Friday, February 7, 2025

Saint Augustine, Expositions of the Psalms 121–150, ed. Boniface Ramsey, trans. Maria Boulding, vol. 20, The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century (Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 2000), 10–18.from while logged in as Rick Livermore


Verse 4. The tribes of the Lord, the true Israel 

7. Thither have the tribes ascended. We told you earlier that in this psalm we hear the voice of people ascending, the voice of the Church as it makes the ascent, and so we were prompted to inquire where fallen humans are going in their climb. Are we still wondering about their goal? The height they are bound for, the end of their climb, the goal of their ascent, is that place whither the tribes have ascended, as our psalm now tells us. But where is that? Where have the tribes ascended? Into that city which shares in Being-Itself. That is the goal of our ascent—Jerusalem. There was once a man who, instead of mounting to Jerusalem, went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among robbers. If he had not gone down, he would not have fallen foul of them. Anyone who has fallen among robbers on his downward path must change course and climb up instead and encounter angels. Let such a one mount to that place, for thither have the tribes ascended. But what are these tribes? Many know the answer, but many do not. Let those of us who know what the tribes are go down to those who do not know, so that they may ascend with us to the place whither the tribes have gone. “Tribes” can also be called curiae, if this word is used loosely. There is no exact synonym for the term “tribe,” though curia comes somewhere near it. In the strict sense we use curia for the council which sits in an individual city, whence are derived the names curiales and decuriones, so called because they are members of a curia or a decuria. You know how every city has one curia of this kind. But there are also (or formerly were) groups of people in these same cities, each of which could be called a curia. When the word is used in this sense we can say that each city has many of them; Rome has thirty-five. These may be styled “tribes.” The people of Israel had twelve, corresponding to the number of Jacob’s sons. 

8. The people of Israel comprised twelve tribes, but among them were both bad people and good. What a bad tribe they were, what a wicked party, that crucified the Lord! And what a good fraternity acknowledged the Lord! The clans that crucified the Lord are the tribes of the devil. The psalm says not merely, Thither have the tribes ascended; it specifies the tribes of the Lord to make it clear that not all the tribes are meant. What, then, are these tribes of the Lord? Those who knew the Lord. Among the twelve bad tribes were some good people, members of good clans that acknowledged the architect of the city. They were grains of wheat among the tribes, but they were mixed up with the chaff. They went up, but not in the company of the chaff; they went up as sifted, purified, elect tribes, as tribes of the Lord. Thither have the tribes ascended, the tribes of the Lord. Now what else is said about the tribes of the Lord? That they are the testimony to Israel. Listen, brothers and sisters, and understand what this testimony to Israel is, who these people are in whom the proof of the true Israel may be discerned. What does “Israel” mean? The interpretation of the name has been mentioned before, but it is as well to repeat it frequently, for it may have slipped the minds of some, even though we spoke of it not long ago. By repeating it we make sure that it is not forgotten even by those unable or unwilling to read; let us serve as a book for them. “Israel” is taken to mean “seeing God.” Or rather, if we analyze the name more exactly, we can say that “Israel” means “the seeing one is.” So when we put these two interpretations together we get “the one who sees God, is.” No human being is in his or her own right, for we are inconstant and subject to change, unless we participate in him who is the Selfsame. A human being truly is when he sees God. He is when he sees Him Who Is, for, in seeing Him Who Is, the creature too comes to be in his measure. Thus he becomes Israel, for Israel is the seeing one. A proud person is not Israel, for, instead of sharing in Being-Itself, the proud person wants to be his own absolute being. Anyone who tries to be the source of his own being is no Israel. No impostor can be Israel, and every proud person is an impostor. What I mean is this, brothers and sisters: any proud person pretends to be something he is not; he cannot do otherwise. It would not be so bad if a proud person tried to appear what he is not in the sense, say, of wanting to be thought a flautist, when he is no such thing. He could soon be proved bogus if people said to him, “Go on, then, sing. Let’s hear what you can do.” If he could not, he would be shown up as having made false claims when he tried to appear as something he was not. Or again, if someone said he was a fluent orator, we could say to him, “Very well; give us a speech, and prove it.” As soon as he began to speak, he would be shown up; he would not be what he claimed to be. But what is much worse is the claim of a proud person to be righteous when he is not. Righteousness is difficult to discern, and hence it is not easy to detect proud persons. Yet the proud want to seem what they are not, and therefore they do not share in Being-Itself, and they do not belong to Israel, “the one who sees God.” Who, then, does belong to Israel? One who shares in the Selfsame. And who is that? One who confesses that he is not what God is and that he holds from God whatever good he can claim to have, that of himself he is nothing but sin and that he possesses righteousness only as a gift from God. Such a person is one in whom there is no guile. What did the Lord say on catching sight of Nathanael? Look, there is a true Israelite, in whom there is no guile (Jn 1:47). If the true Israelite is one in whom no guile is to be found, we infer that the tribes that have ascended to Jerusalem are those found free of guile. They are the authentic Israel, the ones who give proof of being the real thing, because through them it can be seen that there were grains of wheat among the straw all the time, even though to an onlooker the threshing-floor seemed to contain nothing but chaff. The grains were there among it, but when they have ascended in heavenly splendor and the winnowing is finished, then will the testimony to Israel be rendered, for then will all the evildoers say to each other, “When the whole lot looked bad to us, there really were righteous people among the bad. We thought everyone was as bad as we were ourselves.” Thus the good are a testimony to Israel. Why do they ascend? To confess to your name, O Lord. No more glorious motive could be envisaged. As pride makes one presumptuous, so does humility prompt confession. As a presumptuous person tries to pose as something he is not, so a confessing person has no wish to appear other than he is but loves what God is. The Israelites in whom there is no guile mount to this confession because they are truly Israelites. In them is the testimony to Israel, and they ascend for this purpose: to confess to your name, O Lord. 

 Verse 5. The apostles sit on seats to judge, but they are themselves the Lord’s seat 
9. There the seats sat in judgment.
This is a puzzling expression and likely to raise problems unless it is rightly understood. Our translation renders as seats what the Greeks call θρόνοι. The Greeks use the word θρόνοι for benches of honor, or sedilia. There is nothing remarkable, brothers and sisters, about people sitting on seats or judicial benches. But how are we to understand a statement that the seats themselves sit down? It is as strange as though someone were to say, “Let the bishop’s chair sit here, and the benches sit there.” People sit on benches, on seats, and on chairs. Seats are for sitting on; the seats themselves do not sit. What can the psalm mean, then, by saying, There the seats sat to exercise judgment? Well, you are certainly familiar with a saying of the Lord, Heaven is my throne, but the earth is my footstool (Is 66:1; Acts 7:49). This amounts to God telling us that his seat is heaven. But now who are the heavens? Who else but just persons? These heavens are a single heaven, just as the individual churches are the one Church: they are many, but in such a way as to form one; and the same is true in the inverse sense of the just, for they are heaven, but in their separate individuality they are heavens. God has his seat in them, and from them God exercises judgment. A psalm had good reason to say, The heavens proclaim God’s glory (Ps 18:2(19:1)), for the apostles were made into heaven. How did that come about? By their being justified. As a sinner was made into earth when he was told, Earth you are, and back to earth you shall go (Gn 3:19), so were the justified made into heaven. They carried God, and from them God constantly flashed the lightning of his miracles, thundered his terrors, and rained down his consolations. They were heaven; they truly were. And they incessantly proclaimed the glory of God. The psalm left you no room for doubt about the apostles being heaven, for it went on to say, Their sound went forth throughout the world, their words to the ends of the earth (Ps 18:5(19:4)). Whose sound, whose words? Those of the heavens. Well now, if heaven is God’s seat, and the apostles are heaven, it follows that they are God’s seat, God’s throne. Scripture says elsewhere, The soul of a just person is the throne of wisdom (Prv 12:23, LXX). That is a tremendous statement: The soul of a just person is the throne of wisdom; it implies that in the soul of a righteous person wisdom sits as on a judicial bench, or a throne, and from there judges all things. The apostles were thrones for wisdom and yet the Lord said to them, You will sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Mt 19:28). It seems, then, that they will themselves sit upon the twelve seats, but at the same time they are seats for God. This is what our present psalm teaches when it speaks of the seats sitting: There the seats sat. Who sat? The seats. And who are the seats? The heavens. Who are the heavens? Heaven. And what is heaven? That of which the Lord said, Heaven is my seat (Is 66:1; Acts 7:49). We are taught three things, therefore. The just are seats, and they have seats, and it is in Jerusalem that the seats will sit. To what purpose? For judgment. The Lord promised, You will sit upon twelve seats, you who yourselves are my seats, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Whom will they judge? Those below, on earth. Who will judge? Those who have become heaven. Those amenable to their judgment will be divided into two groups, one to the right, the other to the left. The saints will join Christ in judging; as Isaiah says, the Lord will come in judgment, with the elders of his people (Is 3:14). Those who will collaborate with him are distinct from those subject to his judgment and to theirs. The people facing judgment will be segregated into two groups. One will be placed at his right, and the acts of mercy they have performed will be enumerated to them. The others will be relegated to his left, and they will be reminded of their cruelty and their barrenness where mercy was called for. To those stationed at his right the invitation will be extended, Come, you who are blessed by my Father, take possession of the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. And why? I was hungry, and you fed me, he will tell them. But they will protest, When did we see you hungry? He will reply, When you did that for even the least of those who are mine, you did it for me (Mt 25:34–35, 37, 40). What is the implication, brothers and sisters? The apostles will judge concerning those people who have been advised to make friends for themselves by using iniquitous mammon, so that they may welcome you into the tents of eternity (Lk 16:9). The saints will sit in judgment with the Lord, marking carefully who among those before them have performed acts of mercy; they will take into their company those placed at the Lord’s right and welcome them into the kingdom of heaven. And this, even this, is the peace of Jerusalem. In what does the peace of Jerusalem consist? In the conjunction of corporal works of mercy with spiritual works of preaching, so that in both giving and receiving there may be peace. The apostle saw almsdeeds as a matter of due payment and receipts, for he said, If we have sown spiritual seeds for your benefit, is it too much to ask that we reap a carnal harvest from you? (1 Cor 9:11) On the same subject he said in another passage, The one who gathered much had no surplus, and the one who gathered little, no lack (2 Cor 8:15). Why did the one who had gathered a great deal have nothing left over? Because anyone who had more than enough gave to someone in need. And why did the one who gathered little not go short? Because he received from someone else who had plenty. This was done that there might be equality (2 Cor 8:14). And this is the peace for which our psalm prays, May peace reign in your strength. 

 Verse 6. The peace of Jerusalem is founded on love 
10. What we have just said is certain, for the psalm makes it clear. It has told us that there the seats sat in judgment over the house of David, which means “over Christ’s household,” to which they conscientiously gave food in due season. But immediately after this the psalm turns to the seats and admonishes them, “Ask what makes for the peace of Jerusalem. You are the seats that are sitting to judge. You have become the Lord’s seats and so you function as judges. But it is the duty of judges to ask questions, and of those before them to answer when questions are put to them. So then, ask what makes for the peace of Jerusalem.” What will their interrogation reveal? That some people have been active in works of mercy and others have not. They will call into Jerusalem those who have performed works of mercy, for these are the things that make for the peace of Jerusalem. Love is a powerful thing, brothers and sisters; love is a powerful thing. Would you like a proof of how strong it is? Consider, then: if someone is prevented by circumstances from carrying out a duty enjoined by God, let him love someone else who performs that duty, and he fulfils it through that other. Note this carefully, beloved. Suppose, for instance, a man has a wife whom he cannot leave. He must obey the apostle’s orders, Let the husband render his debt to his wife (1 Cor 7:3), and again, Are you bound to a wife? Then do not seek to be unbound. (1 Cor 7:27) It will occur to him that there is a better way of life, concerning which the same apostle says, I wish everyone were as I am (1 Cor 7:7). He marks those who have taken this course, he loves them for it, and in them he carries out what he is unable to do himself. Love is a powerful thing. It is our strength, and anything else we may have is useless without it. If I speak with human tongue or angel’s tongue, but have no charity, I have become like a booming gong or a clashing cymbal, warns the apostle; and then he adds something even weightier: If I distribute all my resources to feed the poor, and deliver my body to be burnt, yet have no charity, it profits me nothing. (1 Cor 13:1, 3) If charity exists alone and has no goods to distribute to the poor, let it simply love and give only a cup of cold water, and the act will be judged as meritorious as that of Zacchaeus, who gave half his patrimony to the poor. How can that be? The one gave so little, the other so much. How can the one be as highly deserving as the other? Yet he is indeed just as deserving. The material possibilities were not comparable, but charity was equal in the two cases. 
11. The judges are questioning you, then, and you must assess what you are. We have been told, We are going to the Lord’s house. We were certainly gladdened by those who gave us those tidings: We are going to the Lord’s house. Find out, then, if we are truly going there. We travel not on foot but by our affections. Test whether we are on the way. Each one of you must question himself about his attitude to the holy poor person, the needy brother or sister, the penurious beggar. Let each one check that his compassion is not too narrow, because the seats which will sit in judgment will have to interrogate you, and their duty is to seek out what makes for the peace of Jerusalem. How will they conduct their interrogation? As seats for God. Is God interrogating you, then? Does anything lie hidden from God, and can anything elude those interrogators who are bidden, Ask what makes for the peace of Jerusalem? But what makes for the peace of Jerusalem? There are abundant riches for those who love you. The psalmist has now turned to address Jerusalem herself. There are great riches for those who love her—riches after poverty, for here below her lovers are in need, but affluent there; here they are weak, there strong; here in penury, there in wealth. How did they become rich? Here below they gave away what they had received from God for a limited time, and there they receive the reward that God will give them for eternity. Here on earth, brothers and sisters, even the rich are paupers. A rich man is lucky if he recognizes his poverty, for if he thinks himself full, that is no more than puffed-up pride, not plenitude. Let him acknowledge that he is empty so that he may be deserve to be filled. What does he possess? Gold. What does he not yet possess? Eternal life. Let him take stock of what he has and recognize what he has not. Let him give to others from what he has, brothers and sisters, that he may receive what he has not; let him use what he has to buy himself what he does not have, and there will be abundant riches for those who love Jerusalem. 

 Verse 7. Love is the city’s strength 
12. May peace reign in your strength. O Jerusalem, city being built like a city, city whose share is in Being-Itself, may peace reign in your strength. Let there be peace in your love, for your strength lies in your love. Listen to the Song of Songs: Love is as mighty as death (Sg 8:6). That is a solemn utterance, brothers and sisters: Love is as mighty as death. There could be no more glorious assertion of the strength of charity than Love is as mighty as death, for who can stand firm against death? Fire, water, the sword—against all these we can make a stand; we can resist potentates, we can resist kings. But death, death alone, no one can resist. This is why death is used as a comparison to suggest the power of love: Love is as mighty as death. Moreover, love itself effects a kind of death in us, for charity slays what we once were so that we may become what we were not. The man who said, The world has been crucified to me, and I to the world (Gal 6:14), had died that death, and so too had those to whom he said, You are dead, and your life is hidden with Christ in God (Col 3:3). Love is as mighty as death. If it is mighty, it has great power and force; it is strength itself. Through love weak people are ruled by the strong, earth by heaven, the nations by the seats; and therefore the psalm prays, May peace reign in your strength, may peace reign in your love. What is more, through that strength, through that love, through that peace, may there be abundance in your towers, which means in your elevated places. Only a few will sit in judgment, but the great crowds at Christ’s right hand make up the population of the city. There are many under the protection of each one of the exalted judges, many who are welcomed by the judges into the tents of eternity; and thus there will be abundance in its towers. God himself is the fullness of delights and our all-sufficient riches. He is Being-Itself, in which the city participates; in this will our abundance consist. But how can this be? Through charity, which is to say, through the city’s strength. But who has charity, brothers and sisters? The person who in this life is not self-seeking. The apostle Paul was a man of charity. Listen to what he tells us: Try to appease everyone in all circumstances, as I too make myself agreeable to all in every respect (1 Cor 10:33). What has become of the claim you made elsewhere, Paul? You said, If I were still out to please men, I would not be Christ’s servant (Gal 1:10), yet now you say that you try to mollify others, and you exhort your disciples to do the same! But in denying that he tried to please men he omitted to mention the object some have in making such efforts; they curry favor with others for their own advantage, not for the promotion of charity. The person who is intent on his own reputation is not seeking the salvation of other people. But Paul elaborates: Try to appease everyone … as I too make myself agreeable to all in every respect, seeking not my own advantage but the profit of the many, that they may be saved (1 Cor 10:33).

Saint Augustine, Expositions of the Psalms 121–150, ed. Boniface Ramsey, trans. Maria Boulding, vol. 20, The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century (Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 2000), 10–18.

The Sermon On The Mount as found in The Biblical Illustrator on while logged in as Rick Livermore


Joseph S. Exell, The Biblical Illustrator: St. Luke, vol. II (London: James Nisbet & Co., n.d.).
28. When Jesus had ended these sayings.— The Sermon on the Mount:— I. Some few characteristics which the Sermon possesses. 1. The wonderful literary beauty of the language cannot have been
the preaching recede before the shadow of the coming events. In the former stage the Sermon on the Mount is put out of its place (comp. Luke), and made the opening of the ministry, for it is
1. Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.— The habits of Jesus:—At the close of the day Jesus withdrew to the Mount of Olives, and it is interesting to trace in Him once more that dislike of
has gone forward, as described by Matthew, Mark, and Luke, including many miracles, the Sermon on the Mount, the early parables, and the mission of the twelve. Returning from this mission, on
a more pleasing effect, “salt,” “light.” 3. Is your character such as the Saviour describes? (Sermons by the Monday Club.) The Preacher:—Jesus Christ was every way ennobled and qualified for the
Love. Near to Capernaum He fed the five thousand, walked on the sea, and preached His Sermon on the Mount. He loved the busy, basaltic town, and after His expulsion from Nazareth He made it the
life will bring the beggar’s vices. Yet here, as in the case of the precepts of the Sermon on the Mount, the spirit is binding still, though the letter has passed away. The mission work of the
chapters are filled with the record of Christ’s teaching. I need only indicate the Sermon on the Mount; the instruction to the postles on their first Mission; the cluster of the parables of
the law. (J. E. Good.) Purity of motive in religion:—When Mrs. Judson read the Lord’s “Sermon on the Mount” to the first Burman convert, he was deeply affected. “These words,” said he, “take hold
to leave their coasts? I doubt it. 3. If they had heard His teaching contained in the Sermon on the Mount, would they have acted so? Think of the goodness and gentleness pervading it. 4. The
law:— I. Mark the position our Saviour occupied, as forming a key to the whole of the Sermon on the MountII. The meaning of these words. 1. Christ fulfilled the law in His teaching. He
sincerity is not salvation. IV. Christ and His gospel are man’s only security. (Monday Club Sermons.) Figs or thistles?—It has pleased God to make every tree and herb “after its kind.” There are
rivalries. It is here we want our religion. (Ibid.Relation of this discourse to the Sermon on the Mount:—Men have doubted whether the discourse in Matt. 5–7, is to be regarded as an ampler
1. If we desire to behold the glory of the transfigured Redeemer, we must climb with Him the mount of prayer. 2. Learn from this great scene the metamorphic power of prayer. There are holy men
ambition, who taught for the doctrines of God the commandments of men. Indeed, the Sermon on the Mount was spoken to correct the errors which found a home there. He designated the great mass
as it is, will be large enough to hide the sun. 2. Again. Sermons should be heard with a desire to profit by them. 3. Lastly. Sermons should be heard with humble dependence on God’s Holy Spirit
to the behaviour of many hearers of the Word. By a very short sermon he was led to prayer. Instead of praying over sermons, a great many disport themselves with them. Some are anxious for
on with one which men would call—well, at least measurably decent, like that man’s, but which mounts into the sky of success in such swift and easy fashion?” It was only a momentary temptation
It is a serious thing to preach. Robertson said that “he would rather lead a forlorn hope than mount the pulpit stairs.” Is it not a solemn thing to hear? Is not the pew as terrible as the pulpit
came to be attached in the Christian Churches, and which subsequently developed into the sermon. The reading of the law being over, the one who had recited the opening prayer read a portion
in them than in hours of mere wire drawing and word spinning. True prayer is the soul’s mounting up to God, and if it can ride upon a cherub or the wings of the wind so much the better, yet
to the third evangelist, not the sermon on the mount, but the sermon in the synagogue of Nazareth. There is reason to believe that neither of the sermons occupied the place of an inaugural
to the lowly, and not to those who hold a superior position in the social scale. The Sermon on the Mount may be all lived out by the labourer, the poor widow, the person whose intelligence and
we are reconciled. 3. A great inspiration. Ever since, the cross has been the pattern on the mount which holy lives have copied, and it has inspired love and sacrifice into countless hearts. IV
fig-tree was withered (Mark 11:20). In the evening going back to Bethany, and sitting on the Mount of Olives, He foretelleth the destruction of the Temple and city (Matt. 24), and discourses
appearance, but without its pungent savour and antiseptic properties. Our Lord, in His Sermon on the Mount, warns us against being deceived by these pseudo-reformers: and also against the still
on earth can white them”; while St. Luke is the only one who records that the visit to the mount of Transfiguration was made for the purpose of private prayer; that Moses and Elias, in their
tend to promote real godliness. The standard of Christ’s kingdom must be sought in the Sermon on the Mount. (Matt. 5:8; Col. 2:23). (Bp. Ryle.) What think ye that He will not come to the feast
feet; living stones which will cry out with a thousand voices; stones which will be full of “sermons;” dry bones which when we prophesy over them, will stand on their feet an exceeding great
upon the roof, upon the choir, upon the Communion Table, might not prayers be read, and sermons preached with poorer habiliments and in meaner places? Well, no man denies but God was
life. One day a Christian lady heard of the dying girl, heard the sad story of her life, and mounting the rickety stairs that led to her miserable room, found her out. She went to her side. Her
mind. 1. Faith. 2. Adoration. 3. Wisdom in selecting place, not on Mount, but in valley; time, not interrupting His sermon. 4. Patience. Content to stay God’s leisure. 5. Confession. III. Now
and typified in the Old Testament. See especially Psalms 68 and 110. Moses, ascending the mount to receive the law, may be a type of Christ ascending to receive spiritual blessings for men
to do besides gratifying our desire, even for the highest spiritual enjoyment. Peter, on the Mount of Transfiguration, though he said, “It is good for us to be here,” was not permitted to build
39–46. The mount of Olives.— The mount of Olives:—The mountains are Nature’s monuments. Like the islands that dwell apart, and like them that give asylum from a noisy and irreverent world
faith and hope and love are in the heart. As Israel Putnam left the plough in the furrow and mounted a field-horse when the bugle sounded for the rallying at Cambridge; as the minute-men of
and died to give it. (D. Thomas, D.D.) Christ our revealing Light:—I once spent a night on Mount Righi, and there was nothing visible for a rod from my window. But when the morning broke, the
look worked wonders. I sometimes preach with all my soul to Peter, and, alas! he likes my sermon and forgets it. I have known Peter read a good book full of most powerful pleading, and when
abroad.” The same thing is taught in language not less explicit in our Saviour’s sermon on the mount. “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or
of God, if God never answered prayer, without receiving a blessing. When Moses was on the Mount, we read that he came down from it, and his face shone, though he wist it not. There are
of Dr. Lupton, who had it from his father, “had Thomas learned from hearing sermons, and exceedingly good sermons, for forty years.” (Anecdotes of the Wesleys.) Except a man be born of water
preaching, but in His doing the work of the kingdom of God. It does not centre in the Sermon on the Mount, but in the death on Calvary. V. The training of men is more important than the
by familiarity with God’s Word. 4. A Divine peace follows the resistance of temptation. (Sermons by the Monday Club.) Christ tempted of the devil in the wilderness:— I. Why our Lord was
thirst of a soul. He pitied them, and came to the rescue. (W. Arnot, D.D.) The Preacher’s last sermon for the season:— I. The inquiry for the thirsty. 1. It is very wide. “Any man” of all that
pursuits. Christianity for them is something “very spiritual.” “They cannot live by prayer.” “Sermons do not satisfy hunger.” “Godliness does not give success in trade.” The gospel and Christian
through the power of the Holy Spirit. So is it with sacred song. The wings with which I mount towards the skies in sacred harmony and joy are Thy wings, O Holy Dove! The fire with which my
He shows that if we cannot do such apparently little things as He has specified in His sermon, it is absurd to suppose we can do things which are infinitely greater; checks our anxiety by
of what is morally right and good. If a man pronounce the decalogue evil, or the Sermon on the Mount immoral, it is proof positive that he is immoral. If this is so, why should it not be
That Christ towers up above the history of the world and the process of revelation, like Mount Everest among the Himalayas. To that great peak all the country on the one side runs upwards
be true. But every living Christian is a preacher. Every prayerful, earnest, godly life is a sermon. There are a hundred ways of preaching Jesus without choosing a Bible text or standing in a
the means of His argument, the evidence of His statement. His flesh and bones were text and sermon for Him. 5. In that day, beloved, when we shall rise again from the dead we shall remember the
Every true teacher has always something more to say. He never says all in any lesson or sermon. How could such riches of knowledge and love be bestowed all at one time, and that to feeble
far to prove the truth of this proposition. From the appearance of Moses and Elijah on the mount of transfiguration, it seems evident that they possessed power of various kinds, of which we
evil and not a benefit. Men ask, “Why do not you, as a believer in Jesus Christ and the Sermon on the Mount, make common cause in the things of this world with the destitute around you, and trust
others of Jesus (vers. 40, 41). Conclusion: Here is—1. A lesson for those who preach. John’s sermon was short, but full of Jesus, and effectual for soul-winning. Imitate him. 2. An example for
been voyaging on towards Christian life; you have found it a rough passage; a hurricane from Mount Sinai has smitten you, but now you see lighthouses, and you see buoys, and the great headlands
Mr. Fuller could not well avoid making some reply. He said, “I gave close attention to your sermon, and tried to ascertain at what you were aiming it: what was your object?” Several years
15:6); 10. To James only (1 Cor. 15:7): 11. To all the apostles, and probably some others, on Mount Olivet, at His ascension. Most of these eleven appearances require little or no explanation
D.D.) The true vision of the Father:—Philip knew that Moses had once led the elders up to the mount where “they saw the God of Israel,” and that to many others had been granted sensible
the Egyptians, took especial care to preserve memorials of the dead. St. Peter, in his first sermon, alludes to David’s sepulchre as being “with us even to this day.” Would St. Peter, think you
Christian privileges. Peter was one of the most favoured apostles, who beheld Christ on the mount of transfiguration and in the garden of Gethsemane. 4. The greatest warmth of zeal. Peter was a
in the same way still. 1. In childhood, by a mother’s voice. 2. In after years, by books, sermons, friends, trials. The conscience is touched; we stand face to face with God. III. The healed
all our endeavours and reaching upward, see His countenance and person, as Zaccheus did, by mounting into a tree; but we may see much more than he did, who saw Him but in the flesh, not yet
when Satan raises storms of temptations upon him; he is safe also from the thunderings of mount Sinai, or the thunderbolts of the law and of the wrath of God, which all unbelievers lie open
Salvation was of the Jews, but Christ was the fulfilment of hopes as old as the race. (Sermons by the Monday Club.) The woman of Samaria:—1. The person here introduced was a member of a
of truth. 2. True morals. The ten commandments command man’s universal assent, and the Sermon on the Mount forms the only true basis of society, and true society will be one day constructed on
by the oldest of existing sects, the Samaritans, this is added, “Thou shalt build an altar on Mount Gerizim, and there thou shalt worship.” And for commandments such as this, half the energies of
or hillock in accordance with the common phrase, for which there is no direct authority, “Mount Calvary.” Whichever of these is the correct explanation, Golgotha seems to have been a known
who is also full of holy confidence, and the two are not long together before their faith mounts to full assurance, and their full assurance bursts forth in a torrent of sacred praise. This
were always full of great spiritual significance. Nature was moulded by Him into evangelical sermons. 2. But their spiritual achievements were to be greater than Christ’s miracles. (1) The
it and we received instruction. It did not want beauty, for the parables, and the Sermon on the Mount, and many a touching passage were still there. It looked like a coronation tapestry with
I. The way through the preached Word. 1. “Behold the Lamb,” &c., is the heart of the Christian sermon. That is the aim of the whole Bible: Moses, the prophets, John, and the apostles. No matter
their manifestation. I gladly believe that some would, some must. (A. B. Grosart, D.D.sermon to parents:—“What manner of child shall this be? “Will it grow up to manhood or womanhood, or
earnest of the Garden; but out of the darkness light unspeakable arose—the reflection of the MountI. The Lord enters into the darkness of His hour and proclaims its glory. 1. “The hour” is the
from the practical duties of life, as in the case of Peter, who wished to abide on the mount. This was rebuked by Christ. He kept in the realm of humanity. He laboured to prove Himself
IV. The particular distinctions and favours conferred on him by Christ. Leans on His breast; Mount of Transfiguration; garden; and He consigns His holy virgin mother to his care; lived long
The home of Mary and Martha and Lazarus at Bethany, about two miles from Jerusalem across the Mount of Olives, had been the scene of some of the calmest and happiest moments of our Lord’s life
distance, as if we could no more rise to Him with our spirits than our frail bodies could mount from earth to heaven? Who will give us wings that we may ascend to Him? Alas! the attraction of
seeing the word of a King in that place is more regarded. The contempt of the Law given upon Mount Sinai, in the hand of angels, was required at their hands; how shall they then escape that
God is more prone to communicate Himself than the sun to spread its beams, or the earth to mount up its fruits, or the water to multiply living creatures. 4. God is necessarily good
thought to gain a ray of heavenly brightness without the habitual communing with God upon the Mount? (W. H. Hutchings, M.A.Necessity of prayer:—Prayer is natural to men. The knowledge of our
God’s plan. Therefore it follows, they are the best circumstances conceivable, by which we may mount to Him. Shun discontent. Ourselves, not our circumstances, are our hindrances. 2. There is
a Man what teaching may be expected? 1. Extemporaneousness. He cannot want time to make His sermons, or He is not what He claims to be. Does He retire and compose elaborate sentences and come
of the moral. It is barely two hundred years since the great Cotton Mather preached a famous sermon called “Burnings Bewailed,” wherein he attributed a terrible conflagration to the wrath of God
2. When ye pray, say.— Sermonic hints on the Lord’s Prayer:—1. Not a prescription of words. A great merit in prayer is that it most naturally expresses the feeling of him who offers it. A
they could only ask questions. It is better to know one thing than to guess a good many. (Sermons by the Monday Club.) The history of the man who was born blind:—1. The miracle, or the power
like all His cures physical and spiritual. 2. Complete. (T. Whitelaw, D.D.) A hospital sermon:— I. Christ always honoured the religious observances of His day. He shows us—1. The advantage
us as incapable of gratitude. (Ibid.Joy born at Bethlehem:—In our text we have before us the sermon of the first evangelist under the gospel dispensation. The preacher was an angel, and it was
also the man; her depth and power, his shallowness and feebleness. He then preaches a short sermon to Simon. No words had passed, but He answers Simon’s thought. Let us believe, with all true
whom there appeared no symptoms of repentance in other respects, but who could never hear a sermon or comment on this parable without bursting into an agony of tears, which I witnessed on
earthly relationship be glorified into its heavenly counterpart. (D. J. Vaughan, M.A.) Funeral sermon:—Let us survey— I. The life of the departed. Note—1. His affection as a relative. 2. His
the love of sin? where the chemistry which shall so sublimate the affections, that they will mount towards God? It is the eternal revolution which I have no power of scrutinizing, except in its
empty when means of grace are going on—this is one way to be a prosperous Christian. The very sermon that we needlessly miss may contain a precious word in season for our souls. The assembly for
and power, and holiness; that its members are a true living unity; that its prayers mount up acceptably to God; that the Sacraments and means of grace are made real. It is of the utmost
He wants each to face for himself the accumulation of a lifetime, to watch the tale of sin mounting up to its deadly total, until like a spendthrift, who having had a general idea that he had
F. J. Austin.) The lost Christ:—There was a famous preacher in the last century whose sermons, though full of ingenious reasoning and brilliant rhetoric, were empty of Christ. One morning
scattered at once by being brought to the light of God’s Word. Throughout the whole Sermon on the Mount the prince of this world is judged. His most vaunted blessings are declared to be woes
or a workman with a spade turns up a piece of turf. A company of men start for the ascent of Mount Blanc. But they do not go up at first, they go down by a river side, then their path slopes
with everything that is wholesome, and to protest against everything that is pernicious. (Sermons by the Monday Club.) The relaxation of Jesus Christ:— I. Our Lord had passed through the

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If you are wondering where the pages that contained the words "excerpt", "Introducing" or other words indicating I was quoting a book have all gone, I migrated all of them over to Posts and Posted them all on August 18 and August 19 2024. I did that so you could use the search widget that is built in to the blog on the upper right hand corner. You will be happy to know that there are more of them than just the batch that were migrated, there were also lots of posts that contained the same words that did not have to be migrated over, they were there all along. I am really enjoying doing introductions and excerpts because it really makes for powerful and fascinating reading when I do them. You get the feeling you are in a bookstore holding a book in your hand looking at the table of contents and deciding whether or not to buy the book.

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Psalm 47

1 Oh clap your hands, all ye peoples; Shout unto God with the voice of triumph.

2 For Jehovah Most High is terrible; He is a great King over all the earth.

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4 He chooseth our inheritance for us, The glory of Jacob whom he loved. Selah

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Despite his status as one of the most influential and intelligent Christian authors of the 20th century, C.S. Lewis never thought of himself as a professional theologian. While he was well-read in many types of literary genres, he did not go to Seminary to obtain a Masters in Theology and study a year of Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek. He was not a Pastor who preached sermons to a congregation for many years but a raw, honest philosopher and professor of literature who wrote as well as any Christian of his time could. He had a gift for clearly articulating his perspectives on a variety of issues. Above all, he was humble, in that he had an honest evaluation of both his strengths and his weaknesses. I believe this is one of the main reasons why he is still so enjoyable to read even after all these years. In terms of his theology, Lewis himself said he was an “Anglican but not especially ‘high,’ nor especially ‘low,’ nor especially anything else.” So the theology of C.S. Lewis is not something one can immediately discover by simply perusing a certain book of his to see exactly where he stands on certain doctrinal issues; it is much more subtle and convoluted than that. But in this book, you will find his different thoughts from his many books about certain Christian doctrines and topics pieced together in an easy-to-follow format (Lewis has written nearly 60 books but none of them are on systematic theology). This book offers very clear depictions of his theology concerning subjects such as the doctrine of inspiration, original sin, human depravity, human origins, evolution, intelligent design, theodicy, love and marriage, redemption, grace, new creation, and grief, as his authentic reaction to God after his wife’s death is conveyed. The final chapters also contain all of his greatest quotes arranged and sorted by topic as well as excerpts, quotes, and summaries from most of his books in a quick, easy-to-read, bullet-point format. These last two sections are a particularly great resource to draw from as you can quickly learn about the main points Lewis conveys in his bestselling books.




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