14. Jesus Is the King of Israel KJ:52DGYFF
14JESUS IS THE KING OF ISRAEL“You are the king of Israel.”John 1:49Thrones and crownscan be dangerous things.Some kings will do anythingjust to stay king.King Herod did many bad thingsto try …
King(s) LANI
KING(S)God’s instructions for appointing one, Dt 17:14–20; 1 Chr 28:5Israel’s kings failed to obey God, Dt 17:16–17guidelines for, Dt 17:18–20why Israel wanted one, 1 Sm 8:4–9; 8:19–20(2)why Isra…
48. Jesus Is King of Kings KJ:52DGYFF
48JESUS IS KING OF KINGS“My kingdom is not of this world.… My kingdom is from another place.”John 18:36Jesus is King of all the earth.But not many peoplelet Him be King of them here.That didn’…
The BlueprintA. BIRTH AND PREPARATION OF JESUS, THE KING (1:1–4:11)The people of Israel were waiting for the Messiah, their king. Matthew begins his book by showing how Jesus Christ was a descendant…
Jesus as Messiah/King Matthew
Jesus as Messiah/KingMore important than his portrayals of Jesus as teacher and prophet, Matthew hails Jesus as the true King of Israel (21:5–9; 27:29), that is, the Messiah (Christ; 16:16–20). Jesus…
King HTKBW:200G200HWDE
KingSee also: King, p. 316Hebrew expression: melekPronunciation: MEH lehkStrong’s Number: 4428Key VersesDeuteronomy 17:14–15; 1 Samuel 8:6; 10:24; Psalms 47:2, 6–7; 98:6“Set a King over us!” …
Outline of Matthew NCBBMCR
OUTLINE OF MATTHEWPart One: The Presentation of the King (1:1–4:11) I. The Advent of the King 1:1–2:23 A. Genealogy of Christ 1:1–17 B. Birth of Christ 1:18–25 C. Visit of Wise Men 2:1–12 D. Fli…
Acts 1:18–19 HG
59 Jesus Faces PilateMatthew 27:2, 11–14Mark 15:1b–5Luke 23:1–5John 18:28–38Jn 18:28 Caiaphas functioned as the duty officer to bring the captive Jesus to the Roman governor. In the li…
KING“King” is, in a sense, an archaic word. In these modern days of constitutional monarchy, we can sense little of the awesome power and responsibility of the kings of the ancient world.OT 1. King …
Matt BRC
OF MATTHEWI.PREPARATION1–4II.PREACHING5–7III.PROOF8–17IV.PRACTICE18–20V.PURPOSE21–28CONTENT OUTLINE OF MATTHEWI. Preparation of the King (1:1–4:25)A. Jesus’ Genealogy (1:1–17)B. Jesus…
John 19:19 WSNT
ly here and ver. 20, in the New Testament. John uses the technical Roman term titulus, a placard or notice. Used for a bill or notice of sale affixed to a house. Thus Ovid, of a heartless creditor: “S…
Ps 66 HCBC
for His deliverance of Israel in the exodus the psalmist testified to his personal experience of God’s grace. The historical experience of the whole community was repeated in the individual life of t…
Titles, Descriptions and Names of Christ (7) AMGEBF
tions and names of Christ (7)Jesus of Galilee“ “Now Peter sat without in the palace: and a damsel came unto him, saying, Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee” Matthew 26:69.Jesus of Nazareth“Phili…
“Kingdom of God” LBD
“Kingdom of God”A phrase often ascribed to Jesus in the Gospels, forming the keynote of His proclamation, is “the kingdom of God/heaven” (e.g., Matt 4:17; Mark 1:15). While this exact phrase has no p…
jealousy• to describe God, Exodus 20:5; 34:14; Deuteronomy 5:9• examples of, Genesis 37:11; 1 Samuel 18:19; Matthew 27:18; Acts 5:17• warnings against, Romans 13:13; 1 Corinthians 13:4; 1 Timothy 6…
Ps 62 HBH
Psalm 62 A Song of TrustTrust in God and Him alone. He is like a fortress (62:2, 6) in that He protects against all who are hostile (62:3–4). People will fail (62:9; the Hebrew text reads, “Humans ar…
A Psalm for Palm Sunday TBIV14
A Psalm for Palm SundayKing Jesus, why did you choose a lowly ass to carry you to ride in your parade?Had you no friend who owned a horse—a royal mount with spirit for a king to ride?Why choose an …
King HTKBW:200G200HWDE
KingSee also: King, p. 103Greek expression: basileusPronunciation: bah see LEWSSStrong’s Number: 935Key VersesMatthew 25:34, 40; 27:37; John 18:33, 37, 39; 19:14–15When the thirteen colonies …
The Purpose of the Anointing SLC
The Purpose of the AnointingThere is something mysteriously appropriate about this whole scene as we contemplate the tragic but triumphant close of Jesus’ earthly ministry. Guests were anointed as a …
The Concept of Christ’s Rule UCT
Outside of the Gospels, there is no mention of Jesus as “King of Israel.” There is, however, direct reference to the title “King” in Revelation 19:16, where the Rider of the white horse is called “Kin…
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