We will read and discuss chapter 3.
1 (TLB) One day as Moses was tending the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian, out at the edge of the desert near Horeb, the mountain of God,
2 suddenly the Angel of Jehovah appeared to him as a flame of fire in a bush. When Moses saw that the bush was on fire and that it didn’t burn up,
3 he went over to investigate. Then God called out to him,
4 "Moses! Moses!" "Who is it?" Moses asked.
5 "Don’t come any closer," God told him. "Take off your shoes, for you are standing on holy ground.
6 I am the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob." (Moses covered his face with his hands, for he was afraid to look at God.)
7 Then the Lord told him, "I have seen the deep sorrows of my people in Egypt and have heard their pleas for freedom from their harsh taskmasters.
8 I have come to deliver them from the Egyptians and to take them out of Egypt into a good land, a large land, a land ’flowing with milk and honey’—the land where the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites live.
9 Yes, the wail of the people of Israel has risen to me in heaven, and I have seen the heavy tasks the Egyptians have oppressed them with.
10 Now I am going to send you to Pharaoh, to demand that he let you lead my people out of Egypt."
11 "But I’m not the person for a job like that!" Moses exclaimed.
12 Then God told him, "I will certainly be with you, and this is the proof that I am the one who is sending you: When you have led the people out of Egypt, you shall worship God here upon this mountain!"
13 But Moses asked, "If I go to the people of Israel and tell them that their fathers’ God has sent me, they will ask, ’Which God are you talking about?’ What shall I tell them?"
14 " ’The Sovereign God,’ " was the reply. "Just say, ’I Am has sent me!’
15 Yes, tell them, ’Jehovah, the God of your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, has sent me to you.’ (This is my eternal name, to be used throughout all generations.)
16 "Call together all the elders of Israel," God instructed him, "and tell them about Jehovah appearing to you here in this burning bush and that he said to you, ’I have visited my people and have seen what is happening to them there in Egypt.
17 I promise to rescue them from the drudgery and humiliation they are undergoing, and to take them to the land now occupied by the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, a land "flowing with milk and honey.’ "
18 The elders of the people of Israel will accept your message. They must go with you to the king of Egypt and tell him, ’Jehovah, the God of the Hebrews, has met with us and instructed us to go three days’ journey into the desert to sacrifice to him. Give us your permission.’
19 "But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go except under heavy pressure.
20 So I will give him all the pressure he needs! I will destroy Egypt with my miracles, and then at last he will let you go.
21 And I will see to it that the Egyptians load you down with gifts when you leave, so that you will by no means go out empty-handed!
22 Every woman will ask for jewels, silver, gold, and the finest of clothes from her Egyptian master’s wife and neighbors. You will clothe your sons and daughters with the best of Egypt!" [1]
Moses feeds the flock of Jethro, 1. God appears to him in a flame of fire in a bush, and sends him to deliver Israel, 2-12. Moses inquires, and is told, the name of God, 13, 14. He is instructed what to speak to Israel, and to Pharaoh, whose decided opposition is foretold, 15-19; and is assured that at last the people shall leave Egypt greatly enriched, 20-22.
1. A.M. 2513. B.C. 1491. kept. Ps 78:70-72. Am 1:1. 7:14, 15. Mt 4:18, 19. Lk 2:8. 1 Co *1:27-29. *7:20. Ph *4:11. flock. Ge ◐46:34. Is 63:11. Jn =10:11, 14. Jethro. i.e. his excellence. ❅S#3503h. Ex 3:1. 4:18. 18:1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12. his father. Ex 2:16, 21. 18:1-6. Nu 10:29. Jg 4:11. backside. Jsh 8:2. Jg 18:12. 1 K 17:3. Ezk 1:1. Mk +*6:31, 32. Ga 1:15-17. He 11:37-40. Re 1:9. the mountain. ver. 5. Ex 4:27. 18:5. 19:3, 11. 24:15-17. Nu 10:33. 1 K 19:8. Horeb. i.e. desolate. ❅S#2722h. Ex 17:6. 33:6. Dt 1:2, *6, 19. 4:10, 15. 5:2. 9:8. 18:16. 29:1. 1 K 8:9. 19:8. 2 Ch 5:10. Ps 106:19. Ml 4:4.
2. angel. ver. 4, 6. Ge *16:7-13. 21:17, 18. 22:11, 12, 15, 16. 31:11, 13. *48:15, 16. Dt *33:16. Jg 6:11-16. *13:20-23. Is *63:9. Ho 12:4, 5. Ml 3:1. Mk 12:26. Lk 20:37. Ac ▶7:30-35. flame. Is *10:17. bush burned. Ge 15:13-17. Dt 4:11, 20. 5:23. Ps 66:12. Is 43:2. 53:10, 11. Da 3:27. Zc 13:7. Jn 1:14. Ro 8:3. 2 Co 1:8-10. with fire. Ge 15:17. Ex 13:21. 19:18. 24:17. 1 K 19:12. Is 4:5. Ezk 1:27, 28. 8:2. He 10:27. 12:29. not consumed. Nu 21:28. 26:10. Jb 15:34. Ps 129:2. Is *43:2.
3. turn aside. Jg 14:8. Ru 4:1. Ja 4:8. and see. Jb 37:14. Ps 107:8. *111:2-4. Da *3:26, 27. Ac 7:31.
4. unto him. Dt 33:16. Moses. Ge 22:1, 11. *46:2. 1 S 3:4, 6, 8, 10. Ps 62:11. Ac 9:4. 10:3, 13.
5. Draw not. Ex *19:12, 21. Le 10:3. He ◐10:22. 12:20. put off. Ge 28:16, 17. Jsh *5:15. Ec *5:1. Ac 7:33. holy. Heb. kodesh, the quality of holiness. First occurrence. Jn 13:10. Ep 2:18. 3:12. S#6944h. Ex 3:5. 12:16, 16. 15:11, 13. 16:23. 22:31. 26:33, 34. 28:2, 4, 29, 35, 36, 38, 38, 43. 29:6, 29, 30, 33, 34, 37. 30:10, 13, 24, 25, 25, 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37. 31:10, 11, 14, 15. 35:2, 19, 21. 36:1 (sanctuary), 3, 4, 6. 37:29. 38:24, 24, 25, 26, 27. 39:1, 30, 30 (Holiness), 41, 41. 40:9, 10, 13.
6. I am. ver. 14, 15. Ex 4:5. 29:45. Ge 12:1, 7. 17:7, 8. 26:24. 28:13. 31:42. 32:9. 1 K 18:36. Est 9:14. Ps 132:2. Je 24:7. 31:33. 32:38. Ezk 11:20. Zc 8:8. Mt +*▶22:32. Mk ▶12:26. Lk ▶20:37. Ac ▶3:13. ▶7:31, 32. He *11:16. thy father. Ex 15:2. 18:4. 2 K 20:5. 2 Ch 21:12. Though the word avicha, thy father, is here used in the singular, yet Stephen, quoting this passage (Ac ▶7:32), uses the plural, “the God of thy fathers”; and that this is the meaning, the following words prove. This reading is confirmed by the Samaritan and Coptic. hid. Ge 17:3. Dt 18:16. Jg 13:22. 1 K *19:13. Ne 9:9. Jb 42:5, 6. Ps 106:44, 45. Is *6:1-5. Da 10:7, 8. Mt 17:6. Lk 5:8. Ac *7:34. 22:11. He 12:21. Re 1:17.
7. I have. Ex *2:23-25. 22:23. Ge 29:32. 1 S 9:16. Ne 9:9. Ps 22:24. 34:4, 6. 102:20. 106:44. 145:19. Is *63:9. He 4:15. by reason. Ex 1:11. I know. Ge 18:21. Jb *23:10. Ps *142:3.
8. I am. Ge 11:5, 7. 18:21. *50:24. Ps 12:5. 18:9-19. 22:4, 5. 34:8. 91:15. Is 64:1. Jn 3:13. *6:38. Ph *1:6. come. Mt =5:17. Lk +=*19:10. deliver. Ex *6:6-8. 12:51. Ge 15:14. 50:24. unto a good. ver. 17. Ex 13:5. 33:2, 3. Ge 13:14, 15. *15:18. Le 20:24. Nu *13:19, 27. 14:7, 8. 16:14. Dt *1:7, 25. 6:3. *8:7-9. 11:9-24. *26:9-15. 27:3. 28:11. 31:20. Jsh 5:6. Ne 9:22-25. Je 2:7. *11:5. 32:22. Ezk 20:6, 15. milk and. ƒ174, Ge +18:27. honey. ƒ171I7. Synecdoche of the Species B626. Honey is put for whatever is sweet and delicious. For other instances of this figure see ver. 17. Ex 13:5. 33:3. Le 20:24. Nu 13:27. 14:8. 16:13. Dt 6:3. 8:8. 11:9. 26:9, 15. 27:3. 31:20. *32:13. Jsh 5:6. 2 K 18:32. Jb 20:17. Je 11:5. 32:22. Ezk 16:13, 19. 20:6, 15. unto the place. Ezk *20:5-10. Canaanites. Ex 22:23-31. 34:11. Ge +10:18. 15:18-21. Dt 7:1. Jsh 9:1. Ne 9:8. Hittites. Ge +15:20. Amorites. Ge +10:16. Perizzites. Ge +13:7. Hivites. i.e. villager, serpent, ❅S#2340h. ver. 17. Ex 13:5. 23:23, 28. 33:2. 34:11. Ge +10:17. 34:2. 36:2. Dt 7:1. 20:17. Jsh 3:10. 9:1, 7. 11:3, 19. 12:8. 24:11. Jg 3:3, 5. 2 S 24:7. 1 K 9:20. 1 Ch 1:15. 2 Ch 8:7. Jebusites. Ge 10:16.
9. the cry. ver. 7. Ex *2:23. Ge 4:10. 19:13. Nu *20:16. and I have. ver. 7. Ex 1:11, 13, 14, 22. Ps +*12:5. Pr 22:22, 23. Ec 4:1. 5:8. Je 50:33, 34. Am 4:1. Mi 2:1-3.
10. Come now. Is 1:18. Mt =11:29. Jn 6:37. He =7:25. 11:26. and I. 1 S 12:6. Ps 77:20. 103:6, 7. *105:26. Is 63:11, 12. Ho 12:13. Mi *6:4. Ac 7:34, 36.
11. Who am I. ƒ85, Ge +3:9. Ex 4:10-13. 6:12. 1 S 18:18. 2 S 7:18. 1 K 3:7, 9. Pr *29:25. Is *6:5-8. Je *1:6. Lk *14:18. Ac 7:23-25. 2 Co 2:16. 3:5, 6, 12. Ep *6:10.
12. Certainly. Ex 4:12, 15. Ge 15:1. 31:3. Dt 31:8, 23. Jsh *1:5. Jg 6:16. Is 41:10. 43:2. Mt *28:20. Mk 16:20. Jn =8:29. Ac 11:21. Ro *8:31. 2 Co *12:9. He +*13:5. token. Ex 4:1-9. Ge 15:8. Jg 6:17, 21, 36-40. 7:11, 13, 14. Ps 86:17. Is 7:14. 37:30. Je 43:9, 10. 51:63, 64. ye shall. Ex ch. 19-40. Le ch. 1-27. Nu ch. 1-10.
13. Moses said. Ex 4:11. Ps 32:3, 8. Is 58:1. 59:1. Ezk 3:14, 17. *Jn 8:24. What is his. ver. 14. Ex 15:3. Ge 32:29. Jg 13:6, 17. Pr 30:4. Is +*7:14. +✓9:6. Je 23:6. Mt 1:21, 23. name. See for Jehovah, Ex +*6:3n. Ps +*83:18. Is 12:2. 26:4. 42:8. Je ◐10:16.
14. I AM hath. Ex 6:3. Jb 11:7. Ps +*68:4. 90:2. Is 44:6. Mt 18:20. 28:20. Jn 8:58. 2 Co 1:20. He *13:8. Re *1:4, 8, 17. 4:8. 16:5.
15. The Lord. ver. 6. Ex 4:5. Ge +*17:7, 8. Dt 1:11, 35. 4:1. 2 Ch 28:9. Mt ▶22:32. Mk ▶12:26. Ac ▶3:13. 7:32. this is my name. The name here referred to is that which immediately precedes, Jehovah, which we translate Lord, the name by which God had been known from the creation of the world (Ge 2:2), and by which he is known to the present day. Jehovah, from hawah, to be, subsist, signifies He who is, or subsists, i.e. eminently and in a manner superior to all other beings; and is essentially the same with eheyeh, “I AM,” in the preceding verse. Ps 72:17, 19. *111:5. *135:13. 145:1, 2. Is 9:6. 63:12. for ever. Heb. olam, Ex +12:24. my memorial. Ps 102:12. Ho *12:5. Mi 4:5. Ml 3:6. He *13:8. generations. Ge +9:12.
16. elders. Ex 4:29. 12:21. 18:12, +21. 19:7. 24:11. Ge 50:7. Nu *11:16. Jsh +20:4. Mt 26:3. Ac 11:30. 20:17. 1 P 5:1. surely visited. ƒ147B, Ge +2:16. Ex 2:25. 4:31. 13:19. 15:14. Ge 21:1. *50:24. Ru 1:6. Ps 8:4. Lk *1:68. 19:44. Ac 15:14. He 2:6, 7. 1 P 2:12. seen. ƒ180A, Ge +4:20.
17. I will bring. ver. 9. Ex 2:23-25. Ge *15:13-21. 46:4. 50:24. unto the land. See on ver. +8. Ge 15:14, 18-21. milk and. ƒ174, Ge +18:27. honey. ƒ171I7, Ex +3:8.
18. And they. ver. 16. Ex *4:31. Jsh 1:17. 2 Ch 30:12. Ps 110:3. Je 26:5. and thou. Ex 5:1-3. The Lord. Ex 7:16. 9:1, 13. 10:3. met. Ex 4:24. *5:3. 25:22. 29:42, 43. 30:6, 36. Ge 12:1. 15:1. 17:1. 48:3. Nu 17:4. 23:3, 4, 15, 16. Is 64:5. three days.’ Ex 8:27. 13:17, 18. that we may. ver. 12. Ex 7:16. 8:25-28. 9:1. 10:24-26. 19:1. Je 2:2, 6.
19. will not. Ex *5:2. *7:4. no, not by a mighty hand. or, but by a strong hand. Ex 6:1. ch. 7-14. Dt +34:12. Ps 136:11, 12. Is 63:12, 13. ƒ77. Epitasis B462. The addition of conclusion by way of emphasis. The figure is used when a concluding sentence is added by way of increasing the emphasis. It is not independent of what has gone before, but it is some emphatic increase added to it by way of conclusion. It differs from the figure Amplification (ƒ144, Pleonasm) in that it comes by way of conclusion. For other instances of this figure see Mt 6:30. 10:18. 18:19. 22:37. Mk 10:43, *44. Jn 1:1. 13:34. 18:20. Ac 4:12. 7:5. 10:39. 13:33. Ro 1:4. 8:3. 9:7. 13:1. 1 Co 7:30. 11:5. 13:13. 2 Co 3:5, *6. 5:8. 8:3. Ga 1:9. 5:3. Ph 4:4. He 1:13.
20. stretch. Ex 6:6. *7:5. 9:15. Ezk 20:33. smite. Ex 7:3. 11:9. Dt 4:34. *6:22. Ne *9:10. Ps 105:27. 106:22. *135:8, 9. *136:11, 12. Is 19:22. Je 32:20, 21. Ac *7:36. See Ex ch. 7-13. after that. Ex 11:8. *12:31, 39. Ge 15:14. Jg 6:8. 8:16. Ps *105:38. Is 26:11.
21. will give. Ex *11:3. 12:36. Ge 39:21. Ne 1:11. Ps 106:46. Pr +*16:7. Da *1:9. Ac 7:10.
22. But. Ex 11:2. *12:35, 36. Ge *15:14. Ps 105:37. borrow. Ex 22:14. 2 K 4:3. 6:5. or, ask. Ex 13:14. 18:7. Jsh 19:50. Jg 5:25. 1 S 1:17, 20. 12:13. spoil. Jb *27:16, 17. Pr +*13:22. Is 33:1. Ezk *39:10. the Egyptians. or, Egypt.
Smith, J. H. (1992). The new treasury of scripture knowledge: [2]
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