Hey webmaster220.blogspot.com, 

I've got a little gift for you today... 

It's called the Roadmap to Mastery

Wait, where have I heard that before? You might be asking yourself. 

Well, recently I and my (small but awesome) team have been busy updating a whole lot of things, one of which was the Roadmap to Mastery. This new roadmap is a guide that will give you the exact plan you need to follow if you want to learn to read 1 John in as little as 6 months. It's way more streamlined and process-oriented, so you can actually create a structure to self-study Greek with it!

I'm giving it away to all the new subscribers, but I didn't want you to miss out, so click here to take a look

In Christ, 

Check Out The New Roadmap

P.S. I would LOVE to hear what you think of it. If it's useful to you and where you're at with your Greek, hit reply and let me know. If it's not, hit reply and let me know how I can serve you.