity, under colour of its being a mutual benefit; and said, “From God this opportunity comes, for I was just
opportunities to have extended the truth and to have made it a power to lead the churches up to God. He has entrusted you with capital, might, means, and intellect. He has given you opportunities
the discharged northern troops, probably angered by their lost opportunity to snatch up spoils in Edom, seize their opportunity for revenge by looting Judahite cities. Despite Amaziah’s
would interpose, and give them another opportunity to accept her overtures; but after light has been rejected and despised, the other opportunity does not always come.
performed one night at the Theatre. Those who have act witnessed the piece will now have an opportunity of doing so.--Co to-night.
ONE Agathon:— Would that Opportunity, which grows best in the soil of discretion, were as clear to view as it is obscure! CURFRAG.tlg-0318.1 Stobaeus Physical Extracts [on the nature of time]
instant in season, out of season.” We are to make opportunities for presenting the truth. Christians are to be workers together with Christ. They are to engage in many lines of evangelistic work.
favourable opportunity, dub. in POxy.123.3 (iii/iv a.d.).
520 εἶκεit seemed likely, there was opportunity, from “νείκω”, pres. of “νένοικα”. Compare 7.217, 17.354, 22.321, and the Attic “παρείκει”, it is practicable. Relationship with “νείκειν
to communicate with or send packages to their friends in this company, can learn of a good opportunity for doing so by referring to an advertisement in this morning's paper.
There are now 8,000 Marylanders under arms in Virginia, all of whom are panting for an opportunity to cross the Potomac and redeem their State from the thraldom of Lincolnism.
8 remember the days of darkness: In appreciating the opportunities of life, we must think more seriously about death. This is contrasted with the joy of working while it is still light.
KAIROΣ: A Beginning Greek Grammar with an Accompanying Workbook Ephesians 5:16 Buying the Opportunity ἐξαγοραζόμενοι τὸν καιρόν by Fredrick J. Long, Ph.D. Bethel College, IN © 2004
will turn and overturn. Humble men, who hitherto have been in obscurity, must now be given opportunity to become workers.
I known means “You have I chosen.” I will punish: Because God chose them and gave them opportunity to know His laws, He held them responsible for their sins.
this vision do to your relationship with Christ? Leaders’ Note Question 8 and 9. If the opportunity arises, discuss how our vision of Christ in general affects our relationship to him.
To treat this life as a time of sacred opportunity. The “nobleman” of the parable gave to his servants a certain sum, of which they were to make good use during his absence. His charge was this
to the Carthaginians, had long been secretly discontented and on the look-out for an opportunity: ever since Hasdrubal, under a pretence of having a doubt of their loyalty, had demanded a
OPPORTUNITY The wolves were decimating the farmers’ sheep. So the farmers’ association raised the bounty on them to a hundred dollars a pelt. Two hunters, Sam and Ed, decided they could use the
indictment against any Athenian, nor vexed any man when he was rendering account of his office1; but in all such matters I have, as I believe, shown myself a quiet and modest man.2 But when I
Temptation Expected and Welcomed. Because temptation in the form of testing provides opportunity for growth and maturity, James 1:2 emphasizes that it should be not only expected but also
He must be instant in season and out of season, ready to seize and improve every opportunity to further the work of God. His appointments should be filled with promptness and interest
Henry D. Moore. We have been “on the wing” so much recently, the “Parson” has had little opportunity to preach to us.
the giving of the law, the people were encamped before the mount. They were given ample opportunity to review their past experiences, and to repent of their continual distrust and unbelief.
noun a place of great abundance or a source of great wealth or opportunity <the town proved to be a bonanza for entrepreneurs> synonyms eldorado, Golconda, gold mine, mine, treasure-house
u’thahee) = My helper (by teaching). Jehovah is help; Jehovah succors; opportune of the LORD; i.e., a son given in the season of the LORD; helpful; (roots = [1] to be in season; [2] Jehovah).
way does this vision change your image of Christ? Leaders’ Note Question 8 and 9. If the opportunity arises, discuss how our vision of Christ in general affects our relationship to him.
person God has put into your life for you to mentor. Ask him to help you actively look for opportunities to teach him or her. How might you find someone to mentor?
Miscellaneous health reform promoted at, in Battle Creek CD 442–3, 472–4; WM 284–5 opportunities for evangelism at, in St. Louis, Mo. Ev 35–6; WM 288
and mid. (a) I watch carefully, keep my eye on (as a cat does a mouse); absol. I watch my opportunity, Lk. 20:20; (b) I observe, keep, Gal. 4:10.
father further, they changed Joseph’s threat of death (vv. 18, 20) to a promise of economic opportunity.
22, 23 crafty: David’s boyhood work as a shepherd gave him plenty of opportunity to learn the geography of the region and to become familiar with the hiding places of the wilderness.
sinners and backsliders forward for prayers. A large number responded. We gave them all an opportunity to talk out their feelings.
requests that Onesimus serve him by doing what Philemon also would do if he were given the opportunity. A parallel example is that of Epaphroditus in Phil. 2:25-30.
kairŏskahee-ros´; of uncert. affin.; an occasion, i.e. set or proper time:—× always, opportunity, (convenient, due) season, (due, short, while) time, a while. comp. 5550.
13 an occasion for testimony: Suffering can be an opportunity to advance the kingdom of God. This is why those who endure suffering and persecution are called blessed (Matt. 5:10–12).
present is an opportunity which we cannot afford to lose. God calls us to action, that our educational institutions may be freed from debt. Let God’s plan be worked out after His own order.
37 Job has already expressed confidence that God would accept him if he had an opportunity to present his case (13:14–16). In the end this is possible only through grace.
community. No stranger to Adventism, many of our church leaders take advantage of the opportunities provided to learn and grow under the direct influence of a more seasoned pastor or
Still, sixteen men refused even then to sign the document we so cherish today. What an opportunity they missed! Jesus said he will forgive the sins of all who accept his Lordship; but those
and have an opportunity to decide for or against the truth, that they may be without excuse. To those who have been listening only to fables, God will give an opportunity to hear the sure
to every member of the Church of God. We are not half awake. The enemy is watching for an opportunity to take God’s standard from the hands of His people, and place there his own standard; but
give them an opportunity to learn in His school, meekness and lowliness of heart, that they might become co-laborers with Him. And if they would improve these opportunities, if they would be
with the medium’s sights and sounds and wanted to be a part of the magic. He got his first opportunity in 1954, when, as a member of his high school puppet club, he heard that a local TV station
unexpectedly’; (2) may mean also ‘unreasonably.’ ἐπʼ αὐτομολίας προφάσει—taking the opportunity afforded by desertion is probably the meaning, as perhaps in Dem. 16.25 ἐπὶ τῇ προφάσει
432 Pulchro of course conveys a sneer. Serv. opportunely reminds us of “sordida rura” E. 2. 28, where the epithet similarly expresses the feeling not of the speaker but of the person spoken to.
Article “Ahab” Chart “The Kings and the Prophets of Israel and Judah” Article “A Missed Opportunity: Jehu”
was a common practice used for eye infections. Jesus may have used the clay to provide an opportunity for the man to exercise his faith in washing it off.
OPPORTUNITY 4. An Open Door, Ac 10:24; Ac 13:15; Ac 14:27; 1 Co 16:9; 2 Co 2:12; Re 3:8. See Judgment & Privilege, 1352.
by Jean-François Millet KAIROƩ: A Beginning Greek Grammar Ephesians 5:16 Buying the Opportunity ἐξαγοραζόμενοι τὸν καιρόν by Fredrick J. Long, Ph.D. Bethel College, IN © 2004
εὐκαιρία, Ion. -ίηgood season, opportunity, Plat.
6. What does Paul mean by the phrase “doing good” (verses 9–10)? What opportunities do you have right now to put this into practice? To whom do Christians have a special responsibility?
ever your character building. Keep a pocket Bible with you as you work, and improve every opportunity to commit to memory its precious promises.
Went from.... to. d. [ Fī ], Cheated, tricked over. e. [ acc. & Bi ], Seized the opportunity of giving ( advice ) to.
Article “Ahab” Chart “The Kings and the Prophets of Israel and Judah” Article “A Missed Opportunity: Jehu”
parable shows the need of using every gift aright. To all comes the opportunity of blessing others by speaking helpful, uplifting words. This is a talent, and the failure to improve it brings
by Jean-François Millet KAIROƩ: A Beginning Greek Grammar Ephesians 5:16 Buying the Opportunity ἐξαγοραζόμενοι τὸν καιρόν by Fredrick J. Long, Ph.D. Bethel College, IN © 2004
432 Pulchro of course conveys a sneer. Serv. opportunely reminds us of “sordida rura” E. 2. 28, where the epithet similarly expresses the feeling not of the speaker but of the person spoken to.
تَسَبَّبَ V , a. Sought an occasion, opportunity &c. b. [ Bi ], Was the cause, means of. c. [ Bi & Ila ], Made use of as a means for obtaining, getting at. d. Trafficked, carried
too great fear of running risks, and moving out by faith, and sowing beside all waters. Opportunities have been presented which have not been grasped and made the most of. There has been too
Are you seeking to become acquainted with those who need your help? Are you using your opportunities and advantages and means in winning souls to Christ? You may say, I am not a minister, and
work. Here was an opportunity for quick work that was neglected because of lack of faith and largeness of heart. I am more sorry for this than I can express. Such opportunities are given us that
OPPORTUNITY--Now is England's opportunity. It may never again occur. Seized; and Great Britain remains for all time the leading power among the nations. Until the last ten years her
am-ban´-o; from 4253 and 2983; to take in advance, i.e. (lit.) eat before others have an opportunity; (fig.) to anticipate, surprise:—come aforehand, overtake, take before.
trade of 6BC 1103–4 duty of, to serve in church offices ChS 25 gospel, work of 3T 414 opportunities for Christian service by MH 194; 9T 36
in the earth. We shall all have something to do, though it may be in jots and tittles, as opportunities present themselves.
in awe of your wonderful handiwork. Your majesty surrounds us. Thank you for providing the opportunity to have a relationship with you, the giver of life and the Creator of all the universe.
than to introduce her thus inveighing against the sleep, during which Theseus took the opportunity of retiring.
God has put us in the place where we are serving, and plan our lives to that end lest our opportunity slip.
for a quarter of a century, yet he had uttered not a word of warning. Hundreds of opportunities had come and gone, but the supreme question of life had been set aside for such topics as
Friends 2. Prayer Partners 3. Heart-to-Heart Make sure there is equal opportunity and commitment. Make it an opportunity for spiritual support and prayer. Find ways to promote self-esteem
71 Caesar had now an opportunity of giving the enemy an effectual blow; whose army, in the present consternation it was under, would, he was sensible, make but a faint resistance; more
words are addressed to those who have had great light, have enjoyed precious opportunities and privileges, and yet have not walked in the light, have not advanced in spiritual knowledge and
be taught to perform the duties of this life. They should be taught to see and improve opportunities for helping others.
Ea in the Sumerian city of Eridu. The story about him tells how he was tricked out of the opportunity to obtain immortality when he was advised not to eat divine food.
سَبَب 4 , ( pl. أَسْبَاْب 38 ), a. Cause; motive, reason; occasion. b. Means; opportunity, chance. c. Matter, subject; argument. d. Means of subsistence, livelihood. — ( ė ), Part of a
new uniforms, and as soon as the whole of them can be fitted out our citizens will have an opportunity of observing them in full parade. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS.
in verses 14–21? Why? Identify each group mentioned with people you know. What opportunities has God given you to bless, rejoice, and mourn? See Leader’s Notes.
wounded by an arrow from an unknown hand. He retires from the action, and Turnus takes the opportunity to deal promiscuous slaughter among the Trojans.’
5:13 Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity 1 Peter 2:16 Jude 4 1 Corinthians 8:9 2 Peter 2:19 serve one another 1 Corinthians 9:19
discovered the treasure cannot be prevented from having recourse to it whenever he has an opportunity.”
should be honored. Paul was acquainted with their practices, and he would not give them an opportunity for saying that he and his fellow laborers preached in order to be supported by the gospel
oportunitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO] convenience, advantageousness; right time; opportunenessopportunity, chance
opportunitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO] convenience, advantageousness; right time; opportunenessopportunity, chance
to lift them up. He came to represent to them the character of the Father. Wherever he had opportunity, wherever he found a hungry soul, he presented the bread which cometh down from heaven
you (Acts 18:9–11; Heb. 13:5–6). Respond to Opportunities Paul’s plea, “Come before winter” (2 Tim. 4:21), is a reminder to us that opportunities do not wait forever. Once the winter season
reason for the development of a God Connections/spiritual formation group is to provide opportunity for youth and young adults to learn, to experience, and to practice the devotional habits
the health and well-being of the community. Through ongoing dialogue and by identifying opportunities for collaboration, their goal was to build national support for community health models in
if antagonized by a defiant, hostile spirit, would have resulted in a shortening of his opportunities for service.
young man, who did all in his power to make us comfortable. He seemed to watch for opportunities to suggest something for my comfort and convenience.
Opportunities Some say that the best evidence for Christ is a loving and loveable Christian. A similar statement could be made regarding small groups—the best evidence for the value of small groups
school closes, there will be opportunity for many to go out into the field as evangelistic canvassers. The faithful colporteur finds his way into many homes, where he leaves precious reading
young man, who did all in his power to make us comfortable. He seemed to watch for opportunities to suggest something for my comfort and convenience.
are contrasted with Saul’s. Each time there was war with the Philistines, David had more opportunities for great exploits. Saul himself no longer went to war. He stayed at home sulking about
see Madvig § 374, Obs. 2. ut … cognorit; i.e. probably there had been neither time nor opportunity for this.
19:4–14. Destroyed by fire as a judgment, Gen. 19:24, 25. To be judged according to opportunity, Matt. 11:24; Luke 10:12. See Homosexual.
attend the sheep-shearing, an event marked by a great feast. This provided Tamar with an opportunity to effect her plan.
easily be captured by the enemy. Also, movement in and out of the city might well provide opportunity for enemy infiltration.
37 Fear caused these people to reject the most wonderful opportunity of their lives. They may have been afraid of the power they saw in the healing or upset by the loss of a herd of swine.
been made possible by God, whether it is physical life, natural gifts, spiritual talents, opportunities, environment, or education. These provisions and many others God gives us are our
is motivated by greed. Since he has pilfered from the money bag, he sees here a wasted opportunity. The others, however, have pure motives, misguided as they were. They think they represent
the law had not said, “You shall not covet.” But sin, using the commandment, seized the opportunity and produced in me every sort of covetousness. Now in the absence of law sin is as good as
fit, favorable/opportune, ready; liable/exposed oportune ADV POS oportune, oportunius, oportunissime ADV [XXXCO] suitably; advantageously; conveniently, opportunely, favorably
OPPORTUNITY (M. Lost Opportunity1. Lost by Indifference or Neglect, 2 Sa 20:5; 1 K 20:42; 2 K 13:19; Je 8:20; Mt 8:34; Mt 19:22; Mt 20:6; Mt 25:10; Mt 25:18; Mt 25:26–27; Mt 25:44–45; Mt 26
go to work with all the strong powers of your will. It is the wise improvement of your opportunities, the cultivation of your God-given talents, that will make you men and women that can be
fit, favorable/opportune, ready; liable/exposed oportunissime ADV SUPER oportune, oportunius, oportunissime ADV [XXXCO] suitably; advantageously; conveniently, opportunely, favorably
Many friends visited him Virtually alone (only Luke with him) Many opportunities for Christian witness were available Opportunities for witness were restricted Was optimistic for release and
is adamant, “Absolutely not!” (Gk., me genoito). God will use Israel’s rejection as an opportunity for the “fullness” of salvation to come to the Gentiles (v. 12; Gk., pleroma), eventually to
fit, favorable/opportune, ready; liable/exposed opportunissime ADV SUPER opportune, opportunius, opportunissime ADV [XXXCO] suitably; advantageously; conveniently, opportunely, favorably
effecting; an exploit (of God), or a performance (of man, often in a bad sense); by impl. an opportunity:—act (-ion), deed, doing, invention, occasion, work.
in various places; κατά τὸν τ. to that place Lk 10:32); station, position, office; chance, opportunity; (Jerusalem) temple; passage (of Scripture); seaport (Ac 27:2)
Not only does Jesus condemn the wicked, but also the indifferent, insisting that greater opportunity for belief calls for greater condemnation for rejecting Him.
PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS AND EXHORTATIONS (4:1–5:24) Taking the opportunity to help his readers grow spiritually, Paul instructed them concerning the Christian life generally, the Rapture and
taking it to resolve conflict, Gn 13:5–9 opens door to opportunities, Ex 2:7–8; Ru 2:2–3 take that first step of obedience, Jos 3:13–14 PROFILE: Rebekah (in Gn)
11 The unbelief of Israel has opened the door of opportunity for the Gentiles. God’s purpose is that when unbelieving Jews see many Gentiles turn to Christ they will become jealous and will
to put His means into circulation, to provide facilities by which many will have the opportunity of learning what is truth.
ac. فَوْت 1 , فَوَاْت 22 ), a. Passed, passed away, elapsed, expired ( time ); escaped ( opportunity ). b. Missed ( mark ). c. [ acc. & Bi ], Outstripped, anticipated, was before in
anochēn.c., pause; stopping. 2× +NT +AF English Gloss opportunity (1): 1 Mac 12:25 pause (1): Enoch 13:2 Inflections
Kingdom” Article “An Innocent Victim” Article “The King of Israel” Article “A Missed Opportunity: Jehu”
to put his means into circulation, to provide facilities by which many will have the opportunity of learning what is truth.
in that State, for the purpose of extending to the citizens of the State of Florida an opportunity to avail themselves of the benefit of that proclamation, by offering for their signature the
Friend with breast cancer • Illustration: Family torn by mental illness I. Suffering Is an Opportunity to Grow • Illustration: C.S. Lewis quote on hearing God • Illustration: Disciplining a 3
or a mode of action.” It suggests specific opportunities a person may encounter on a recurring basis. The most common “segment of opportunity” we experience regularly is each new day. It is
123 and yet what better opportunity could he have had to convict me than to do it then and there, if I was in any wise deceiving the city? You say, Demosthenes, that while I was in a
opportunity to say “Yes” to God. What he said instead was “Wait.” Group Discussion. When do you have trouble making decisions? Personal Reflection. Mentally review the various opportunities God
3 How gracious God is to give us another opportunity after we have failed Him (Ps. 103:8–14)! God is as much concerned about the worker as He is the work. He could have sent somebody else to
and will display their zeal in making void the law of God. The whole world will have the opportunity of choosing between Christ and Barabbas. Men who have perverted truth, misapplied Scripture
Thus will be decided the case of each one. The punishment of those who have had abundant opportunity to know the truth, but who in blindness and unbelief have contended against God and His
Pentecost, was the reason for his remaining in Ephesus. There was an immediate and special opportunity for the work of the Gospel and the ministry to converts. Cp. 2 Corinthians 2:12, where the
Ministry of Help The man of God should look for opportunities to offer help to those that have encountered hurt. The world is full of people that are hurting and many of these folk suppose that
apt, fitting, happy, just, meet, proper, suitable related words convincing, telling; opportune, pat, seasonable, timely, well-timed; apposite, apropos, germane, pertinent, relevant
act when the Lord calls upon them, waiting for more certain evidence, and more favorable opportunities, will walk in darkness, for the light will be withdrawn. The evidence given one day, if
Opportunities—Opened in strange ways (Acts 23–26). When men think they are blocking the gates of the Gospel, God is opening them. Paul, as result of his trials, gets chance to preach the Gospel to
12 Cut off the opportunity: Those who falsely boast of their superiority to Paul will not want to imitate his financial independence. He is determined to continue his policy in order to
no opportunity to pass unimproved. Visit the sick and suffering, and show a kindly interest in them. If possible do something to make them more comfortable. Through this means you can reach
apropos, germane, material, pertinent, pointful related words felicitous, happy; opportune, pat, seasonable, timely idioms to the point (or purpose) contrasted words awkward, inept
to Decide Whether to Purchase Your Own Home Is home ownership right for you? If you have an opportunity to choose your own housing, should you buy? Here are several factors to weigh as you
having no opportunity of repentance, Just.Nov.129.3.
the Mediterranean Sea. Tarsus was a well-known university city, surpassed in educational opportunities only by Athens and Alexandria.
Kazin] (it’-tah-ka’-zin) = Time of the judge; time of the chief; (roots = [1] time; season; opportunity; [2] a judge; a prince; [3] to cut off; to scrape off; to decide). To the due time of the
Christ’s disciples today there come countless opportunities to minister to sin-sick souls and to those in need of physical healing. Physical healing is bound up with the gospel commission
This concludes the Search Results for the word "opportunity" that was performed on the Webmaster220 laptop computerinstallation of Logos Bible Software

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If you are wondering where the pages that contained the words "excerpt", "Introducing" or other words indicating I was quoting a book have all gone, I migrated all of them over to Posts and Posted them all on August 18 and August 19 2024. I did that so you could use the search widget that is built in to the blog on the upper right hand corner. You will be happy to know that there are more of them than just the batch that were migrated, there were also lots of posts that contained the same words that did not have to be migrated over, they were there all along. I am really enjoying doing introductions and excerpts because it really makes for powerful and fascinating reading when I do them. You get the feeling you are in a bookstore holding a book in your hand looking at the table of contents and deciding whether or not to buy the book.

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Released on: 2014-01-01
Producer: Christopher Stevens
Composer Lyricist: Michael W. Smith
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