webmaster220.blogspot.com, I don't know if I've told you this before...  

But when I made the decision to study at Seminary, I had to uproot my whole life in New Zealand.  

I had a stable job, nice house, and God blessed me with a beautiful wife and three daughters. Moving country was no small task. We gave up pretty much everything we had...  

And all for the sake of a good, theological education. (By the way, my oldest daughter is now doing the same thing and will graduate, God willing, in 2022).  

You see, I just wanted to know my Lord better.  

So I had this deep desire to learn to read Greek.  

Therefore, like most bright eyed, bushy tailed students, I went along with high hopes and an optimistic outlook. 

I can't wait til I get to my Greek classes so I can start reading God's word in its original language! I thought to myself. 

But unfortunately, not everything went according my (perhaps slightly naïve) expectations. My teachers were great, the academic study was awesome, but I realized that we weren't learning to read Greek.  

The whole structure of the Greek program was set up to teach us how to do exegesis.  

While I was excited to be able to do exegesis in the original language, I really wanted to be able to read.  

Frustrated, I sat and thought about what I was going to do.  

To me, it didn't seem like there was much point in picking up a Greek New Testament if I had to tediously dissect the text to make sense of it.  

It wasn't even worth learning words by occurrence, because even with that system I was stumbling in every verse, having to look up those rare words that appear less frequently.  

So, with patience, I invented my own system to help me learn to read the Greek New Testament with confidence.  

I worked my way through the books from easiest to hardest, and then eventually began teaching others how to do the same. 

I now teach this system inside Master New Testament Greek, and I have a lot of students who use this system to make real progress with their Greek.  

webmaster220.blogspot.com, if you're filled with that same insatiable desire to read the word of God in its original language like I was all those years ago at seminary, I have some good news.  

Over the next few days, I'm going to be sharing more about how you can get started on learning to read Greek, as well as my best secrets for making real progress and enriching your spiritual life through the word. 

Look out for tomorrow's email!


P.S. - Not only are the lessons in MNTG planned out week by week, but did I mention there are LIVE classes? 

P.P.S. - If you're not interested in hearing more about the MNTG membership this time around, click here to unsubscribe from this campaign (you will still receive my other emails!)